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Insomniac Is Done With Resistance

'sigh' And this is what happens when perfectly grand shooters fall under the shadow of certain behemoths in the same genre.

Although it's one of the most critically acclaimed new franchises of the current generation, Insomniac says they're abandoning the Resistance franchise .

Studio CEO Ted Price said simply- "We won't be making any more Resistances." Disappointing Resistance 3 sales probably contributed to the decision, although it appeared that Insomniac was moving away from the series earlier last year. Creative director Marcus Smith went on record saying the team hadn't planned a sequel beyond R3, and Insomniac was looking to move in different directions (and evidently, they're doing just that).

As most already know, the team is currently working on their first multiplatform title, Overstrike , which was announced at E3 last year. It's a squad-based shooter but we haven't received many details since the unveiling. As for Resistance , we at PSXE are just plain annoyed. Fall of Man essentially defined the PS3 launch, and the two ensuing titles were absolutely and in all other ways excellent. We still say R3 may have had the single best arsenal of weapons in any FPS this generation and if it weren't for Killzone 3 , R3 likely would've won our Shooter of the Year award.

Oh well. Can't get everything you want.

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12 years ago

Resistance 3 was one of the biggest disappointments this gen. The level design was uninspiring, the co-op player was so buggy, there were many issues. But what upset me most was how little depth the game had. You learnt nothing about the Chimera this time around, you just simply went through the stages with the objective of destroying the main base. It was just so dull.

Resistance 3 was a drop in the series, so much that I don't see the series being one of this gens's best series. Which is a shame.

12 years ago

I agree, what I loved so much about the resistance series was the story, I loved how the first one was told from the british agent's perspective, the second on was also entertaining, but the third just fell completely short in the story department. It had the potential, but as you said nothing major was revealed and it lacked the depth of the previous titles.

12 years ago

I have to agree. We learned completely nothing in this game about the enemy and the cliche drama didn't do the job either. Enjoyable game tho…just far from classic

12 years ago

You must be confusing it with CoD.

12 years ago

No, I actually agree this time. I wanted to like Resistence 3, I really did!!! I loved the story and the different use of weapons, all the strange technology, the different and fun ways you can kill those chimera.

But the technical side of the game seemed very broken to me, and here are some examples:

– Many glitches, at one time I had the chimera running around an invisible roof about 15 feet above me
– The increased difficulty of no auto-health renewal (which wasn't a deal breaker, but seems weird since most games have ditched health packs)
– Lip-syncing was terrible (except in cutscenes, which were amazing!)
– The chimera moved too quickly to get enough shots on them and they were too accurate for the normal difficulty level.
– Movement had no weight to it. Unlike Killzone, it felt like all the characters and even you as the player had no weight, giving the game the feel of a high-def PS2 shooter.
– So much brown!!! And yellow!!! It got a little better later on, but the depressing tone of the game alongside the glitches and older gaming mechanics made this game more of a chore to finish than fun.

I had the collector's edition of Resistence 3, but traded it in the moment I finished it. Broken and old FPS game mechanics, a depressing tone and uninspired gameplay(except for the guns) made for a difficult to enjoy game that I truly wanted to like but couldn't.

12 years ago

I loved Resistance 3. I even enjoyed the sp campaign more than KZ3's. The Ratchet&Clank upgrades and variety rocked, and the verticality of the level design, where you would not know if an enemy was around you, or above, or below you definitely felt fresh, and sure the story could've explained way more about the Resistance universe, but the atmosphere, voice acting and production values kept the story moving and riveting. I'd give mp and graphics to KZ3.

12 years ago

correction, R2 was the biggest disappointment of this gen!
only good thing that brought was the 8 player co-op matches, something so good insomniac immediately removed for the sequel!
sigh, whats with insomniac and removing the best parts of their games?

12 years ago

Resistance 3 is my favorite first-person shooter of 2011 so this is definitely sad news indeed.

I was afraid Insomniac Games would abandon the franchise after hearing their comments "Maybe someone else will make Resistance 4." *sigh*

Hopefully whoever Sony picks next respects Insomniac's commitment to a great story, great gameplay (NO regenerating health and NO weapon limits), and most of all, FUN!

Thank you for three great games, Insomniac. Please don't abandon the Ratchet & Clank series though (thinks of High Impact Games and shivers).

12 years ago

The return to real health and the allowance of full weapon inventory for strategy proved just how superior old school gameplay is to new school.

12 years ago

I dunno World. Because adults have been used to Call of Duty and Battlefield, games like Resistence with their old-school mechanics just don't have the same appeal anymore.

Killzone was brilliant in my eyes. Resistence though felt too old in its mechanics and was incredibly deptressing to play.

Since we've been spoiled with great physics in games this gen, the old-school feel of Resistence just doesn't resonate with many gamers, including myself.

