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Playstation VR is Coming in October for $399

So it's finally been announced, Playstation VR is coming to PS4 in October. Sony released the news during GDC this week that the VR will be coming albiet slightly later than planned. It's price is $399 which I consider to be pretty decent. It's about where I was expecting for what is pretty much like another system.

It seems like it really is the year of VR. I'm pretty excited for it although I'm probably not going to be an early adopter. I think this kind of technolog has some pretty neat potential and I hope developers come up with some neat ideas for games. Over at the Playstation they said it will have more than 50 games at launch. Which is actually quite a bit.

Playstation also showed what is going to be coming in the consumer set of the headset pictured below:

I kind of wonder what all that stuff is. Obviously some of those cords are for connecting to the PS4 in some manner but I'm curious how it all works. We'll have to see in October when it's finally released. My interest is definitely peaked, how about yours? Look for some news on VR games coming soon.

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8 years ago

No thanks.

8 years ago

Called the price!

Still a lot even if it's the cheapest

8 years ago

True, but i'm sure during the holiday, they will have a bundle for $649 for the VR and PS4, considering that PS4 was $299 last holiday. This seems very likely and approachable for new gamers. When the other competitors starts at 600+ just for the headset

8 years ago

I'm a little surprised that the headphones are a separate unit. I wonder how good they'll be.

8 years ago

Probably really mediocre, all of the Sony demonstrations were using the Gold Headset if I am recalling correctly.

8 years ago

Articles like this make me miss Ben.

8 years ago

yeah, i can tell before i even click on the article that its not Ben and im still disappointed by these new writers

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago


8 years ago

I actually like what the new writers are doing and think they are doing a good job.

8 years ago

when did ben leave and doesn't he own the site?

8 years ago

I didn't even notice it's not Ben writing…
Like what's wrong with this article dude?

8 years ago

There are a lot of things wrong with this article, JackieBoy, including at least ten typos and/or grammatical mistakes. Missing words, misspelled words, missing commas, improperly used apostrophes, sentence fragments, incorrectly used words ("peaked" is a word, but he was looking for "piqued"), etc.

On top of that, instead of openly wondering about the product he's covering and what is included, the writer could have taken some time to actually learn about it, so he could inform his readers. That's literally his job.

I rarely agreed with Ben, but his writing was not only technically sound, it was also entertaining.

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago

My woah was sort of an agreement in that you guys are 'right'.

8 years ago

Fair enough on the grammatical errors, I was in a bit of a rush. But just an fyi, Ben is still around.

8 years ago

That's what I thought it'd cost. I'm game. It's gonna be so next level. But I need a sake on the stupid camera too right? That bar thing?

8 years ago

Don't forget the cost of adding the move controllers too. I don't have them.

At this moment in time I'm not interested in it.

8 years ago

As I already stated in 2 other PSVR threads previously….

FYI, for those that will needing the camera for usage with the upcoming PSVR headset, sign up for BestBuy's weekly & "deal of the day" ads, that's where & how I got my PS4 camera on sale, for only $29.99($30 off).
The bonus of the camera, is that you can also use it for facial recognition & spoken commands to do various functions on your PS4 too.

As for any Move & Navigator set deals, just check GameStop, Amazon, and eBay for a pair of cheap used ones.
But make sure to do it ahead of time before the PSVR launches or you'll be paying more for them as the Move sets start getting scarce & then the sellers start jacking up their prices to reflect it.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/16/2016 4:27:56 PM

8 years ago

It is double the price it should be.

8 years ago

Sony is probably already losing money at $400 as it stands and you think they should sell it for $200? That white box thing with the Playstation logo on it is a whole new game system essentially. It's about the size of the Wii U with its own processor and GPU that will be working in tandem with the PS4, plus the headset itself.

Yes the price is high but for the tech involved it is incredibly reasonable. Give it a couple years.

8 years ago

price is way too high for any kind of lasting widespread success.

Maybe I'll grab this when its price gets slashed and-or there's games worth playing.

Right now it feels like motion controls part 2.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/16/2016 10:23:53 AM

8 years ago

The motion controller got the Wii going for 3 good years. I think VR will be successful and long lasting. Will it sell 100 mill? probably not. I say 15-20 million at the end of the cycle seems reasonable.

8 years ago


sony subtly mentioned that the playstation camera will be mandatory to use vr, so if you already dont have it then expect to pay a little more.

8 years ago

Which is like 97 percent of the PS4 user base. So yes it basically means $460. It'll mean over $800 for anyone who doesn't already own a PS4.

8 years ago

I'm so confused how the VR works. Why don't they include the camera? People will buy the VR not knowing they need PS4 and then another Camera before it works. They should bundle the camera with the VR.

8 years ago

The VR headsets can work via a few different ways. Samsung and other phones use their gyroscope to determine position. The higher end systems can get better tracking by using camera(s) to determine position and orientation. Sony has also chosen to use the camera to capture Playstation move controllers at the same time.

It seems Sony is not including the camera because, according to Sony, a percentage of owners already own a playstation camera. What the actual percentage is we don't know. It does make sense to some degree. Those who own a camera already won't need to pay again for it. Those who don't own one can purchase it via a bundle which has been announced that will include the camera and the playstation move controllers.

8 years ago

I think I can shed let on the cables:
We have the 3D audio provided earbuds.
We have a power adapter and cord for the conversion box. What this box does is take the VR signal from the PS4 and sends it to the headset via another cable or converts it to a usable HDMI signal for the TV.

