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Volition Hints At Fourth Saints Row, SR3 To Be “30-40 Hours”

Although it's the closest thing out there to GTA, the style and focus of Saints Row is very different.

That being said, gamers who play both such titles will want some definite bang for their buck. Therefore, it's good to hear Volition's James Torbit tell Game Informer that Saints Row: The Third will deliver 30-40 hours of gameplay. In other words, there's a ton of content packed into this title:

"We have been working on Saints Row: The Third since before we finished Saints Row 2. It takes years to get something like this finished. I don't know what the path is – from the first mission to the last – is going to be at this point. I think in Saints Row 2, I think we were seeing people go into the 30-40 hour range. We've got more open world content for player, missions are longer as well, simply in terms of duration, I think we'll have as much content, if not more, than SR2."

And if you love the chaos and mayhem in this one, you'll probably want the team to start work on the fourth iteration. Obviously, nothing has been confirmed just yet but when Torbit was asked if he'd want to do another entry, his response was as follows:

"*smiles* Of course.

Yeah, we'll blow off some serious steam with SR3 and while GTAV will undoubtedly take itself seriously, we don't ever have to worry about the Volition guys doing any such thing. And there's nothing wrong with that at all . Do you?

Related Game(s): Saints Row: The Third

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13 years ago

ok i have to ask WTF is this website these guys are always going on about ? i've only been here a few months now. have they always been here ?

Last edited by TheCanadianGuy on 7/5/2011 10:23:03 PM

13 years ago

not always, I've been here many years and it used to be pretty clean. Now they attack every single post every single day. I think it's someone with a personal grudge.

edit: I don't understand how this can happen since you have to enter a Captcha to make an account and these are robots. Ben, help.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 7/5/2011 10:35:30 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Don't bother about them. I don't know how many times I have to say it, but they disappear the instant I see them. That's the best I can do.

13 years ago

I guess we just want to know how they get in every single time, maybe Highlander can help you guys.

13 years ago

… Or I. 🙂 Depending on the available technology of course, but I've created lots of comment field functionality over the years.
In my experience the easiest way to automatically deny a good majority of current and future spam bots are simply by writing a short routine that filter the comments based on a set of rules before they are published.
Then it's just a question of tweaking that ruleset until only the bot messages are denied.

It may sound complicated but really, it's not that hard to come up with some rules that works pretty precise.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/6/2011 2:49:47 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

It really isn't a big enough problem. It's not like they destroy every comment section every hour.

They just show up every now and then, I click an option, and they're all gone in about five seconds. 🙂

13 years ago

But wouldn't it have felt good to see them smack their forehead into a cleverly made virtual brick wall, and their trash being collected into a log file instead, terminated into dust with one single command?

Or… Are you not geek enough to enjoy such pleasures? 😉

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/6/2011 10:48:15 AM

13 years ago

I recently bought Saints Row 2 to get in on the mayhem… and was shortly thereafter told that the item could not be provided. Fack.

13 years ago

Nooo? We gotta do something about that:

SR2 @ £9.99, free delivery:

13 years ago

This is one of those open world series games where I want to do EVERYTHING there possibly is to do… and get distracted and do pointless things along the way. What little I've seen of this game makes me really excited to play it. I say bring on another one :).

13 years ago

Yes that's exactly how I've experienced sr2 too. And luckily there are *so* many minigames, pointless activities and silly locations shattered all over the map, so those distractions are coming at a steady rate. 🙂

13 years ago

My guess is that it's the story plus the "side quests" (in sr2 there was the optional possibility to take over gang turfs, like in gta:sa, and that took quite some time).
And I guess maybe the minigames too. I dunno… We spent more like 200 hours in sr2, if not even more than that too. It was quite literary weeks. But we did *everything* and did take our time too.:D

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/6/2011 2:58:43 AM

13 years ago

30-40 hours is probably finishing the game 100%. I can understand if its a rpg but sand-box style game i don't see having 30-40 hour main story. I like it that it doesn't take its self serious cause some games can pull it off the old school DN did it was great, or game like BS imo pulls it off pretty well. Either way i can't wait for this game

Last edited by Bloodysilence19 on 7/6/2011 2:12:50 AM

13 years ago

i dunno about that.
i said the same thing about GTA.
how did that turn out?

13 years ago

Want to really, *really* show off your writing skills, Ben? Like, making an everlasting impression in my very soul? Do a true display of journalistic creativity, integrity, ingenuity and at least ten other positively loaded adjectives?
Do you accept a challenge that, if mastered, will place you and your site firmly above just about any other gaming site out there, regardless of platform, language or culture?

Write a story about Saints Row WITHOUT MENTIONING THE F'ING GTA!!!


Last edited by Beamboom on 7/6/2011 5:47:46 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Like I said before, all you have to do is find a single solitary title that compares better, and I will gladly do what you ask. 😉

13 years ago

LOL – that's NOT fair!!! rofl

13 years ago

Saints Row 2 rocked! SR3 is a day 1 purchase for me.

So many great titles coming on the last 3 months of 2011. My wallet will die!

13 years ago

I hear you – this baby will be pre-ordered by my coop buddies and me – and I usually *never* pre-order anything. But this one is the safest bet this year. There's *no way* we can't like this one if we enjoyed the last one. It's simply unthinkable.
They give us "more of the same" PLUS they've fixed the vehicle handling and in this case that's *all* we ask for. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/6/2011 10:53:56 AM

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