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Red Faction: Guerrilla Review

Replay Value:
Online Gameplay:
Overall Rating:
Number Of Players:
1-2 (16 Online)
Release Date:
June 2, 2009

The original Red Faction dropped back in 2001 on the PS2 and was one of the first top-quality titles for Sony's new console.  Since then, we've seen more installments in the franchise but most will agree that the games have gone downhill, at least in some respects.  Perhaps this was part of the inspiration behind changing the most recent title, Guerrilla, to a third-person shooter.  And as it turns out, the game plays a lot like GTA on Mars, with a few interesting twists tossed in for good measure.  You do have relatively free reign of the Red Planet and you almost always have multiple mission options; some can be considered to be side missions while others advance the game along.  For the most part, the game mechanics work very well and not surprisingly, the most appealing feature of the game is that GeoMod 2.0 technology that allows almost anything to be smashed to smithereens.  For whatever reason, this just never gets old and given the number of destruction possibilities during the course of your adventure, the small sense of repetitiveness takes a backseat to a high, continuous entertainment factor.

Despite one small introductory sequence, you will be able to roam around and try a variety of mission objectives right off the bat.  As you are part of a rebellion that has risen up against the power-hungry EDF (Earth Defense Force), the faction who were originally the good guys in the original Red Faction game, as they were the team you fought with. In Guerrilla, you will be able to find safe zones in the form of Red Faction headquarters, which is where you can upgrade your weapons, refill your ammo, and pick up a vehicle to go cavorting around.  You can sprint without tiring but you really need a vehicle of some kind to move around the planet effectively; some locations are quite far apart, so feel free to hijack a vehicle on the road.  It's doubly important when you have to be somewhere in a certain amount of time, and having a vehicle on hand is also a good idea when dealing with the EDF…thing is, they are alerted when you blow up their stuff, and a vehicle usually lets you beat a hasty retreat if you're outnumbered (and you often are).  But if you choose to stay and fight, you can lay about with your sledgehammer or use the firearms you have equipped; this is where the third-person mechanic really comes into play…and it plays quite well, for the most part.

It's pretty standard stuff.  You can either manually select a new weapon or "quick switch" to the previous weapon you just had equipped (this allows you to switch back and forth between a rifle and the sledgehammer, for example), precision fire, jump, and take cover.  This all works just fine with the possible exception of the latter: because almost anything can be busted up, this can have a negative effect on the cover system.  For instance, you may find yourself holding firm behind what is now an invisible wall, or what is infinitely more frustrating, realizing that certain rubble simply can't be used for cover.  But other than that, I have very little in the way of significant complaints concerning the base gameplay controls.  Everything seems to move fluidly (no lapses in frame rate or anything like that), and taking down massive structures with a diverse array of explosive devices can be immensely satisfying.  I guess my only real problem with this very open-ended style is that the story, which starts off with a bang, quickly takes a backseat to your exploration of the planet.  This isn't necessarily a problem, but why did you start us off with such a plot grabber (which I won't give away), when it kinda disappears for many hours?

I did mention earlier that this game has a certain repetitive nature; i.e., drive to location, blow everything up, fend off the EDF, rinse and repeat.  Of course, there are other mission types – rescuing hostages is just one example – and there are even an assortment of mini-game-esque missions that allow you to increase your ability in a certain area.  You will also earn extra salvage, which is this game's form of money; you can collect bits of salvage (you'll see them shining on the ground) when something gets blown up real good.  The more you get, the more you can buy.  It's that simple.  But yeah, if you're really hell-bent on completing many – or all – of the available missions, you will find yourself doing the same thing over and over.  However, this tends to be the nature of many open-ended games, as most of you know; take the great inFamous, for example.  You will handle several of the same missions more than a few times.  But the key revolves around one simple premise and question: "is it fun?"  If yes, as it is in both inFamous and Red Faction, than there isn't much of an issue, is there?

What's great about Red Faction is that, much like inFamous, there's a certain perfectionist quality to the game, where you won't feel satisfied until you've grabbed control of every sector and leveled the EDF's every high-end sandcastle. There's a satisfaction you get being that one little guy who obliterates these massive structures and watch them come down right in front of your eyes. And when I say massive, I do mean massive. It's also nice to go and pick a fight then wait until your Guerrilla reinforcements come to aid you, so that you don't have to go at it alone. It would've been nice to not have infinitely respawning enemies, but seeing as how the EDF controls Mars and are everywhere, it's understandable. Furthermore, shooting feels punchy and rewarding, but it's the sledgehammer and the demolitions that really make an impact on you. You'll find yourself spending a lot of time demolishing things with the aforementioned two items, because they're just a ton of fun to use.

