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Prinny 2 Contest: Design Your Own Panties, Dood!

I don't…it's just…I can't…it's hard to…put into words…

Okay, so NIS America is preparing the sequel, Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood! for the PSP. The title alone is enough – something about the loss of Demon Lord Etna's panties – but they've taken the next step and created quite possibly the strangest contest…in history. See, they want you to…um… design some panties . Take the template they give you, follow the pertinent instructions when submitting, and have your creative design in by November 12. The top 3 contestants will receive a copy of the upcoming sequel, and the very best design will be…well, made into real underwear. The top 50 will receive a pair of Etna's panties "to wear or to just admire in all of their glory." There's no way we can make this up. Didn't you click the link? The original Prinny game was a super hard side-scrolling action game and the sequel should be no different, but this addition of panties is…

I'm sorry, I just don't know what it is. It's interesting and unique, I suppose. So, who's signing up? Who has a really awesome idea for…panty design?

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13 years ago

i betting LV is all over this one

13 years ago

He won't be replying anytime soon until after he's finished designing his panties.

Of course… he could just submit one of the ones he's already designed…. But I doubt something that risque will win.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Hmm… Interesting. Considering the puritanical response that I recently saw some football team (NFL)themed anime images get, I can't see this going unchallenged by the various do-gooder groups. No, seriously, someone had taken some anime images of cheerleaders or anime girls in bikini's and had added tattoos from their favorite team. It looked pretty well done actually, but some of the comments made on the images were less than complimentary calling them creepy.

I couldn't help but be confused because had the same person posted micro-bikini pics with added tattoos, that would not have been the response. Interesting how a line drawing which is actually less explicit and not terribly realistic can generate a stronger response than a real picture of a real nearly nude woman.

Ah well, I'll never understand that mindset. People like that will be equally enraged at the idea behind this competition. Of course they would be equally outraged by Etna and the entire series of games. But, you know it's OK to run 'news' stories on major mainstream media outlets featuring the Victoria's Secrets jewel encrusted lingerie, and it's OK for CBS to televise their runway show. Heaven forbid though that a competition be run to design panties for a fictional character in a relatively niche market video game…


Seriously though, what a silly competition for a silly game, sounds like fun, perhaps I'll enter?

13 years ago

do us psxextremers proud highlander…if you enter that is…

13 years ago

I would have sent in the edible panties that I made for my woman…….

(But I already ate them)

13 years ago

Can't I just send in a picture of my wife's?

13 years ago

Pffft…I can hustle all the panties I want on any given Friday night. That's when my evening shift in the woman's lingerie section at Sears begins.

Last edited by Hezzron on 10/22/2010 7:02:27 PM

13 years ago

I sure hope you don't have to referee all those purse-swinging granny's during your monthly buy1-get2 free brunches.

13 years ago

As an Game Art & Design majoring college student I just can't miss any opportunities for new designs. That said, I'm entering just for the sake of entering… and for a chance to get another game I know I'll enjoy.

13 years ago

……… design/decoration of undies?
i have the perfect idea!

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