Sadly, if Resistence 3 had've adopted some of the mechanics of current shooters (eg, no more health packs, slower and more realstic ragdoll physics, etc) and had been given an extra 2-3 months of polish, we could've seen a truly incredible game.

12 years ago

Saw this coming a nautical mile away when they went multi-platform.

12 years ago


12 years ago

I must say I had the same fear. But, Resistance 3 put a smile on my face. It wasn't a surprise to me that it was ignored by the masses in the midst of COD and BF fervor. But what was a surprise is how poorly it sold within the Sony fan base. Less than 80,000. Anyhow, here's looking forward to Sony Bend's Resistance:Burning skies. And maybe we'll even see a full blown console entry next gen by Insomniac or another capable studio. It's Sony's IP, so we'll see what they do with it.

12 years ago

My bad. Burning Skies is by Nihilistic, not Sony Bend.

12 years ago

sorry R2 was the game R3 was a call of dookie look a like with aliens they took a good game and made it crap bout time the get some junk of the game boards

12 years ago


Resistence 3 was NOTHING like Call of Duty!!!

It was more depressing and grittier in tone, but the guns, the gameplay, nearly everything about it, except the first person perspective, was absolutely NOTHING LIKE a Call of Duty game.

12 years ago

Well..either way I don't see how they could even make another one given how R3 ended. R3 is extremely underrated. It has some of the best 3D I've seen by a long mile. Weapons were a blast to use. Co-op did have it's bugs but me and my buddy played the entire campaign together and it was just fun. The multiplayer is pretty good too. Either way Resistance is a great series in my book

12 years ago

Resistence 3 had a great story and fantastic design. But because the technical side of the game felt dated or broken, I actually enjoyed watching the whole game being played on Youtube more than I did actually playing the game myself.

The cutscenes and the story were amazing!!! Truly underrated stuff. Insomniac know how to make a great shooter, it's just a shame they were rushed or didn't update their engine for Resistence 3, and it just so happened to be released around the same time as Gears of War 3.

Last edited by Dancemachine55 on 1/26/2012 6:31:34 PM

Red 5
Red 5
12 years ago


Since "Crapsistance 2" there is no more about this. I played a few days ago Resistance: Fall of Man and I just enjoyed the game a LOT. I just CAN'T believe how Insomniac could do such mistakes after this game. In fact, by now I'm done with Insomniac Games.
Red 5.

12 years ago


Really? I mean, really?

12 years ago

lol come on the second one was pretty good, I agree the first was the best though

Last edited by matt99 on 1/26/2012 11:09:36 AM

12 years ago

Resistance 2 was better than 3 to me. The Co-op of R2 was extremely addictive.

12 years ago

When it comes down to Resistance, I only like the first one and the one for the PSP. The 2nd and 3rd one I had absolutely no love for.

12 years ago

They forgot the story in the third, I mean they lined up all the elements but then didn't do anything with it. It was one of the most disappointing endings to a game in my opinion, and I wish they would make another just to redeem themselves because the first one was absolutely brilliant and the story is what drove me to keep playing.

12 years ago

I agree..the ending was rather disappointing.

12 years ago


First Resistence was brilliant!! Second was great, but didn't have the same "spark" the first did.

Resistence 3, despite it's clever use of guns, amazing cutscenes, good story, it juat didn't have the same impact on me and felt rushed at the end. One little cutscene to show the end. I just did not feel it.

The cutscene at the end of the final level (SPOILER ALERT!!!!) inside the main tower of the chimera was massive and explosive and an absolute joy to watch!!! It's just a shame the rest of the game didn't feel that way.

12 years ago

a sad day for gamers imo

12 years ago

I really liked R3, it was an improvement over R1 & R2 with the atmosphere and gritty graphics. The gameplay was tight and if they would've kept the multi player coop from R2, it would've been perfect. I thought the story was pretty good. Too bad insomniac is leaving, they were getting bettet IMO.

12 years ago

Yeah, I really like the graphics in R3. Art style and very cool.
Too bad it takes more than that to be a great game…

12 years ago

Yeah, it's interesting that the Resistance trilogy just kinda went downhill as it progressed…instead of the other way around!
I think they tried to appease to too many people ($$$), and forgot about what they wanted to do with the franchise itself.
If they had remained with the exact formula of Resistance: Fall of Man, but with prettier graphics and evolving story, I'd be perfectly fine with it.
Or else, expand on the 8-player Co-op of R2. Either would have rocked!

Instead, they had to try and make a COD clone or something. R2's multiplayer was waaay better than R3, and I had such high hopes, too! =/

12 years ago

They waited too long and then released at the wrong time.

I really liked it but i know that the online pass hurt it.

I bought it but none of my friends did…

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
12 years ago

Well the Resistance story was pretty much concluded anyway. There really isn't any need to continue it.

