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PSXE Poll Update: God Of War III Will Be Last One Standing

It's a tough question, to be sure. What will win our coveted Game of the Year Award when all is said and done in 2010?

Well, although Gran Turismo 5 put up a good fight, the majority believe we'll give our highest honor to the unbelievable God of War III . It's not a bad pick, either, as it certainly holds the highest review score for the year thus far, and only GT5 has a realistic shot of equaling or surpassing that number, right? Well, we have high hopes for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood , too, don't forget… Behind GT5 was Red Dead Redemption , Rockstar's awesome GTA-in-the-Wild-West blockbuster that we just loved. Lagging behind in fourth but still making a solid showing was Quantic Dream's evolutionary Heavy Rain , which, at the very least, deserves to be nominated. Of course, we haven't made up our minds yet, especially with several huge titles on the immediate horizon. As for Call of Duty: Black Ops …well, who knows?

Speaking of the Treyarch/Activision mega-blockbuster, it comes out this week and we'd like you to make another prediction- what are we gonna give it? Let's just rule out anything below a 6 right now; while we never count our chickens before they've hatched, we just refuse to believe Black Ops is a poor product from an objective standpoint. That being said, we do try to be as accurate and as in-depth as possible, as all our loyal readers well know by now. You can trust us not to be blinded by the CoD lovefest but you can also trust that we'll give quality its just due. So…what say you?

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13 years ago

8.5 to 8.9 Great, but not amazing

I also predict…..
another damned too short mode for us single players

13 years ago

But if you know that CoD doesn't cater to the sp gamer, why would you buy it? If you won't buy it, then why complain?

How about this BikerSaint? How about you buy Black Ops and look me up. We'll go online together and have a blast. Then you'll see what makes it fun for me and maybe, just maybe, I'll see why you hate it. Or better yet. You'll come to enjoy it too.

Win win no?

13 years ago

Good post Alien.
Guys, you gotta understand that this is a multiplayer game. It's the online gaming that *is* cod. You may like it or not, but at least try to understand the concept of the genre.
Your whining is like me saying "Awww I bet there's hardly ANY shooting in Heavy Rain 2 either. You can't even run in that damn game".

Regarding the review I predict that psx is gonna give the game approximately 50% of the praise they would give the exact same game was it platform exclusive.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/8/2010 7:04:38 PM

13 years ago

GoW3 was spectacular.

I'm curious what the criteria is for GotY at PSXe.Does GotY represent a mixture of gaming innovation and elite components that broadens our definition of what video gaming is today?

Or is it more of an indicator of a game's total value and excellence despite it being less than a truly breakthrough title in game design. If it's the former, than I'd suggest Heavy Rain or Red Dead (gathered from my impressions from people's responses and reviews in general). But if it's the latter I'd suggest Gran Turismo 5 or possibly GoW3.

As for the current poll. I voted 8.0-8.4
It's not IW this time, which works against it because the B-team hasn't proved itself as the trailblazer for the series. Plus, it's a franchise that has been milked, what? 7x now?
I'm sure what's there will be quality overall, but I don't think it's going to change the way we think about the series.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Even though it's hard to do, we try and consider everything, from overall excellence to innovation and everything in between. In the end, whatever is truly deserving of GotY.

13 years ago

That's probably for the best.

I just like to maintain that when it comes to GotY the game that is most noteworthy in design is also the most respectable and the healthiest for the gaming industry.
That is, I look at something like CoD and think, sure it's high quality but is having a year after year cookie-cutter game format that scores well in it's conventions going to stagnate consumer interests into thinking that the best in gaming entertainment is still a military online shooter that hasn't deviated much from it's original formula over the years?

To semi-liken this to GoW3. It's presentation is unbelievable and I think it should get high marks for that. So unlike CoD, I think GoW3 is more of a worthy contender for GotY because there's nothing out there this year of it's type that matches it in that department. But it's the format of the game that stays my hand from vouching for it. It's a very solid well designed action game, but it doesn't venture too far outside of the norm of it's genre class. Basically, I think GoW3 will be remembered most for it's visceral presentation and amazing attention to visual detail rather than broadening the understanding of what quality game design is today. For this reason, I'm more inclined to think that the prestigious goty title may land on a game other than GoW3.

This fuels into a growing suspicion of mine that if games that continue to get elite recognition, even goty, mostly for having amazing graphics and expensive presentational prowess, the industry may be rewarding most the very thing that will pigeon hole the industry of PS3 and 360 gamer into redundant safe bets that use recycled gameplay conventions under the guise of a new sparkling dress.

Just a concern which may, or may not, be true.

