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EA “Wants To Get Back On Top” In The Shooter Genre

It'd be far too bold to say, "we're going to outdo Call of Duty ." That'd be stepping over the line. But even so, EA has gone right up to that line…

During a recent MCV interview with European EA executive Jens Uwe Intat, it's clear the publisher has a ton of faith in their upcoming Medal of Honor reboot. The game will release some time before Activision's Call of Duty: Black Ops in November – which certainly helps – but to even be in the same vicinity as the CoD powerhouse is daunting. EA understands this, but that doesn't mean they're nervous or anything. Said Intat:

"We’re not going to outdo Call of Duty with this year’s Medal of Honor but it will get dangerously close. Actually, our long-term strategy in most genres is just to have the best game with the biggest audience. We already have that in the football sector and the racing market – although we can make Need for Speed much bigger. And we certainly want to get back on top for shooters with Medal of Honor."

It's certainly true that the MoH franchise has fallen on hard times over the past few generations after debuting with a big splash on the original PlayStation. It would be great to see a return to glory and in truth, there isn't anything overly presumptuous about the comment above. They seem to have faith in the product and they don't even imply it'll be better than Black Ops ; just that the controversial Medal of Honor can hold its own.

So which one are you planning on playing? Or will both be in your library before the year is out?

Related Game(s): Medal of Honor

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13 years ago

I hope there's gonna be a demo for MoH since I didn't get to play the beta.

Right now both look great.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 9/26/2010 9:52:39 PM

13 years ago

Tell you right now, the beta wasn't that great so it might be a better that you didn't. It may have ruined your expectations for the multiplayer. That said…

The single player campaign looks great.

13 years ago

It was awful?

13 years ago

eeeh, i wouldn't say it was awful. I expected more. I expected it to be at least on par with BC2 but it wasn't. It looked a bit better than BC2 but the sound wasn't nearly as good, the environments weren't nearly as destructible, and the guns didn't feel different enough. Not enough weight to them. Not the kind of weight you would expect them to have if you play BC2. DICE is doing the multiplayer after all. The AK47 shot almost exactly the same as the M4 which should be the case as the AK47 is wildly inaccurate compared to the M4.

The thing that bothered me the most was the sounds effects for the guns. They were terrible. Just as bad as they were in MW2. I guess i was just expecting them to sound more like they do in BC2 which is awesome.

13 years ago

The beta was terrible. A demo might allow EA to redeem itself by showing us exactly what we'll get. Without one I fear they're in trouble.

13 years ago

What's odd is how different the multiplayer looks than the single player campaign. Graphics and gameplay included.

13 years ago

Oh bout the graphic, I read that the SP was Unreal and the MP was Frostbite.

Maybe that's why so which one looked better?

13 years ago

The single player from what i can tell. Seems EA or whoever developed the game used Unreal 3 and quite effectively. Its one of the best uses of the engine I've seen, especially for a multiplat. And this is coming from me, an avid hater of Unreal. ha!

The FrostBite engine is not the best looking engine anyway. I never thought graphics were BC's strong point. Theres quite a bit of screen tearing in the multiplayer. From the single player videos I've seen, no such tearing is present.

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/26/2010 10:51:45 PM

13 years ago

youre forgetting something jawk, the aim for that beta was to test its online capabilities/environment. they also announced that the final product would be a lot better than the beta, they even released a list of what they changed including a graphic overhaul and precision. they have it on the playstation blog somewhere. i for one loved the medal of honor beta minus that beta freezing after going in the game menu.

13 years ago

Yes, what JohnLD said. I forgot they made changes. Major ones too. I was mostly making the point the beta may have turned him off like it turned Alienage off.

13 years ago

Speaking of awful demos (well, sort of)…

I recently played the demo for MW2 (never played any COD) and, boy, was it horrid.

Going from the demo, I can't believe people enjoy that game. I may have to stop defending IW against the COD-haters here on PSXE.

EA/DICE should have no problem topping it. MOH: Frontline was a better experience.

13 years ago


Oh no you dinit! haha Alienage is going to lay into in 3..2..1..

13 years ago

I was totally going to pass on Black Ops due to the Treyarch factor but now I don't know, that One in the Chamber mode just looks like a hoot. And the whole Wager aspect? It's picked my interest but I just don't believe Treyarch has the level design skills we saw with the IW games.

13 years ago

Did I just write "picked my interest??"


13 years ago

have to aggree dude the level design for mp is way better in the mw series the maps seem more balanced for both sides

13 years ago

At least you didn't write "peaked".

p.s. It's "piqued", for those who don't know.

13 years ago

Both will certainly be on my list. I have a feeling MoH will pull through and I think they might even has a chance at getting to the following of CoD, obviously not to that size right off the bat but I think it might be a tad better than expected.

13 years ago

Lol, of course they have the biggest audience with football….they monopolized it, and racing? I think not, Digital Polyphony own that, unless they mean strictly arcade style (why i guess makes sense since they're saying wide audiences).

