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Dante Goes To Town In DMC Footage

The new Dante is coming, like him or hate him. But should we really complain bitterly if we haven't seen any gameplay?

Well, some gameplay footage is now available; the latest came from GamesCom, where Ninja Theory creative director Tameem Antoniades walked us through a look at the combat in DMC . You can find that gameplay sample and interview at the PlayStation Blog .

Now, if you're familiar with past entries, what you see should be encouraging. It's fast, smooth, and evidently complex; the focus is clearly on the action, which is crucial for Devil May Cry . We could continue to complain about the "Emo" Dante but the truth is, that battle footage looks top-notch or at the very least, loaded with potential. Those who have enjoyed such titles like Ninja Gaiden and God of War are always on the lookout for the next great action extravaganza. Couldn't DMC qualify…? Why couldn't it?

Related Game(s): DMC

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12 years ago

I'm not that big of a fan of the gameplay but the story in DMC is just one of those classics we all grew up playing. I hope this reboot really has something great to add in the story aspect

12 years ago

Wow! You're one of the few people that has ever said that, the weakest link about the old DMC games was the story, the combat is why everyone liked it so much. Not saying that they're is anything wrong you liking the story though.

For me it wasn't that the storylines were bad it was the way they went about telling those storylines you literally would have to read the books to have a better understanding about what was really going on in the story, sometimes they raised more questions than answers.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 8/22/2011 9:45:02 PM

12 years ago

I actually understood the entire plot from the beginning but DMC2s plot seemed as if it had been jammed together by a 5 year old. Besides DMC2 which I recommend everyone skip, the DMC story is anything but weak

12 years ago

I totally agree, whatever else is going on I think anybody who looks at the footage and says it doesn't look any good is deluding themself for personal reasons.

12 years ago

I have to agree with that statement now we need one more gameplay trailer and a couple trailers revealing the characters they said we were gonna be surprised was in the game I can't wait.

12 years ago

I say bring on the women, Ninja Theory is known for their redheaded heroines so Dante's gotta have a love interest.

12 years ago

Yeah I really wanna see how they portray Vergil in this. and yeah you're right NT loves red heads so so that chick from DMC2 will definitely be in there.

12 years ago

or instead of being delusional, they might notice it looks like any other hack and slash game. Besides the new look for dante, it really doesnt look like anything mindblowing in my opinion

12 years ago

I think it's too early to say it is like any other hack and slash game. The fact is the control scheme seems very in-depth and chaining together the right moves (if these keeps with DmC at all) won't be achieved by button mashing. Sure you can get by with mashing, but you aren't really able to appreciate the work that goes into the combat system that way.

12 years ago

My brother has already said that he is going to get this when it comes out so I can borrow it from him and check it out before I commit to buying it. The gameplay footage does look nice. I just hope that capcom in their infinite wisdom didn't totally screw the pooch with the whole rebooted storyline.

12 years ago

Whatever happens with the story will probably have to be lain at the feet of Ninja Theory, even if we can't lay all the blame for the new Dante there.

12 years ago

One word: awesome.

12 years ago

I'm still not convinced. I just saw the gameplay and I think it is awful too, They have added the anime-floating combat style, which is just silly. I did not like it in Advent Children, I did not like it in The Matrix 3, I did not like it in Tekken (Just you wait…).

If I have to say something positive, they kept one of my favourite features forom DMC, The Devil Bringer – Which allows you to grab enemies from a distance and pull them towards you which is what made DMC4's gameplay for me. But looking at that video its not as impressive as Nero's arm, just a whip…

That's all I have to be positive on, I see they have his power mode ability to look similar to old Dante… Even if they try relate this to the other games, I just hate the style of the character and the enviroments. DMC 5 please…

12 years ago

I have no doubt in my mind this is going to be good.

12 years ago

im sorry, but like $E im just sick of crapcom!
the day i start caring about there games is the day half life 3 releases!

12 years ago

I will play the game & just pretend it's not part of the real DMC franchise (in my own little world) whilst playing it. Everytime i see this new sh!t kicker it's like a kick in the guts to the silver headed legend who was the icon of this series. Here's hoping they give Lady some more screen time or even flesh out Lucia's character abit more from DMC2.

I want this to work but DMC in Ninja Theory's engine makes me feel sick to the stomach even thinking about it.

I hope i'm wrong though, i miss that gothic taste from the PS2 era.

Last edited by Kevin555 on 8/23/2011 6:46:44 AM

12 years ago

That's how I play FFXIII, just pretend it's something else.

12 years ago

Like I've said before I've yet to hear or see anything that I don't like.

12 years ago

i just hope its a hell of a lot better than Heavenly Sword…

12 years ago

I agree with you… but prepared to get torn to pieces lol… many hold the game in high regard, I stopped playing it when I got to the bow and arrow mission which requires sixaxis, some of the worse controls I have used in a game.

12 years ago

I had trouble with the sixaxis stuff at first, then I figured out how to do it and it was easy. Hard to explain though, it's like a martial art. release any tension, don't think about your movements, ease into them and it will feel like 1:1. Arrows in the neck every time.

12 years ago

I was very skeptical at first but I like what I heard and saw in that video. I'll probably be picking this up. I hope they take their time to polish it up and get lots of content in there.

12 years ago

Not going to lie. I STILL hate Dante's new look, but the gameplay does look promising, I'll admit.

This probably won't be a Day 1 purchase, but I'll pick it up eventually.

P.S. Is anyone else confused about the "half-demon, half-angel" concept? As far as it goes, Dante is supposed to be half-human, half-demon.

Seems the story is starting to sound screwy already…Anyway, I won't point any fingers until more info is released.

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