Lastly, multiplayer offerings are healthy here. With a 16 player online capacity, it may not be epic, but the game modes, such as Anarchy, Siege, and Damage Control are plenty of fun. Wrecking Crew mode, a local/offline multiplayer offering boasts an assortment of mission types to play with your friend, mostly centered around who can do the most amount of damage. It's good fun, trust us.

As far as the picture goes, considering that virtually every little thing in the game is interactive and can be destroyed, Red Faction: Guerrilla is a solid looking game. For starters, the most impressive thing about this Geo Mod 2.0 engine is how it calculates the physics. When you destroy a building, it doesn't just fall apart after one impact or two or three. For starters, you'd have to hit the building at key structural points, such as support beams – and once you've broken enough support beams, the building will not be able to maintain a lot of its weight and after some juddering and cracking, it'll give and breakdown. Now, of course, you don't have to use the sledgehammer, you can toss a few well placed explosives and if the structure is large and heavy enough, it'll be enough to destroy the foundation to the point where it can't sustain that weight. This is all done through the physics engine, and it's really impressive to witness, because it makes the feel of the game that much more intuitive – trust us, again, you have to experience the chaos.

Now, beyond the technical aspects of the game engine, I know a lot of people will probably complain about the game's color palette. Well, all we can say is, what else do you expect from a planet like Mars? I don't think Volition could take on a creative license and deck Mars out in greenery or lush foliage, it just doesn't work that way. What I will say is that there isn't enough variation in the game, as most of the characters look the same, and there aren't enough different types of vehicles to choose from. Yes, again, this is Mars so these vehicles require an off-road design, but a bit more variation would've still been nice.

Regardless, overall, Guerrilla is a nice looking game with a fantastic framerate. There is an every teeny-bit of draw-in, but it's on the very edge of the horizon behind hills and elevations that you probably won't notice or even care about. The texture detail is nice, and the game can be upscaled to 1080p with no adverse affects on the framerate or image quality.

As far as the audio, with the amount of destruction you'll be causing, I'd have expected nothing but proper booms and kabooms from this game. The voice acting may not be the best, but seeing as how the story or the cut-scenes aren't a core focus of the gameplay, the average voice acting won't bother you much, at all. You'll be listening to the soundtrack in the background that'll come on when you're causing major damage and enjoying the aural bliss of everything crumbling down.

To conclude, we liked Red Faction: Guerrilla quite a bit. It's the Martian equivalent to inFamous and that's a surprise to us. Guerrilla's gameplay is solid and enjoyable, boasting fun mechanics that really draw you into the game, especially with the amount of destruction you're capable of. It's also got an extremely impressive physics engine that calculates your destruction in a way we've yet to see. The mission structure may be a bit repetitive, but that's to be expected in open-ended games such as this, so it's a flaw that comes with the territory. Our biggest complaints are the lack of a decent story, not enough character and vehicle variety, and not enough diversity in the gameplay. We'd say they're small complaints, and that Red Faction: Guerrilla is surely worth a purchase.

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15 years ago

Yeah…….this game is amazing. That's all I really have to say. I've been playing it for almost two days straight. My eyes hurt………..zzzzzzzzz.

15 years ago

A collaboration review from Arnold & Ben never seen them doing that before; Any way I thought the demo was okay I just didn't like the setting of the game but it was fun.When I am done with inFamous I am going to give this a try hopefully it's worth the rent.

15 years ago

Yeah I remember reading that one of them was shipped the 360 version and the other for Ps3. Great review.

15 years ago

M-A-R-S, Mars bitches…

15 years ago

Haha… TheWorldsEnds… the bitches are all nasty… you know that!


"i am home"

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
15 years ago


15 years ago

I love it

15 years ago

I don't know why everyone hates on Red Faction II so much. I personally thought it was an awesome FPS and I actually found it to be better than the original game. The setting wasn't as interesting but everything else I thought was top notch. I have absolutely zero interest in Guerrilla. It doesn't feel like a Red Faction game to me. I waited years for a sequel and was greatly disappointed when I found out it was going to be third-person GTA-on-Mars game. That does nothing for me. I played the demo and even though it was okay, it was nothing I can see holding my interest and it didn't feel like the franchise I used to know and love. It's cool if others enjoy it, that's fine. But I personally think this should've been called "Saint's Row Future" or something else. Red Faction should've returned as a FPS. And the GeoMod 2.0 isn't as exciting as the original games' feature. I loved blowing holes through caves with a grenade launcher until I got to the other side. So much fun. I'll pass on this.

15 years ago

Yeah, 'cause what we need are more FPSs.

15 years ago

Ahhhh, brings back memories in RF1 too…..

Can't find a key? Make your own door!

