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Konami Wants Fans To Name Latest Silent Hill Creature… Kinda

After two decades, concept artist Masahiro Ito inked a brand-new design for Silent Hill: The Short Message, now it needs a name. While oftentimes, said name is chosen ahead of time to avoid confusion, it seems Konami wants to leave it in the hands of fans.

On Twitter, the Japanese developer put up a poll asking fans to select one of four selected names for the creature. The winner of the poll would — evidently — become the official name. The creature appears in the free-to-play PS5 entry to the series, dubbed The Short Message.

It’s faced some critical reception, but regardless, it managed to find great success in as little as a week. That said, we’d expect nothing less than a ton of backlash reviving the Silent Hill franchise without its original creator.

What do you think? What name do you think fits it best? Let us know below!

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