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PSXE Show To Debut In PlayStation Home Tomorrow

We've been talking about a big announcement for most of 2011 and although a certain PSN issue delayed us for a while, the time has finally come.

The News

What we're simply calling "The PSXE Show" will debut in the PlayStation Home Community Theater tomorrow. It's the first episode in what should be an enduring series; the first episode is a little longer (about 15 minutes) simply for the sake of introduction, but we plan future shows – at least for the time being – to come in at around 10 minutes. Indeed, the second episode, which is already complete, is about that long, and the third (working on now) will be about that length as well.

The Show

Presented in 1080p high definition, I'll be your host and we'll talk about everything in the world of gaming. My brother Charles has worked to present a slick editing format for the shows, and you'll probably see evidence of increased editing capability between the first two episodes. Such technical proficiency may continue to grow with time, depending on what type of equipment we might be willing to spring for… Anyway, Arnold – who has been doing other things, as most of you know – should pop up at some point as well. Each show will run for 2 weeks in the Home Theater and provided we stay on top of things, we should continue to have new episodes on a continual basis.

The first episode is a little old (again, we were delayed) but ironically, the topics we discuss seem to fit- on tap is the NGP (now named the PlayStation Vita), Duke Nukem Forever (which just launched this week), and the ongoing debate concerning Final Fantasy XIII . I also answer a reader question concerning Twisted Metal , but that is the only outdated piece of material; this was shot before the game received its October 4 release date. I actually told David Jaffe about the blunder; he seemed fine with it. 😉

Our Fans

And finally, as if I needed to say it- there's no way this would've happened without all you dedicated readers. Granted, this move is designed to grow and expand PSXE so it's more about garnering new fans, but our established readership continues to drive us forward. And please, feel free to come on into the Home Theater tomorrow night, between 8 and 10 p.m. EST (5-7 p.m. PST), where I and other members of the Home community will meet you. A little meet and greet to celebrate the show's launch. The Home guys only do this once, but I'll be around during the evenings when a new episode arrives.

Where We'll Be

If you haven't been in Home before, it isn't hard to find the Community Theater. That's where we'll be. But also, we'll be introduced at the PlayStation Blog (tomorrow, I believe), and you'll see a little commercial that brings us into the world of the PlayStation fan via one of the best online sources around. Also, keep an eye on our YouTube Channel , where we may post older shows after they've run in Home.

And of course, we're right here at PSXE as always, serving our readers the only way we know how.

What Will Change

Besides new fans, not a goddamn thing.

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13 years ago


I'll re-download Home just for this!! (Have had shortage issues =P)

13 years ago

World was right!!! I really look forward to this and I have to say I am proud to be a part of the PSX community and it's been a pleasure watching it grow into what it is today. So thank you everyone for the fun and interesting discussions we have had. Not a goddamn thing will change.. I like the sound of that!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Nobody was right. They all said something about a "Home space." 😉

13 years ago

Well it was Home related so give the man SOME credit haha

13 years ago

The theater is a space in HOME after all.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Oh, all right. LOL

13 years ago

Hey I'll take the credit, but yeah I had no idea it would be a show. Pretty neat.

13 years ago

I could swear I guessed that it would be a Community Theater show. Maybe I forget to put it in writing.

Anyway, congrats on the exposure and I'll try to make the meet-up tomorrow. Everyone should be aware that the theaters can have multiple instances, so you may need to search for the PSXE regulars.

p.s. Don't be surprised if, like The Highlander, I'm wearing a female avatar.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 6/16/2011 5:42:22 AM

13 years ago

Ha, World had this one pegged right!

Congrats to PSXE on your HOMEcoming, break a leg!

(Edit: OK Ben, then home related, LOL)

Last edited by BikerSaint on 6/15/2011 3:43:22 PM

13 years ago

LOL! This is bigger than a Home space or area alright. Well done Ben, this is great news for PSX. I'll definitely be tuning in – so to speak.

A very, very cool new development. Gee, I hope we can cope with all the newer users without losing our cool…

13 years ago

Imagine the comments on this site doubling! That's a lot to keep up with.

13 years ago

I didn´t see that one coming. Congratulations and good luck!

13 years ago

Wow! This is pretty awesome! I will definitely sign in to Home tomorrow to watch! So there will be a episode every two weeks?

13 years ago

Wow. FINALLY a reason to go back into Home!

I will definitely be following this new endeavor, Ben. Congratulations. 🙂


13 years ago

Wow, now I'll have to re-download Home.

13 years ago


Congratulations, Ben (and PSXE)!

13 years ago

This is awesome news. i can't wait to see some of the creative ways the PSX community dress up their HOME avatars hahaha. now we just need PSX Extreme shirts for our HOME avatars?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Actually, I think that's doable.

13 years ago

That would be awesome!

13 years ago

PSX T-shits would be extremely cool. Just make sure that the one for the female avatars is cute, I wouldn't want my faux-self to look frumpy…

mk ultra
mk ultra
13 years ago

That would be nice considering the fact that I'm still rocking the icebreaker shirt from when Home was new.

13 years ago

I'll buy a PSX shirt. It will look stylish with my blue lightsaber.

13 years ago

I would wear it proudly. It's also a great way to spread the word!

13 years ago

Congratulations it's nice to see the best playstation site on the internet expanding. I will definitely show up to see it.

13 years ago

This sounds great. I'll be there for sure. I'm looking forward to the event.

13 years ago

This is awesome 🙂 Congrats Ben and PSX, this is yet another big step for our amazing community 🙂

13 years ago

Ok what time is this in the UK ? Nice one Ben/Arnold and John if it's on at the right time and I am home from work I'll go into Home (need to re download this and have a watch). 🙂

13 years ago

So I just have to ask, how did this come to be? Did you contact Sony for it? Is this like a special deal?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

It came up as a possibility last year when we interviewed Home boss Jack Buser.

