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New Toys For Bob Game To Be Funded By Xbox, Apparently

Toys for Bob and Microsoft have joined forces again on a new game just after the former split off from Activision Blizzard to become an independent developer. While there are signs of what could be in the works, nothing is official just yet.

Jez Cordon at Windows Central (thanks, Xbox Nerds) has the scoop thanks to sources alleging that a recent townhall meeting described to the journo included Matt Booty acknowledging that the teams have inked a deal and Xbox will fund its next game.

It isn’t clear what’s in the works, but it is known to be similar to previous TFB games, so while it can range quite a bit, we assume he’d be talking mainstream, and he even made a comment to “keep their horns on,” which we don’t that sounds kind of like it may be working on a brand-new entry to the long-rumored Spyro the Dragon series.

It’s also worth noting that Toys for Bob doesn’t own the Crash or Spyro IP, so we’ll be real, unless the studio is working on it as an independent studio, we’ll assume that Spyro’s in limbo for good.

What do you think? Will you still keep tabs if it’s a timed exclusive?

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