15 years ago

i understand where youre coming from, I loved RF2 too. its was a great game at a time that there needed to be one. the only bad thing about it is that they didnt use the geomod well, and we were all left a bit puzzled to why they couldnt be bothered to make a big deal of it like in the first game.

I still play RF1 online on the PC from time to time.. superb game.

anyway, I was deeply upset (lol) about FPS going Third, and to be honest im not exactly happy about it months after. but I have the game and seriously its good. maybe you should wait and then buy it when its cheaper or just rent it. …best thing is not to think of it as Red Faction 3, more like a spin off.. that will ease the pain of non FPS, as thats how im getting through it 🙂

anyway, fact is it plays bloody well! ok, so we dont have FPS.. thats not to say that Vio and THQ will never bring it back, lets just hope that one day they do.

Last edited by dillonthebunny on 6/5/2009 9:31:57 AM

15 years ago

Well, a review is just one person opinion. I think inFAMOUS was slightly under-scored here and RF:G (judging by the demo) it is being overestimated. Need to get it, but when it reach the bargain bin. Well, probably both games (inFAMOUs for sure) are more fun to play than GTA4, damn I just lose my money on that.

Last edited by raztad on 6/5/2009 9:49:36 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Well, like inFamous, I would say the final version of Red Faction is better than the demo.

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
15 years ago

Both RF and inFamous demos were not so great, but the final games are much, much better.

15 years ago

Well I have to agree with you and disagree with BEN:

I have both…inFamous because the demo was great and Guerilla because it got great reviews. The demo of Guerilla was boring as hell, but I give it a try.

All i have to say that inFAMOUS is really underated and Guerilla is way overrated. I stopped playing Guerilla because it was boring. the missions are too repetitive and the graphics even with the amazing destruction arent as good as the one on inFamous. InFAMOUS is fun as hell maybe thanks to its platform aproach and the use of ligthning.

Im not a reviewer but I really dont get why Guerrilla is gettiing all these great reviews. A far shame compared to the original. This is simple a MARS Saints Row with the up in destructible enviromments. Well its up to what you like more. But to me this is an unusual overrated review for PSXtreme.


15 years ago

I heard this game used up the xbox 360's capabilities to the max. How much of the playstation 3's capabilities does this game use?

15 years ago


15 years ago

It is GTA on Mars lol, i drove a truck through the buildings on the demo, great fun, wouldnt mind picking this one up.

15 years ago

Is the ground destroyable also? In the demo only buildings and other structures could be destroyed, but I'm pretty older RF's you could put holes in mountains and stuff.

15 years ago

Bought this today based on this review and others that I have read. So glad I got this game, the demo didn't do it justice guys if you like GTA then you got to get this game.

Just destroying the buildings with the sledgehammer and the explosives is highly enjoyable. I just did a rescue the hostage mission and it was a nice change if short from destroying buildings etc.

It's not entirely all GTA but the elements are there and it will keep me going till I get bored and want to head back to Infamous 🙂

Last edited by tlpn99 on 6/6/2009 2:25:15 PM

15 years ago

Any Game Above 8.5 Is An Elite Here Right? Or Is I Missing Something?

15 years ago

Any game above an 8.5 are usually interesting.

15 years ago

This game is great I give it a 9 out of 10. Anyways this is GTA on Mars, the best mode on this game is Wrecking Crew, and the best game to play in this mode is Total Chaos. Total Chaos gives you infinite ammo with any weapon w/ the ability to use any backpack. You have a minute to do total destruction to the following environment you choose to destroy. I got to say this mode is pure joy and over the top F@#$%^G crazy!

Last edited by dveisalive on 6/7/2009 10:05:02 AM

15 years ago

i dont see myself getting this game, mainly b/c ppl keep referring to it as GTA on mars nd personally i dont like GTA at all, its just…boring to me…(here come the hate comments)

15 years ago

Crap PS2 type graphics.

15 years ago

this game is fun played the demo its worth a shot

15 years ago

This game is at £17.99 @ when writing this. I just received it in the mail, and was pleasatly surprised. This review is 100% precise in my opinion.

15 years ago

Whoops – it WAS at 17.99, now it's climbed in price again. Still it's a good buy imo.

14 years ago

Very good review. I've been playing this for a week now and really enjoying it. It was pretty frustrating at first because I'm not used to this open-world style of gameplay and I was getting killed a lot. Now that I'm more familiar with it, I'm having a lot more fun.

Agree about the story being lacking, this is the first game I've played that I think needs a lot more cutscenes. That's one of the factors in making the missions feel a little bit repetitive – they're just missions, you're not personally connected to them in any way, as you would be if you were involved in a story.

Overall I'm having a really good time. It's quite addictive.

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