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Payout Poker and Casino Unveiled For PS2 and PSP

If you thought the Poker craze was slowing down, you'd be quite wrong. Namco has announced that they are currently working on Payout Poker and Casinofor the PS2, PSP, Xbox, and PC. The arcade-style game will have four exclusive gambling destinations, with 12 games including Texas Hold ‘Em, Omaha Hold ‘Em, Blackjack, Craps and many more.

“Payout Poker and Casino expands upon the traditional concept of a gambling title with customizable characters and fully 3D Casinos for players to roam,” said Jeff Lujan, Business Director, of Namco.

Payout Poker and Casino lets players create their own custom character and roam the floor to try their hand at 12 gaming favorites including, Texas Hold’em, Omaha Hold’em, Red Dog, Blackjack, Baccarat, Roulette, Craps, Slots, Wheel of Fortune, and more. High-rollers will be able take their spoils to the Casinos’ boutiques to further customize their characters. Players can also take Payout Poker and Casino online to play against real life opponents.