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Warner Bros. Will Bring Lollipop Chainsaw To US

We just have to play it, if only for the sake of the title.

Not long ago, we heard about Suda51's latest project with Grasshopper Manufacture, Lollipop Chainsaw , which tells the story of a cheerleader who must destroy hordes of zombies, all with her trusty – you guessed it – chainsaw. It's bound to have that recognizable Suda51 style and the action should be pretty insane.

In good news today, a publisher for Western distribution has been revealed. It's Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment in collaboration with Kadokawa Games; they'll bring Grasshopper's newest game to North America in 2012. The title is being developed for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. And by the way, Warner Bros. has tapped James Gunn ("Super," "Slither," "Dawn of the Dead," etc.) to add more storytelling flavor to the promising over-the-top adventure. Said WBIE president Martin Tremblay:

"Our exciting partnership with KADOKAWA GAMES allows us to try something new by bringing a very unique game like Lollipop Chainsaw to Western markets. GRASSHOPPER MANUFACTURE's games have shown tremendous success with gamers around the globe and we are delighted to expand our portfolio of Japanese-developed games."

For more information on Lollipop Chainsaw , check out the official website . Grasshopper's last game, Shadows of the Damned , was lauded by critics but didn't sell particularly well, which might be the reason why EA didn't sign on for the new project. Still, maybe Warner Bros. might actually advertise Suda51's next adventure…could be a good idea.

Related Game(s): Lollipop Chainsaw

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12 years ago

James Gunn? Sold! I'll buy anything that dude is involved in!

12 years ago

Did you enjoy the new Thundercats premiere? Thought it was pretty sweet.

12 years ago

@Drake I enjoyed it. As an old school Thundercats fan I did have my reservations, but I'm glad they were put to rest.

12 years ago

Honestly, I still haven't got around to watching it. I'm a little skeptical but from all the trailers, interviews and photos that I've seen/read, I feel like the franchise is in good hands. I'm not too sure about "little" Lion-O but I can't wait to see Mumm-Ra ripping up the screen again! Best cartoon series EVER and I really hope that Warner makes a ThunderCats video game soon (preferably by Rocksteady)! 🙂

12 years ago

I only know one person who's getting this game, and he's outreagously homosexual…. No Ben I don't mean you 😛

12 years ago

Has Ben come out of the closet yet?

12 years ago

He's a proud bachelor 😛

12 years ago

I'll probably pick this up just because Suda51 makes ridiculously awesome games and we need more of that crazy Japanese flair over here.

12 years ago


12 years ago

I liked the screenshots I saw so far, so I say yes to this one.

12 years ago

Ah sh*t, when I input my age at the site it goes nowhere.

Anyway, I'm on board. Probably not at full price unless I am somehow hemorrhaging cash when it comes out but I like the fact that Suda is willing to go nuts unapologetically. Shadows didn't quite strike a chord but this looks even wilder. I hope with that writer they can hone the humor into a finely sharpened weapon instead of a spitball session.

And I've decided I want a nickname with a number in it now too, any suggestions?

12 years ago

"WorldEndsWith42"? 🙂

12 years ago

why 42?

12 years ago

It's what you get when you multiply 6 times 9.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 8/1/2011 7:34:25 PM

12 years ago

I thought that 6×9=54?

12 years ago

Because it is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything!

(Whaaat, you've not read The Hitchhikers Guide To The Universe?!)

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/2/2011 6:24:25 AM

12 years ago


12 years ago

I'm looking forward to this game. The name alone makes me want to buy it.

12 years ago

Yeah I'll be playing it, but mostly to hear the aural beauty that Akira Yamaoka will provide. Being a sound designer in training, Akira is a hero of mine. His soundtrack to the first Silent Hill is what really made that game scare the s*** out of me! Still have to play Shadows of the Damned too.

12 years ago

whats with asians and crazy names?
eh, i just hope its a tad less crude, and a hell of allot more fun, and a hell of allot less repetitive then shadows of the damned!
that game was far too crude, i mean i love humor but how many cock jokes can one game make?
most of then were not even funny, i mean hot sticky load?
come on!!!!!!!
duke is funny, this is just pathetic!
the repetitiveness of it really spoiled it too, i mean every boss battle is the same!
go into the darkness to reveal weak spot,exploit weak spot.
rinse and repeat!
no, scratch that, the whole game was repetitive not just the boss battles!
most extreme case of cut and paste i have ever seen!

shame, on paper it should of been a masterpiece!
i mean on one side you have the mastermind of resident evil one of the industries most successful games!
on the other hand you have the mastermind of no more heroes one of the industries most bizarre, weird but funny and enjoyable games!
ive loved every game made by both, so by rights i should love this too.
who would of thought 1 mastermind + 1 mastermind = steaming bowl of repetitive sh*t!
they need to re inject some of the wackiness into the game, the type of crazy weird ideas suda is always coming up with.
i mean has anyone seen the jacket he wore for the games launch?
purple leather filled with silver studs!
i mean how insane, and weird do you have to be to walk down the streets in that!?
GG are actually giving it away in there next show!

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