13 years ago

Good thinkin Ben

13 years ago

Ben the businessman. Excellent move. Bravo.

13 years ago

You should do more interviews, they seem to end with something awesome. This and the Twisted Metal interview too.

13 years ago

this is great Ben and I think its awesome that the older shows with be going to youtube as well. I travel sometimes and do not always have my PS3 so youtube is a great option for me.

13 years ago

Sounds awesome! Although I'll be on a flight to Chicago at the time of the first showing so I'll have to miss it. I'll have to make my triumphant return to Home for the next episode.

13 years ago

WOW! Congrats Ben. I actually enjoy Home from time to time (owning people in Chess at the mall). I'll for sure check this out.

13 years ago

LOL! I might agree to play you, but you'll own the day I'm sure.

13 years ago

Chess is back up, eih?? I CHALLENGE YOU…TO A DUUEEELLLLL >=D

13 years ago

Very cool. Congratulations! PSX Extreme is the best playstation website there is and this pretty much confirms it for me.

13 years ago

anything that gets more exposure for psxe is great. this is the best playstation site out there as far as i'm concerned. i enjoy the articles, but the best part of psxe is right here in the comments section.

congrats, psxe.

13 years ago

That's pretty awesome. I will be watching this in the shadows…


The following rant is THIS TIME conveniently related to PS HOME; let's pretend I just redownloaded Home just to check out the PSXE show:

"After going on it for the first time since 2009 I have to mention this:

I really don't understand why they didn't decide to make PS Home the mandatory interface for PSN. It's absolutely shocking how better it is.

Began by me noticing how fast the download was compared to last time, and how smoother the design looked. Then the shortcut interface [Navigator] popped up. I was instantly intrigued to not only find how the layout is similiar to the much laggier XMB, but also how colourful and perfectly balanced it was. Thoughts appeared in my mind as to how awesome it could of been if this was PSN. This is what I was actually expeting before it even released.

After shuffling through the warbrobe, I spawned within the apartment before eyehumping the outside view, went out into the open square [which again has a much faster download time than before] and forced my friend to redownload Home. I then proceeded to invite him into the same server, to be surprised at how damn fine and clean the shortcut pad interface was. The friends list was a single friends list, not some mesh up with a spinning cinder of circles with no feeling of user-friendliness. Every feature, for instance in 'personal' was branched and tabbed into specific and tidy elements. This goes on with that sleek list, from creating groups to clubs, game launching, download queues to settings for editing the smallest feature. I seriously bet private chat would be achievable with Home.

^So the paragraph above was for those who like the quick and simple layout so they can get on with the playing of the games. But if there are those that demand an experience off of the console's affection alone, then Home is beyond enough to keep everyone satisfied, especially with the current amount of free downloads. There's endless confetti and so many different forms of entertainment. My friend didn't know what he downloaded and ended up going through a bizzare tour of entering games in and out. Users dress in funny costumes, there are ultramodern structure concepts and there's always a game of pool or chess to play.

All of this – The store could of been the actual PS Store, the cinema could of been the Video department, the TV and console within your apartment could of been the portal to playing the current inserted disc [funnily enough you can actually enter titles straight from Home interface anyway], PSN avatars would of existed, and the network would of been more social than ever. I know I'm nitpicking, but there so many things in Home that could easily be melded and tweaked with PSN to make something that would of thwarted XBL. Especially for free."

/rant /repeat

Btw Fane, t'was a good reply. Haven't checked out the stores obviously since the PS Store itself was disable for a while though I trust your word on it.

13 years ago

I'm sorry but the XMB is anything but laggy, definitely one of the best UIs I've ever used. It's customizable, smooth, destinct, intuitive, and organized. I love it and I really wish they weren't getting rid of it on the PSVita.

13 years ago

Forgive me – perhaps I misworded this; I meant load times. For example: you're on the normal interface and you switch from let's say, the User section to the Friends section. Notice the loading intertwinding arrows that give you a feel like PSN is lagging before the icons appear? This happens everywhere throughout PSN through nearly every selection – from pressing the PS button during ingame, or even on the PS Store. It seems like nitpicking, really, but the accumulated amount of this is noticeable.

Personally I'm glad the PS Vita has a new interface design. Everything about this handheld feels and sounds superb, so I really doubt the new layout will be lackluster. Infact I even predict it'll be an improvement.

13 years ago


If you watch carefully, more and more PS Store content is appearing in Home. I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a PS games Store store front, a video store and a music store in the Mall before long. After all, it makes sense to push that Store content in a retail environment you already own.

13 years ago

you may have given me reason to visit home now.

13 years ago

F**king sweet!

Ill definatley tune in to watch the "pilot" episode. And ill be tuning in every new episode aswell.

I'm glad to see psxe growing and and gaining new fans. I'm stoked.

Ill be there tomorrow for sure.


mk ultra
mk ultra
13 years ago

With tons of new fans I'm sure the community will change somewhat. I don't comment very often at all but I do end up reading alot of the comments on here and like the small well informed community.

mk ultra
mk ultra
13 years ago

That's not to say I'm not excited about this. That first post came off a little negative. Congrats and I'll see you tomorrow.

13 years ago

I will check this out, have to download Home tonight.

13 years ago

Ahhh fah shoo! This is awesome! I thought it would be an Android/Apple app but who knows…maybe in the future? Congrats PSXE!

13 years ago

Wow. I did not see this coming. I had heard of some sort of Home space or something happening, but this blows a Home space away.

Congrats to all at PSXE. I'll be there tomorrow. PSN: BuzzKiller

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