The cable with the buttons on it appears to be the actual I/O for the headset (pictured top right). There also appears to be an extension cable for it as well (pictured bottom right)

8 years ago

That seems pretty close. Thanks for the info 🙂

8 years ago

What does PlayStation VR's external processor unit actually do?
By Richard Leadbetter Published 16/03/2016

Social screen, 3D audio processing – plus a new "separate mode" for asymmetrical multiplayer.

PSVR's external processing unit is powerful enough to require active cooling – hence the fan to the right. And now we know why.
By Richard Leadbetter Published 16/03/2016

In the wake of its GDC 2016 announcements of price-point, release date and headline software, Sony has begun to reveal more of the inner workings of PlayStation VR, starting with key information on what tasks its mysterious external processor box actually carries out.

At a Sony presentation, senior staff engineer Chris Norden, spelled out the basics, beginning with what the processor unit doesn't provide in the wake of speculation following our December article on the device:
â—¾It provides no extra GPU or CPU power.
â—¾It's not any form of PS4 expansion or upgrade.
â—¾It's not directly accessible by the developer in any way – code cannot be written to it.

"The PS4 is perfectably capable of 120Hz all on its own," said Norden, emphasising that the main game rendering and processing is all carried out by the main console. However, the fact is that the PU (processing unit, as Norden called it) is actively cooled, suggesting some measure of computational power. And it is capable of carrying out a number of functions, some of which we were not previously aware of. Some of these features are crucial to the experience, while others actually offer exciting, brand new gameplay opportunities.

Here's what it "does" do……

8 years ago

Two ways to use Playstation VR that have nothing to do with gaming

Gaming is just one way to enjoy virtual reality. Sony's showing off other ways to use its Playstation VR system.

1. Cinematic mode

2. Watch your own 360 videos/photos

For the full details, click this link over at C/Net

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago

<3 Mortae3 keep up the support, we appreciate it.

8 years ago

The motion controller got the Wii going for 3 good years. I think VR will be successful and long lasting. Will it sell 100 mill? probably not. I say 15-20 million at the end of the cycle seems reasonable.

8 years ago

Probably really mediocre, all of the Sony demonstrations were using the Gold Headset if I am recalling correctly.

8 years ago

That&#39s what I thought it&#39d cost. I&#39m game. It&#39s gonna be so next level. But I need a sake on the stupid camera too right? That bar thing?

8 years ago

I didn&#39t even notice it&#39s not Ben writing…
Like what&#39s wrong with this article dude?

8 years ago

Don&#39t forget the cost of adding the move controllers too. I don&#39t have them.

At this moment in time I&#39m not interested in it.

8 years ago

Fair enough on the grammatical errors, I was in a bit of a rush. But just an fyi, Ben is still around.

8 years ago

True, but i&#39m sure during the holiday, they will have a bundle for $649 for the VR and PS4, considering that PS4 was $299 last holiday. This seems very likely and approachable for new gamers. When the other competitors starts at 600+ just for the headset

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago

My woah was sort of an agreement in that you guys are &#39right&#39.

8 years ago

when did ben leave and doesn&#39t he own the site?

8 years ago

As I already stated in 2 other PSVR threads previously….

FYI, for those that will needing the camera for usage with the upcoming PSVR headset, sign up for BestBuy&#39s weekly & "deal of the day" ads, that&#39s where & how I got my PS4 camera on sale, for only $29.99($30 off).
The bonus of the camera, is that you can also use it for facial recognition & spoken commands to do various functions on your PS4 too.

As for any Move & Navigator set deals, just check GameStop, Amazon, and eBay for a pair of cheap used ones.
But make sure to do it ahead of time before the PSVR launches or you&#39ll be paying more for them as the Move sets start getting scarce & then the sellers start jacking up their prices to reflect it.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/16/2016 4:27:56 PM

8 years ago

There are a lot of things wrong with this article, JackieBoy, including at least ten typos and/or grammatical mistakes. Missing words, misspelled words, missing commas, improperly used apostrophes, sentence fragments, incorrectly used words ("peaked" is a word, but he was looking for "piqued"), etc.

On top of that, instead of openly wondering about the product he&#39s covering and what is included, the writer could have taken some time to actually learn about it, so he could inform his readers. That&#39s literally his job.

I rarely agreed with Ben, but his writing was not only technically sound, it was also entertaining.

8 years ago

I actually like what the new writers are doing and think they are doing a good job.

8 years ago

Called the price!

Still a lot even if it&#39s the cheapest

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago


8 years ago

I&#39m a little surprised that the headphones are a separate unit. I wonder how good they&#39ll be.

8 years ago

No thanks.

8 years ago

Sony is probably already losing money at $400 as it stands and you think they should sell it for $200? That white box thing with the Playstation logo on it is a whole new game system essentially. It&#39s about the size of the Wii U with its own processor and GPU that will be working in tandem with the PS4, plus the headset itself.

Yes the price is high but for the tech involved it is incredibly reasonable. Give it a couple years.

8 years ago

It is double the price it should be.

8 years ago

price is way too high for any kind of lasting widespread success.

Maybe I&#39ll grab this when its price gets slashed and-or there&#39s games worth playing.

Right now it feels like motion controls part 2.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/16/2016 10:23:53 AM

8 years ago

Articles like this make me miss Ben.

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