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Bloober Team

Bloober Team Has Lofty Sales Expectations For Future Games

With the Silent Hill 2 remake coming to the end of its development cycle, Bloober Team is about to have even bigger publicity as the developer behind the remake of one of the biggest IPs out there. As such, the developer has high expectations not just about this remake’s sales but also its future endeavors.

Speaking with Poland’s Bankier (via GamingBolt), CEO Piotr Babieno believes aiming for the sky is something they can do. They believe that 10 million copies sold is a dream that they can make into a reality soon.

Bloober Team is also looking at amping up its publishing activity. The studio has multiple projects in the works including Layers of Fear and an unannounced survival game alongside Private Division.

“To be the best horror house we have to focus on more publishing activity and have more projects than one game every year and a half, two years. That is why the second pillar of Bloober’s strategy is based on cooperation with strategic partners.”

It’s the studio’s goal to be an industry leader in the horror genre by 2027 and to be just as notable as studios like Naughty Dog or Ninja Theory.

“We’ve said many times that our goal is where Naughty Dog or Ninja Theory are.”

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