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Resistance Collection Serves Up FPS Grandness This Winter

Say what you will; these are still some of the very best shooters ever made.

As revealed over at the PlayStation Blog , Insomniac Games and SCEA will deliver the Resistance Collection , which features the three PS3 entries for the agreeable price of $39.99. It's a steal!

Resistance: Fall of Man was probably the single biggest reason to own Sony's new console on launch day (if you were lucky enough), as this FPS gave us a glimpse of the future. Resistance 2 lost a little of the uniqueness the original title presented but was still a damn good game, and Resistance 3 was just plain awesome; still the best arsenal of inventive bad-ass weapons we've seen to date. Insomniac is also tossing in some DLC; there's the Aftermath Pack and a Skin Bundle for Resistance 2 and the Brutality and Survival Packs for Resistance 3 . The more content the better!

In addition, and as is often the case with such Collections on the PS3, this great assembly of FPS awesomeness will also offer 3D and PlayStation Move support. It's unfortunate that sales weren't great for R3 and Insomniac has backed away from the franchise but hey, might as well celebrate what we have, right? The Resistance Collection will be available "this winter" and we can't wait.

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11 years ago

Viva la resistance. The most under-appreciated shooter this generation. I can't believe 3 sold so poorly.

11 years ago

2011 was jam-packed with FPS.

Killzone 3, Crysis 2, Homefront, CoD, Battlefield 3, Bulletstorm, Brink, RAGE and F3AR.

Not saying these games hurt Resistance 3 really bad but it's just that people might skip out on a few FPS if there's this many top-notch FPS coming out in a year.

11 years ago

That's the only thing I can imagine happened. Great game and great reviews.

11 years ago

Yeah I also think it's an undeservedly under- appreciated (and often over-looked) series as well. I've so far played R:FOM twice, once solo and the second time co-op. I would like to re-play it using the augmented weapons sometime (I am right about that, right?). R2 I've only played through the campaign once so far(I like it, but it's because of the lack of co-op campaign that I haven't replayed it yet, which is a little disappointing), and really liked the co-op multiplayer. I plan to replay the solo campaign on a higher difficulty sometime though. R3 I've had for a while, however it's still sealed and part of my backlog. I do like that R3 does have a co-op campaign, but I also liked the co-op multiplayer online/splitscreen hybrid that has not been reinstated and improved.

Ah well, I think it's still one of the best FPS franchises out there and definitely among the PS3's elite.

11 years ago

Good news. I probably won't get this since I own 1 and 2, but 3 is on my radar.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Trophy patch for R:FOM would be the icing !

11 years ago

"3D and PlayStation Move support"

I know I'm one of the few who probably still uses the Move to play some games…does this mean that I can play through all 3 games with the Sharpshooter? I already own all 3 so I'm not sure if I'll pick up this bundle or not, but the ability to play through the whole story line with the Move would be cool…I loved this series, although RFOM was definitely the best of the series in my eyes…

11 years ago

I'm wondering that too. Oft times they put "Support" on the package, but it's just in reference to one of the games. I'm more interested in the 3D myself. It's better in racers, but still a cool effect in any game.

11 years ago

I think I may get this, I haven't delved into the shooters this generation, but this one looks like it has the most story content, so I'll give it a go.

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