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PSN Will Be Down For Maintenance Tomorrow

Figured you'd want to know when Sony had some necessary maintenance scheduled for the PlayStation Network.

According to the PlayStation Blog , the PSN will be offline on Thursday, November 17 from about 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. PST. Think you can handle approximately 14 hours of downtime? No biggie, right?

The following services will be unavailable during that period:

You also won't be able to sign in to the PSN from the website,, although "some users may be able to play online during the maintenance." Also, this maintenance won't stop you from collecting in-game Trophies, which will be updated on your profile when the Network has returned. For updates on the process, check PlayStation's Twitter feed . They'll let you know when everything's back.

Personally, I've got way too much to do right now to care. But we're all about keeping you updated, so… 🙂

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12 years ago

Looks like I'll have to get all my Battlefielding in tonight. =P

12 years ago

time to open my resistance 3 game then. hahaha

12 years ago

Oh maaaaaaan!!!! I'm finishing a 3 week, 5 exam stretch of exams tomorrow (thank you med school) and was going to pick up modern warfare 3 and get some serious play time in. Dang it!

12 years ago

Good, I have term papers to write and Calculus tests to study for

12 years ago

Knowing me, I probably wouldn't realise until someone told me…and even then I probably wouldn't be too bothered about it anyway.

Seems I'm STILL introverted even with free online gaming at my fingertips…odd.

12 years ago

Skyrim 🙂

12 years ago

The end for Sony. OMG it's the end of the world! How Dare Sony turn their servers off for one day after that whole month(s) fiasco! This is ridiculous! I'm going to go trade in my PS3 right now >o How can these guys keep doing this and getting away with it? What a crappy service, no wonder it's FREE! 🙂 i lol'd at myself while writing this too…

12 years ago


12 years ago

Looks like I won't be playing anymore MW3 til' tomorrow evening then. That's fine I got so much going on it's hard to find time for anything anymore.

12 years ago

skyrim it is tomorrow 😀

12 years ago

All those people complainig about not being able to play MW2 just say "Thank you Sony"


12 years ago

Just throwing this out there for people.

I read about a week ago on G4TV that sony is now going to counteract against, gamesharing by making it so only 2 ps3's can game share at a time. so look it up. Just throwing this out incase anybody didn't know. This is probably what the PSN is going to be down about.

I hate the idea since I game share a lot as well.

12 years ago

That only affects products purchased after the switchover date, and the PSN and PS3 activation process already handles differing numbers of device activations and limited time activations, so this downtime has nothing to do with that change in terms for PSN game purchases.

Sorry, conspiracy theory, busted….

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

You can say I was abusing the "gamesharing" 5 activations feature, but i'll be telling you I was with accordance with the terms and agreements of having 5 activations on my account. This definitely affects me because I have 3 Ps3s (Mine, my cousins & my bro) & my friend that are activated to my account. This is the part were you tell me "ooh only things you purchase after the 18th are affected by the change". Okay… it still affects me because every new ps3 exclusive game that is coming out uses an online pass… With 3 Ps3s in 1 house that I bought & my friend… I don't see how this will work out. This one truly is a bad move by Sony. 3 is more reasonable, but 2?

12 years ago

good to know highlander. But i guess i won't gamesharing with any stuff purchase after the 15th?

I realyl do hate that idea since gamesharing saved me money and gave a good share for everybody.

12 years ago

You shouldn't be Gamesharing anyway, period.

It boggles me that people blame corporations for lack of security, while a good chunk of them are cool with handing over their PSN Login ID and Password to some person for gamesharing, which is really high up on the "DO NOT DO, EVER" list for personal security.

Oh wait, it's all about Fighting the Corporation now, Fighting the Man is so 1970's!

12 years ago

Lot's of correct in this thread. Sony is correct, because people are game sharing with other gamers in a way which is not fair to Sony. Also, people within the same household will be affected by this. We have three gamers in this house, each of whom has a PS3, now we will only be able to share games between two consoles. I don't think Sony has a problem with folks in the same household sharing games, because that mimics disc sharing. But I do think that they have a problem with people sharing their ID with other gamers so that they can split the purchase cost of a game.

So, I understand both points. I think cutting from 5 to 2 activations is too much, cutting to 3 would have been fairer, and it would have catered to homes with up to 3 gamers – we can't be *that* rare.

12 years ago

I game share to save money and if there was a special pre-order somebody has or i have and one of us wants it we'll share. Really i understand it's not fair for sony. But i still don't consider it a problem. Like there things in the world much worst then this.

12 years ago

better having it on a thursday than the weekends

12 years ago

Figures… The one night my wife will be gone watching twilight is the night that the psn will be down. Ah well… What can you do?

12 years ago

It's okay when they with me.

12 years ago

Damn, now I won't know what to do….

I'd go outside in the real world for a while, but the graphics aren't that great.

12 years ago

I saw a bit of clipping on my lawn yesterday. Not to mention some tearing in my patio furniture. Those roofers across the street had a terrible frame rate too. Last time I buy an LG, cause life ain't too good.

12 years ago

they just had maintenance not even 2 weeks ago!
there goes the idea of getting the rest of uncharted 3s trophies tomorrow.

12 years ago

You can synch your trophies when the PSN is back up.

12 years ago

no, the MP trophies are all i have left.

12 years ago

Guess its time to put a dent in the AC: Revelations story mode

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