12 years ago

Bummer. Resistance 3 was by far my favorite of all of the titles. All that was needed in R3 was more focus on the story torwards the end. It went way to quick.

12 years ago

Three good quality titles is a pretty good accomplishment. Even though sales weren't stellar (Probably a million contributing reasons, and definitely not just one), they can hold their head up high knowing they made a high quality trilogy in a genre caked with mediocrity.

A slow honorable clap as they graciously bow out. (And give us a new incredible IP)

12 years ago

Too damn sad im gonna miss there weapons

12 years ago

Thats sad news…I loved all three Resistance games. I still go back and play each one…It was a completely underrated series and its a shame because the gameplay and stories were far superior to the other FPS out there.

If someone would have only pushed harder for these games I'm sure they wouldnt have dropped them…and I mean marketing and gamers pushing it with word of mouth…

12 years ago

It's not a big loss, it was an average shooter anyway. Hopefully they will put their talent to good use this time.

Yet, for a reason I don't understand, it seems PS3 exclusives don't sell in huge numbers.

Last edited by Ignitus on 1/26/2012 1:21:00 PM

12 years ago

I like the Resistance games, but frankly not every series needs to receive an endless string of sequels on and on forever — even good series like this one. Sometimes, you made the games you wanted to make, and it's time to move on. though I'm sure disappointing sales in a crowded market were the overriding reason Insomniac decided to pull the plug, creatively it makes sense too. Bye, Resistance! See you in a few years when we're all nostalgic for the sci-fi FPSs that defined this generation 😉

12 years ago

maeketing would'nt have helped imo.
COD & BF3 was what everyone was talking about, R3 made just a ripple.

12 years ago

enjoyed 1 almost bought it along with 2 & 3. kinda remind me of half life when i was on pc.

12 years ago

it was disappointing because they ruined the game since the first one…i havent even played it yet but its like set in the 50's or something? what idiot decided to do that? and the cover art doesnt seem appealing AT ALL
and they decided to go with yet another game realesing to PAY to go online unless you buy it new
those things alone ruined the game
(the second one was ok and the psp one was ehh of course the 3rd wudnt be good)
lets hope the ps vita release is really good and they decide to make another for IT not the ps3

12 years ago

You my friend have no right to judge this series since you admitted to not even playing the series at all.

12 years ago

Sad news. I love this series. I kind of had the feeling this could happen after the way 3 ended and Insomniac's decision to go multiplatform. Insomniac going multiplatform was pretty disappointing to me. I hope they don't drop Ratchet and Clank.

12 years ago

I just started Resistance 3 last night and I'm 6 hours in, it is by far the greatest FPS I have ever played. This is a sad day.

If you payed attention you'd notice the levels are strategic areas that allow the player to build their own strategy for battle and each plot area was different, something akin to the varying cultures in Escape from New York plus the many atmospheres that brought it from military shooter to Uncharted-esque action sequences to survival horror.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/26/2012 3:53:10 PM

12 years ago

Giving up hmm? Insomniac has fallen so utterly low this gen.

I say screw them, and hope another developer picks up Resistance and saves it.

I hate to sound harsh but it seems insomniac has only lately been making stupid decisions.

They are having been going backwards while Naughty dog has been going forward.

I am utterly disappointed in these guys. Shame on them for just calling it quits.

12 years ago

What can you do when nobody buys a product that earns 9's all over the place?

Though I agree that Overstrike is a huge step backward.

12 years ago

i believe they made poor decisions. They played it way too safe, they didn't push any envelopes like Naughty Dog did.

Their motto of yearly games hurt them, you could see the same graphics engine in the ratchet future trilogy and the lack of change or innovation.

Resistance 2 really ruined alot of their good will and they never recovered from that.

Insomniac simply churned out games one after another, but by doing so they ensured the games would not be amazing, but simply good or great.

You need more than that. People are going to get the ratchet and resistance games at bargain bin prices.

People buy uncharted at full price.

You need to go above and beyond. Already i am more hyped for The Last of Us than any Insomniac game could ever make me.

I am just so damn disappointed in them. But maybe its for the best. They couldn't seem to make up their mind about what they wanted for the Resistance multiplayer anyways.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Sad news. Resistance holds a special place in my heart, and I personally thought that the third was absolutely fan-freaking-tastic. Still, the series wrapped itself up well with the third, and it'll likely continue in the portable realm, if Sony doesn't find another developer that can carry it on. I think that may be better for it. Less competition in the genre there.

Ah well, at least they haven't announced the same for Ratchet and Clank. In the meantime, I'm interested in Overstrike, if only to see how well going multiplatform pays off for them, and whether they can grab me in the same way with it as they did with Resistance. We'll see.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Anybody who says Resistance is anything less than a stellar shooter series has either never played it or doesn't know what they're looking at. End of story.

12 years ago

I don't think your average gamer ever looked at the series properly. Criticisms seem to miss so much of what is there.

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