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Platinum Abandoned Kojima’s Bosses, Levels In MGS Rising

As you probably already know, developer Platinum Games is producing a very different game from what Kojima Productions originally envisioned.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance will be a slam-bang action extravaganza, which is what Platinum does so well ( Bayonetta , Vanquish ). When it first began its life with Kojima's team, there was unsurprisingly more stealth involved and the interesting part is that Rising was playable at one point.

And at that time, there were certain levels and bosses in place that just didn't fit with Platinums' new vision. In speaking to OPM UK , Kojima Productions producer Yoji Korekado and Platinum games director Keiji Saito spoke about the significant changes. Said Korekado:

"The script was finished and the boss concepts were finished. The design was finished with those levels, and the levels were at the point where we could play it through in a white box – but we couldn’t come up with a core concept to tie it all together. In the end, we couldn’t finish the game.

Just to brag a little bit about our designs, we believe that the bosses we created for Metal Gear Solid: Rising were probably some of the best in the series, but Saito came in and said, 'We’re not going to use these bosses.' So you’ll not be seeing them this time around. "

The bottom line is that those boss fights just didn't fit the new style and mechanics. Saito implied that the original boss encounters were more like traditional MGS fare, as they often required "stealth and cunning." But that just doesn't gel with a straight-up action game, now does it? Oh, don't get all bent out of shape; Metal Gear Rising: Ground Zeroes is on the way and remember, Revengeance is just a spin-off.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

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11 years ago

If it works then no complaints from me. I wonder what these bosses would've been like though.

11 years ago

Leaving Kojima bosses on the cutting room floor definitely gets a complaint from me. I understand why they did it, but I don't have to like. Kojima Bossses = Best Bosses in Gaming.

11 years ago

Everytime I here something new about this project I get less excited for it. Bargain bin pick up for me at the very least… Unless they go back to the original idea of course.

11 years ago

While I appreciate Platinum Games and their work, I will admit that I was more interested in Metal Gear Rising when there were stealth elements involved.

Now that it's just a pure action title, probably won't be a day-1 purchase, but I still hope it does well… is a Meat Gear game after all, spin-off or not.

It's kinda sad to know that we won't get what was originally envisioned (I'm really curious about the boss designs now!), but I'm still sure it'll be a quality product.

11 years ago

Should be a solid $20 pick-up. If the original bosses didn't violate the all action all the time trend I'd dare say they would show up as DLC.

11 years ago

I was thinking dlc too…

11 years ago

What an underwhelming way to promote a spin off game. At least they did a pretty good job on keeping away some potential buyers.

11 years ago

It's definitely not a day 1 purchase anymore for me. Not due to this info..When I saw the Ground Zeroes trailer, Revengeance became a after thought. I'm sure this will be excellent action game as Vanquish is definitely a game I like (but need to finish). But when you show me Big Boss..with those graphics..and open world gameplay..Needless to say, I was sold when the NVG got flipped up

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Damn… I wonder what they would have been like. I mean, the obvious assumption is that they were tailor made to Raiden's necessarily faster approach, while still utilising the core concepts of the series. Although a shame, I think it's understandable that they were cut when P* took over.

11 years ago

Yoji Korekado and Keiji Saito, in a stage full of not so eager Metal Gear Solid fans, promoting a spin off game.

Yoji: Just to brag a little bit about our designs, we believe that the bosses we created for Metal Gear Solid: Rising were probably some of the best in the series.

Not so eager Metal Gear Solid Fans: Hell Yeah!, Can't wait to kick some bad ass bosses, I'll definitely buy it, now we're talking….etc

Suddenly Keiji stand up

Keiji: But we’re not going to use these bosses. So you’ll not be seeing them this time around.

a few seconds of silence,

Not so eager Metal Gear Solid Fans: What the F*CK!

Last edited by homura on 11/28/2012 3:01:31 PM

11 years ago

That almost sounds like platinum might as well have said, screw you kojima productions, we don't want awesome boss fights or variation, we want the whole game to be twitch friendly from beginning to end.

Personally loved MGS, have never enjoyed a platinum game, so I doubt I'll even bargain bin this game. An from what I've read it sounds like most MGS fans aren't that interested either. I know it's a spin off, but meh.

11 years ago

Of course the bossess had to change, the gameplay is different, also you people watched the new bosses? they are actually interesting.

11 years ago

So can we expect this game to be another Dirge of Cerberus then?
I think I'll pass.

11 years ago

Can we take the metal gear part out of the title then?

11 years ago

If the bosses didn't fit, they didn't fit, I've no problem with this being an action game. It's just a spin-off after all. Not to mention a rather fun looking one.

11 years ago

I think this might of been platinum's way of saying screw the mgs fans and they got tired of trying to persuade them. Realizing people who played vanquish and Bayonetta are still going to get it. Metal Gear Rising is basically going to be vanquish with swords.

I'm so ready for this.

11 years ago

lol that's awesome!

11 years ago

dude, if you want to keep your head i suggest you keep quiet about these "changes".
MGS fans are already pissed off enough!

makes me so sad thinking what this COULD, and SHOULD of been like!
yea im glad PD picked it up because if they dident this would of been canned, but why couldent they just pick up where the others left off?
not EVERY game has to be a mindless fast paced action game you know!
sigh, i guess my dream of having something like tenchu back is, and always will be, a pipe dream.

11 years ago

I think this game looks awesome and the fact that kojima and co. are comfortable with giving platinum creative freedom is awesome as well. Everybody knows that if Kojima doesn't like it he won't put it in one of his games. Platinum just don't get enough credit. Bayo and Vanquish were epic titles, which were cheesy as hell. LOL. But thats what made it so awesome is that the gameplay for both games were absolutely and totally there. Some of the best i've seen this gen to be honest. I don't understand why people are so upset that the "SPIN OFF" isn't following the original series. Why are people so afraid of change. This kind of ties in with DMC. No matter how great either game looks, it's automatically horrible because they aren't sticking to the old formula. God forbid someone actually try to do something new and try to move the industry forward!!! Give me a break. I'll keep high hopes for both MGR: Revengeance and DMC because they both are in the hands of completely capable developers and to be honest… They both look fantastic!!! I guess there will always be naysayers though.

11 years ago

I'll buy anything from Hideo. This ain't from Hideo. Metal Gear isn't Metal Gear without him.

And maybe he can make more Policenauts after Ground Zeroes?? (a dreamer dreams)

11 years ago

Platinum Games is pretty one dimensional, so this isn't surprising.

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