The latest PlayStation 3 firmware update is here, and it delivers a few very useful features that were once exclusive to Plus members.
As detailed over at the PlayStation Blog , firmware update 4.50 has been released. It's available to download at any time, so get to it.
The new version adds the following to your console:
— Auto download of system software updates has been expanded to support all PSN users.
— Auto download support of purchases made on the Sony Entertainment Network online store will be made available to all PSN users.
— New options for trophy privacy settings allow users to set which trophies are visible.
— Data can now be transferred from PS3 to PS Vita using Wi-Fi or an Ethernet connection.
With the auto download features for system updates and SEN online store purchases, you can actually set a two-hour interval for your PS3 to run on from standby mode. That's when it will check for updates and any new content that's ready to go. I've already downloaded it and I'm really hoping that firmware updates for the PS4 are a little…well, quicker.