13 years ago

8.5 – 8.9

13 years ago


But yes GOWIII is easily this year's GOTY.

GT5 is the only game I see it dethrone it.

13 years ago

I say a 9 to 9.5 World at War 1-upped Modern Warfare in every way, IMO. I hope it's really good because this is the LAST CoD I will play for at least three years. I'm just exhausted with the franchise.

13 years ago

why get it then, COD is like M$ just after your money. COD went down hill with MW2

13 years ago

How would you know COD went down after MW2? I'll get the final word if its bad or not when I get it the 9th

13 years ago

I live in Australia so I get it before you all.

13 years ago

Marty, re-read his comment. He didn't say COD went down AFTER MW2, he said "COD went down hill WITH MW2."

13 years ago

I voted GOWIII as well, I had my reservations but I know it blew you guys away. Then again, you are both car nuts and GT5 is likely to shine through more, not because you are biased but because you are in a position to appreciate all the effort behind the production.

I think The CoD will get between 8.5 and 8.9. The franchise is aging and is really lagging behind more up-to-date titles.

13 years ago

I've seen the commercials

The graphics…are so bad. The animations are so clunky….

13 years ago

GT5 get's it hands down.
GOWIII might get it.
I have not played Heavy Rain yet, I want to, maybe with the move, I'm sure it's great.

COD:black ops 6.5-6.9

We get the announcement on this Tuesday from Sony that GT5 will Launce on Nov 23. 3 weeks from Tuesday.

13 years ago

Rating Blackops that low is stupid and I bet it will get 88-95

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Uh… Dude, that's two weeks…

13 years ago

Two Weeks?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

November 23 is 2 weeks away from tomorrow, yes.

13 years ago

Oh I miss read his post lol

13 years ago

im betting for PSX, it will be in the upper 8's to mid-9's highest.
as for GoW3 getting GoTY… not so sure

13 years ago

I have little doubt GOW3 won't get GOTY, I do tip my hat to RDR having a better story, length and replay value (DLC is fantastic).

13 years ago

GOWIII was fantastic but for how much you guys talked about heavy rain even for months after it came out I'd say it stands a great chance for GOTY.

13 years ago

Heavy Rain is good in all, but its going to be GOW3 or GT5

13 years ago

i think it's cheap that games like GT5 that get pushed back over and over again and just end up coming right at the end of the year should get GOTY.

13 years ago

Heavy Rain got my vote. Definitely the best story and best looking game of the year. What it may have lacking in actual gameplay it more than made up for with the emotional rollercoaster ride it took you on.

And I'm not even going to talk about CoD. That franchise just needs to hurry and go away. A new one every year is just way too much.

13 years ago

Metacritic says you are wrong.. Red Dead has the best overall score this year with 9.5 God of War III is 2nd with 9.2.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

He's talking about the scores here… it is a 'personal' award. The sites give it to whatever they think is deserving, not what common belief thinks is deserving.

13 years ago

A lot of sites like IGN give it inflated scores to keep those publishers happy.

In return they get exclusive interviews, news, teasers, etc.

One's experience of the game counts more than any review.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 11/8/2010 1:53:03 AM

13 years ago

Metacritic and gamestats are always spot on and very equal in average score. You can't argue facts, a high score on those sites means you have made a good game. period.

You can argue about being the best, but search for any the game of the year in whatever year and look it up in metacritic and gamestats highscores, you will see that particular game also is top notch there.

13 years ago

definetly should be heavy rain.
not only did it create its own genre.
not only was it the first game ive played this gen where i can say ive never played this before.
its also the most emotional roller coaster ride you will ever go through!
nothing has ever sucked me into the story so much, not even MGS4, assassins creed or infamous, nothing sucked me into the story as much as heavy rain!
if that, and that alone, ignoring everything else, does not deserve GOTY than nothing does!

GOW3 certainly should not be GOTY, and i doubt many places will give it GOTY.
technological masterpieces do not make GOTY contenders, fun gripping games do.
GOW3 did neither of those!
hell im enjoying ghost of sparta a sh*t load more than i did GOW3!
when you find yourself saying your enjoying a PSP game more than a ps3 game theres a serious problem!

13 years ago

My reactions:
Paragraph 1: Yes Mr. Anonymous actually made a smart and contributing comment.

Paragraph 2: * face palm*

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I voted Heavy Rain. The game had it all: Innovation, Story, Graphics, Immersion, Replay Value, Production Values. Barring that, I'll say that it has to go to another exclusive. I can't deny GoW III's magnificence, but GT5 seems like it will wind up being the more polished production. If not, it would have to be AC:Brotherhood.

