It's great for the loyal, long-time fans. But does it hold up when compared to modern video game productions?
Obviously, in some ways, it doesn't. But for the most part, the PSXE community agrees that the Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster holds up remarkably well; i.e., it aces the ever-important "test of time.
In our review , we said the game still feels quite fresh, just because we don't see the turn-based mechanic in big-budget games these days. The pacing also feels more ponderous and unique. However, the technical elements and especially the voice acting feel dated, and FFX can feel a tad claustrophobic at times. It really just depends on what you enjoy, and whether or not you will always love a certain style of role-playing.
This week, after all the negative press surrounding Watch Dogs , we wonder if you're at all concerned. That leaked gameplay footage hasn't been confirmed, and Ubisoft insists that the game will still look plenty "next-gen." But are you buying that?
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster