We were in the minority when we praised Medal of Honor , which is why we wholeheartedly endorse the idea of a sequel. The game…
In our estimation, Medal of Honor might be one of the most underrated and under-appreciated games of the year. And while EA boss Patrick Soderlund…
Everyone knows about the controversy. But let's focus on the game, and the experts who lent their time to the creation process. We're talking about…
The Taliban controversy hovering over EA's Medal of Honor will soon disappear. Why? Because the Taliban have disappeared. Well…sort of. According to a statement released…
It'd be far too bold to say, "we're going to outdo Call of Duty ." That'd be stepping over the line. But even so, EA…
When the controversy first hit a few weeks ago, we reminded everyone that EA had tapped the U.S. Military to assist in making Medal of…