As for the new poll, I'm going to guess that you are actually going to rate it more highly than you did MW2, simply because of murmurs that it is longer, the story seems more mind-bending, and from what I gather, the online portion can't exactly be any more broken. So, maybe about a 9.2. Conversely, the engine has aged, and it doesn't appear to be doing anything much different in terms of the gameplay, so maybe 8.7… No, I'll vote higher.

13 years ago

Heavy Rain had my vote due to the orginality of the game not saying GOW III doesn't deserve it I just HR was great as well. I can't say anything about GT5 since it's not out yet but I bet it'll be a great game if it's anything like previous GT games 🙂

13 years ago

When considering GotY, don't forget about how Rockstar has been supporting Red Dead Redemption through DLC as well as just being a standout game! So far they have released FIVE pieces of DLC, two of which were free, and one that added more to the single-player experience with Undead Nightmare (Ben, we know how much you enjoy seeing SP DLC).

13 years ago

I really hope GT5 will blow me away and will drop my jaw to the floor. I am really desperate for a new top notch racer since Dirt 2.

If GT5 really turns out to be sex on a disc then I cannot see any game take GOTY away from it. I hope so, I really hope it will be that good.

13 years ago

Really enjoyed GoW3, so much so that I felt had to put the time in to Platinum it 🙂

As for COD:BO, I'm anticipating just shy of a 9 (similar to last years MW2 review).

Yes, I'm buying it (managed to nab it for just under £30), but again I'll reserve judgment for it until I've played it. I'm hoping that I enjoy it more than MW2 (though since I've read that it's been glitched already I hope it's not another 1 patch-per-week title).

As usual, I'll come here for an unbiased, straight-up review as opposed to all other sites that will do doubt sing it's praises from up high.

13 years ago

GOWIII impressed me on the technical level but the story, boss fights and puzzles could have been better and I mean A LOT MORE better.

Sadly, GOWIII doesn't get my vote for GOTY.

13 years ago

Many of the boss fights were awesome and spectacular.

13 years ago

As far as that Black Op's thing, I don't care what score you give it, or even if you review it at all. Wasn't the last one so glitched up that they had to re-launch it a couple weeks after it came out, yet everybody still gave it 9's and 9.5's? Whatever. I have absolutely no interest in getting online with every hyperactive 9-12 year old on the entire planet.

13 years ago

1) Heavy rain
2) RDR
3) GOW 3
4) ModNation

I expect GT5 and Black Ops and Brotherhood to have a good go at figuring in this list when they arrive.

13 years ago

Heavy Rain or God of War 3 should be the leading contenders for GOTY everywhere, and that's including multiplatform.

Heavy Rain deserves it in my book based it's genre creating experience.

Sony should be marketing the PS Move with the game, that's for sure.

13 years ago

God of War III was a really good game but in all honestly forgotten after it was played and finished.

Til this day Red Dead Redemption is being spoken about, and highly since it came out. I never played the game; I have it on it's way as I type. My votes on Red Dead Redemption.

I would give the award to Gran Turismo 5 though, that is if it steals the win in the very last minutes of the 4th quarter…literally.

Heavy Rain is a great game but fell under the radar fast. Especially with all the DLC being "canceled/postponed" which practically buried the thing. Damn shame too.

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and COD: Black Ops I'm sure will be great games. Yet like Will Smith is a great actor but still not authentic enough to win an Oscar…neither should these games be given Game of the Year.

Black Ops gets a 9.5 in game play but a 7 in authenticity. In fact, a lot of games need to be penalized in ratings, scores, etc. if they can't come up with an original idea. Plain and simple.

Think about it. A lot of people bashed on Fallout: New Vegas because everyone felt it was just an expansion to Fallout 3. F all of you. Why isn't the same thing said about all these FPS sequels? Enough said.

13 years ago

Speak for yourself. I still remember every scene from the GOWIII. And have played it multiple times.

13 years ago

I expect black ops to get between 8.5 – 8.9 i have it now but havent played it yet

13 years ago

i take it back it gets 8.0!

13 years ago

I voted between 8.5 and 8.9, specifically 8.8.
Btw, when can we expect the review Ben?

Also, I think God of War III deserves a GOTY, I really enjoyed it and played it several times over.

Or you could just give Uncharted 2 another GOTY, just because it's so awesome.
Uncharted 2, so awesome it get's GOTY's the year after it got GOTY's.

Also, gametrailers' GOTY will probably go to Black Ops, so it will recieve GOTY, PS3 GOTY and XBOX GOTY… like last year with MW2…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Review will be up ASAP. No later than late Wed., I would think.

13 years ago

Nice, I'll be waitin'

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