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WWE SmackDown vs. Raw PSP Info

THQ today announced that WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2006 for the PSP is scheduled for a December release. WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2006 includes wireless play for up to four players and the game also will sync up with the PlayStation 2 version to unlock exclusive content.

"THQ is the industry leader in handheld gaming, and taking the highly successful WWE SmackDown vs. RAW franchise to the PSP system was a natural move for us," said Kelly Flock, executive vice president of worldwide publishing, THQ. "The WWE SmackDown vs. RAW franchise is an ideal application for the PSP system, offering a great pick-up-and-play experience, along with numerous multiplayer options, a robust fighting system and an extensive Season Mode."

The game's roster will inlcude over 50 playable WWE Superstars and dozens of match type variations, along with a full Season Mode with current WWE storylines and a quest for the Championship. In addition, you'll be able to put yourself in the game with a Create-A-Superstar Mode.

It seems like a pretty well-rounded product, but as any wrestling fan will tell you, all the features in the world mean nothing without solid gameplay. Look for our review of the game this December.