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Square Enix Confirms That Both FFX And FFX-2 HD Are Coming

And so it's true.

A Japanese publication already reported the facts but now Square Enix has made it official for all regions: Final Fantasy X HD will be packaged with Final Fantasy X-2 HD ; both are remasters and are set for a worldwide release.

As we heard earlier, the two games will be bundled together on one disc for the PlayStation 3, while they will be sold separately for the PlayStation Vita. There's also a new screenshot available (click through the link above) that shows the difference between FFX on the PS2 and FFX HD. We don't have a price or date just yet, but at least we know there will be an announcement trailer coming on March 25. That's only a few days away, so be prepared to mark a day on your calendar this year!

If you missed FFX-2 the first time, you should definitely consider trying the HD remaster. Provided you don't have too much of a problem with a little girl power, you'll be treated to one of the better combat mechanics in the history of RPGs. Yeah, no joke.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy X HD

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11 years ago

No joke, indeed. FFX-2's battle system is my all time favorite battle system.

11 years ago

It was the pinnacle of the evolution of ATB, so sad they threw it out.

11 years ago

I never played it but explain why it was so good. I'm not being sarcastic or anything I genuinely want to know what it did so well 🙂

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

It's just a little better overall than what we had in FFX. You'd have to get someone else to be a little more specific (it was a long time ago), but I remember the biggest addition being the Dress Spheres. Essentially, they were like the Jobs in Final Fantasy Tactics or Final Fantasy V, and it just opened up a whole new dimension.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 3/22/2013 5:27:50 PM

11 years ago


They also implemented a chain mechanic… see, each action took some time to execute, so if you timed each action well and had your three girls hitting the enemy at the same time, you'd do more damage, and if you overkilled your enemy (dealt more damage than the enemy had life left) you'd gain more experience… It was a great battle system, still turn based but rewarded those who stayed on their toes…

11 years ago

You could change classes on the fly. But only the classes you had equipped on your … I forget what it's called now. Sphere grid or something. Each grid or whatever had it's own unique layout and added benefits. As you changed jobs in battle, you would pass through a little gem that would give you a stat boost for the battle. So, there might be one that gives you +20 magic power when you equip it, and it might have 4 slots for jobs. So you might equip 4 magic using jobs for that character. If you change jobs, it might pass through a gem that might grant an extra 5 or 10 or whatever magic power.

So that element was fun. It also allowed you to attack as you selected actions. No… selecting attack and waiting for another character to finish what they're doing. If all three attack at once, then they do at once. If the attack is strong enough, it might stagger the enemy. You could space out certain attacks among the characters and keep an enemy off balance for a little bit. Things like that… It just really implemented timing with turn based, with an ATB while still being relatively fast paced. But nothing like FFXIII… still full control of each party member. I dunno… it just flowed rrreeeaaallly well.

Plus, each job could be leveled up unique to each character. So characters have level ups, and they each level up each job individually. Not with job levels, but with AP awarded after battle that helps them learn more abilities for that class. There were also accessories to equip.

I dunno… it moved the genre in a good direction maintaining the old style ATB system while keeping it smooth. Best thing to do is try to find a decent youtube vid, probably.

EDIT: Looked it up… they're called GARMENT GRIDS. lol

Last edited by Underdog15 on 3/22/2013 10:14:10 PM

11 years ago

Not too many good videos, but here's a small taste.

11 years ago

Never played Final Fantasy X-2 but I hear the combat system is amazing. Loved the combat in Final Fantasy X so I'm interested (yeah, I know; heard the story isn't great but I'm still interested).

Now, how about Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus in HD as well, Square, huh? Please? Yes?

11 years ago

Both combat systems (X and X-2) are terrific. I am so ecstatic that these are more official than ever!

11 years ago

Good sh*t, I hope it comes around by here aboot summertime. I can play them back to back and for once I'd like to somehow get the good ending in X-2.

Most exciting SE release all generation!

11 years ago

Agree! Summer! Best release!

11 years ago

I don't get it why do they have FF games out there with the – then number and versus then number?

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 3/22/2013 5:06:36 PM

11 years ago

Each main game in the series is completely separate from the last. The -# as in FFX-2 is there to mark a direct sequel. As for Versus, there was a story behind that, but it's slipped my mind at the moment.

11 years ago

Have any of you seen the FFX scans? I have a huge problem with this release.

TO everyone who has played FFX, you may recall a huge difference between the in game character models and the one used for the cutscenes. It seems this HD edition still has that issue. I mean it would have been acceptable for back in the day but I am sure the Blu-ray can handle having the better poly models in for the full game. To me it sort of makes this HD upgrade redundant…

As for X-2, I have already claimed my hatred for this game. To me it ruined one of my favourite Final Fantasy characters, Yuna. While the battle system looked nice with all the characters moving over the battle field instead of being lined up. The dressphere system was a disaster.

11 years ago

I think they look great, especially the closeup of Tidus face and hair. This is Square Enix so it's hard to expect them to do something extra like replacing the character models for us. Woulda been nice but shouldn't be a deal breaker imo.

11 years ago

Awesome. I am indeed one of the group that never played X-2. X is still one of my all time fav's, but at the time when X-2 came out I did have issues with the overwhelming 'girl power' feeling I got from it.

I've since gotten married and had two little girls of my own, so I'm surrounded by girl power anyway and might as well treat myself to what everyone tells me is a great game 😉

Can't wait for this to release!

Last edited by gumbi on 3/22/2013 5:43:34 PM

11 years ago

I won't lie about the fact I was a little uncomfortable at times with the girl power feeling. The battle system was just so fantastic that I played anyways despite my teenage awkwardness.

As it turns out, while the side quests can be a little girly, the core made Yuna a much better character. It's quite obvious to anyone with half a brain that her inner monologue is very different than the positive face she puts on. In fact, she comments on it in the game. So it's clearly intentional.

In the end, after I got over the initial care-free girliness, of the first, and even second chapters… I walked away at the end having felt very rewarded by the overall experience. If I was able to do that as a teen, there's really no excuse for grown adults to let their insecurities keep them from enjoying a truly fantastic experience for the time.

11 years ago

After destroying FFXIII I wanted to go back and play some of the older titles. I will be getting both on the Vita. Going to be great to play these with the always-on tech. Need to replay VII as well some day soon.

11 years ago

Do we know if FFX HD will be the equivalent of FFX International Edition? I'm sooo pumped for this. If not then it's a deal breaker.

11 years ago

I'm about 98% sure I heard it was the international version! 🙂

11 years ago

i was waiting for some bfore and after picture. droolz

11 years ago

I'm thrilled that they "officially" put them together. I can't wait to hear a real release date.

11 years ago

Wow, guess I should really check out FFX-2 since everyone loves there battle system. Never got around to playing it after FFX. I hope the HD Bundle comes out soon…

Banky A
Banky A
11 years ago

triple berserkers / triple dark knights.. phroarrr

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