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PSXE Show: Giveaway Winner, Fans Pose For The Camera

The latest episode of the PSXE Show is up in the PlayStation Home Community Theater – check it out if you haven't already seen it – and we had a really solid turnout.

A whole bunch of people registered for the two-prize pack giveaway , which consists of a PS3 copy of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and the super cool "Uncharted: Drake's Journal." But of course, as always, there can be only one winner. And that winner is…


He also goes by JLB1 here at PSXE, so congratulate him when you see him. We saw a lot of new faces at the show this time around, but we also saw a lot of faithful return attendees, which you can see right here, sporting their new PSXE Home t-shirts! TheHighlander took these photos for us; from left to right in both pics, there's JohnLD, Fathasun, Highlander, and BurnedKnight. You can spot Xombito sitting in the back with the flaming Twisted Metal head.

If you haven't grabbed your free PSXE t-shirt for your Home avatar yet, grab it now: 8D7Q-HLNH-GBF3 . There's one male and one female one, and we got a million of 'em…that's usually just an expression but this time, we mean that literally. Okay, it's a little less than a million now that a bunch of people have taken one, but we're sure we won't run out. 🙂

Anyway, congrats to PsychoSchizo and thanks to everyone who came to see the show. An earlier episode will show up on our YouTube Channel soon.

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12 years ago

Congrats Psycho!

It was fun hanging out with everyone again!

12 years ago

Congratulations PsychoSchizo.

12 years ago


I didn't want to enter because I think it deserves to be with someone that will appreciate it. I can just buy Skyrim and I doubt the Uncharted: Drakes journal would be of any use, besides collecting dust, for me.

Anyways just peeking out from the forums to wish everyone a Happy Xmas and a Happy Holidays!

12 years ago

Congrats man

for some reason i also got a hip hop gamer shirt….. is there a place to sell home items in ps home? hahaha

anyway, if anyone is interested. free gtr gt500 stealth for north america i believe. code is reusable. something about making the car free to celebrate the conclusion of that gran turismo driving competition


Last edited by johnld on 12/24/2011 10:02:20 PM

12 years ago

Shame I missed it but I couldn't get back home(my real home, LOL) till after 11:30.

Anyway, congrats out to PsychoSchizo AKA/JLB1

Thanks for the code!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/24/2011 10:35:34 PM

12 years ago

yeah congrats to PsychoSchizo

12 years ago

LOL Holy crap, I honestly didn't expect to win. Thanks everyone, and thank you Ben for running the contest. It actually was fun that night talking to everyone and hanging out for those 2 hours, took awhile but things got better.

I'll finally get to enjoy Skyrim AND the Drake Journal as an added bonus.

12 years ago

Just got to actually take a moment to get online. Congratulations. I had a better time than usual in Home that night. It is definitely a better experience with friends in Home.

12 years ago

Yeah, the whole night actually went well. Who woulda' thunk' that spending the night with gamers talking about games would've actually been fun!? lol I'll be interested in the next Home session whenever that is.

12 years ago

Congratulations on the prize!

"Who woulda' thunk' that spending the night with gamers talking about games would've actually been fun!?"

Oh NO! Sony was right, gamers really do like to get together and talk and stuff….


Last edited by TheHighlander on 12/25/2011 11:29:37 AM

12 years ago

Yeah sure BEN…if they're AMERICAN…

Sorry, had to 😛

12 years ago

Congrats Psycho!

Sorry I couldn't make the show, I had family/christmas festivities going on. I'll try to make the next one!

12 years ago

I was sorry I had to leave early, but the holidays bring added demands on one's time.

Congrats to JLB1.

12 years ago

Thanks for the 15 minutes of fame Ben. It was cool hanging out with everyone in Home. I suggested we take the pics with the shirts on. Highlander did the honors. Its great advertising for the site. I'm going to post them on all the Social Nets to spread the word. We should take some more as the group in Home grows.

Happy Holidays.

12 years ago

Tell you what, I'll volunteer to be the PSX Extreme "Home Correspondent" and photographer…or at very least take some pictures at each event.

12 years ago

Sounds good. This will help grow the community. Ben, we are going to need Press Pass IDs. lol..

Happy Holidays again guys. Now for some game playing before me and the family sit down and watch some movies together. It's a tradition we me my wife and kids.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I can't get you the passes, but I really appreciate the support. 🙂

12 years ago

Always on the look out for ways to help Ben, as you know.

I think my Home avatar has an appropriate hat, even if there's not a press pass stick in the brim, it should still look the part.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x