But anywayz, without their big talk and such, EA has been pretty good to me so far with their new IP's (Dead Space, Dante's Inferno, Mirror's Edge) so they've redeemed most of anything negative to me in my book at least.

13 years ago

I agree. I was going to say meh but then i remembered those games you listed. They have done quite a bit more this gen for those who like more then sports games.

13 years ago

ah… medal of honor: bad company 2
think i may pass.

13 years ago

You would think they are the same but their not. DICE didn't make a Bad Company clone.

13 years ago

Eventually I'll get both, Ops, & the new MOH.
But I think I'd prefer(and will enjoy) the MOH SP mode over the Ops SP mode.

13 years ago

neither, im sick of all these war games.
i mean how many times can one play the same game over and over again?
tis the reason why i enjoyed heavy rain so much, because for the first time in god knows how many years i can actually say i have not played this before.
im sick of playing shooters, shooters and nothing but shooters!
you know devs, there are other genres besides shooters!

13 years ago

y complain then…..there are plently of non shooters out there dont buy em if ya dont like em!

13 years ago

Because thats all he does!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I think they can, but not with the MW juggernaut as competition. With MoH and the Respawn project in the works, as well as Battlefield and Mirror's Edge, they have the diversity to get them over the line. I think a company should release a Civil War era FPS. That'd be mad, actually, just using a bayonet rather than a combat knife would be epic.

In terms of the rest of their comment: MLB: The Show is stiff competition for their baseball games, but that's the only real competition that I can think of. And the racing, well, sorry. GT owns that crown.

And yes, MoH will be mine, I need to try a modern war shooter, just to see what what's-his-face keeps raving about.

13 years ago

Re: bayonets

At least then there would be an excuse for being able to perform a melee attack while holding a firearm (and even while reloading, in some games!).

There is a Civil War shooter; apparently it wasn't very fun.

Also, EA doesn't make a baseball game anymore and The Show destroys 2K's game by a wide margin.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 9/27/2010 5:34:25 PM

13 years ago

i am getting Medal Of Honor: Special Edition. been a fan of M.O.H since Ps2 days so i can't wait to play day one.

13 years ago

Pass on both. I'm burnt out on shooters currently.

13 years ago

i dont think they should get there hopes up about coming close to cod in terms of sales tbh i am looking forward to moh sp way more than black ops sp.

13 years ago

Oh mOH won't get close, Sadly. The COD franchise is just to overrated and there are just to many 360 owners that only play shooters.
With out COD there'll be a lot less 360's out there.

GT5 Countdown: 35 days

13 years ago

I doubt MOH will get them on top. However, I believe they'll have a better shot when Respawn Entertainment starts putting games out for them.

13 years ago

Does everyone really believe that Treyarch is much worse than IW? I do not recall W@W being quite a buggy as MW2 and it came out a year later. As for the MoH MP, DICE has stated he completely overhauled pretty much everything. The intense feedback they received helped shape a much better MP experience. As for the SP on Black Ops, it shouldn't be bad. I know the SP on MoH will surpass it, but it had better have Co-op!

13 years ago

Looking at what the trailers show I think I will pass on MOH. There's a 70% chance I might buy Black Ops for what I have seen on youtube.

13 years ago

I think BLack ops is looking a lot better then MW2, but not enough for me to pick it up. MOH on the other side I plan on getting on day one. But since GT5 is just over a month away… What?, Yes!. I might get a logitech steering wheel instead but I haven't had my full serving of a Shooter in a while. But B.O. doesn't have a chance to make it on my shelf.

GT5 Countdown: 35 days

13 years ago

I am very much looking forward to medal of honor, more so medal of honor front lines.

13 years ago

Instead of these two i may just wait until BRINK comes out. I like shooters, but i'm getting a little burnt out on them as well. If it had to be between these two, it would definitely be MOH. I'm a huge BFBC2 fan. Game is way better than MW2 in my opinion.

13 years ago

tbh, while the new NFS looks sick, i've got blur and then GT5, then motorstorm 3. no time for what looks like a brilliant games. sorry NFS.

and i hope MoH does own cod. we need another good quality shooter with a good online. KZ2 is definitely up there though.
might even get back online on it. mmm yeah…

13 years ago

the beta was not so bad after the patch they did it was fun and i did have my hopes high that it would have destructible environment like bbc2 but non the lest i got used to it the sound could have been better but it's a beta but i have it pre ordered my only wish is that they give us more maps not recycle ones
ps you know what moh could beat mw2 if they have all the stuff from bbc2 eg. sound distruction weapon kits squad play . every thing that bbc2 has combine with the stuff that moh has dame the ultimate game for me oh and dogtags you got to have dogtags

13 years ago

I'll get the one with the highest ratings…

13 years ago

Although Duece Ex is looking mighty interesting.

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