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Prototype 2 And inFamous 2 Are “Completely Different’

Rivalry? What rivalry?

Many were quick to compare inFamous and Prototype ; after all, both games featured superhero-like main characters and open-world formats. And now, inFamous 2 is here and Prototype 2 is in the works so the comparisons may once again be inevitable.

But Radical Entertainment denies that there's any competition or rivalry with Sucker Punch.

In speaking to Eurogamer , Radical design director Matt Armstrong admitted that the first inFamous was "really cool" and the sequel "seems to be shaping up really well," but what they're working on is "completely different." Now, most critics agreed that Prototype had a few problems, and Radical has taken strides to make some fixes and implement upgrades. "The things reviewers saw were the same things we saw," said Armstrong. He added:

"We had a main character in Alex Mercer who wasn't always as aligned with his powers as we'd hoped," admitted Armstrong. "We had a story that was very involved and convoluted and difficult to follow."

Other improvements for the upcoming sequel include an all-new rendering engine, the new "Lairs" feature, and tendrils, which use fire and can attach to objects. Basically, the developer claims they're keeping everything that was good about the first title, and are fixing everything that needed to be fixed. But as for comparisons to inFamous 2 , they obviously aren't interested in talking about that.

Related Game(s): inFamous 2 , Prototype 2

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13 years ago

I just played the Infamous 2 demo. I see plenty of awesome improvements. Such as the faster and smoother climbing. The cinematic scenes makes the characters more lively.

I noticed something unusual, I don't know if it's just me, but whenever I blow up a balcony, I don't hear any explosions, the balcony just collapses like a deck of playing cards.

13 years ago

It's probably you, I've heard a blast when I hit it, and collapsed right after.

13 years ago

I really, really loved the improvements in inFamous 2 over its predecessor. However, if there is one complaint I have, is the climbing and jumping.

Does anyone feel that his jumping seems a little too "floaty"?
Also, his climbing feels very detached. The way he climbed in inFamous 1 was fine. No need to fix it from before.

But the graphics, speed, and smoothness are HUGE improvements. It's a guarantee buy.

13 years ago

I have inFamous & Prototype, & I enjoyed both of them.

13 years ago

I thought prototype sucked. I remember buying both infamous and prototype at the same time and I ended up trading in prototype 2 a month later.

13 years ago

Which did u enjoy more?

13 years ago

I have both too, and found inFamous to be much better than prototype in almost every way possible. Only thing I found cool in prototype that's not in infamous was the sneak possibilities, dressing like the enemy. That was cool.

But the story was so badly told in prototype that quite frankly I gave up on paying attention to it. It was like we were thrown into the middle of the story with few options of catching up with the past up to that point.

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/6/2011 6:41:05 AM

13 years ago

I'd have to say inFamous, but Prototype wasn't that bad either.

13 years ago

Prototype was at least 2 points behind inFamous and I agree it isn't quite right to compare them. Not just because one is great and one is mediocre, but because they just have an overall different experience. It's like comparing Uncharted and Gears, no sane person would do it.

I also have little faith in Prototype 2, even the 40 I spent on the first game was a little too much so if P2 doesn't pull down at least something in the 8 range I'll skip it.

13 years ago

people just compare them because of the whole super hero super villain thing and the games coming out at the same time. For some reason i've always looked at one of them and thought of the other.

13 years ago

Prototype was awful

13 years ago

HA…Prototype was actually a funner game for me, but Infamous was a better package overall. Prototype wasn't the best game ever, but it wasn't awful…well at least in my opinion.

13 years ago

I thought Prototype was good, just really repetitive after half an hour.

Infamous had good progression and enough variety to keep it fun for hours and hours on end. Plus, it played smoothly and worked well since it was a console exclusive. Exclusives generally perform better than mulitplats, and while there are exceptions, this is mostly the case.

13 years ago

Funny you say that…Infamous was just as repetitive as Prototype and the variety you speak of is a bold claim, but it was more varied than Prototype. But Infamous was definitely the better game.

13 years ago

Of course better say that, InFamous exposed how much a better game is being an exclusive.

InFamous 1 is an awesome game, people that talked crap about it sure only tried the so-so demo.

Last edited by Oxvial on 6/5/2011 11:06:58 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

They're vastly different experiences for a number of reasons. I'd still like to play Prototype at some point, but it's not high on my list, as everything I've heard about it points to mediocrity. Besides, inFamous is definitely more my style as there is (reportedly) a far better progression sequence to it, rather than allowing you to simply buy whatever abilities you want whenever you want.

Judge them by each other, but don't compare them, that's just silly.

13 years ago

Prototype has better action and better moves to pull of, but Infamous is the better package overall. These games are harldy similiar.

13 years ago

i cant understand why people keep comparing games just because there in the same genre!
yea infamous and prototype are both super hero open world games there for there the same!
they could not be more different!
one is more about exploration, platforming and collection.
the other is your a mutated bad a$$, heres your powers now go blow sh*t up!
they could not be more different!
saying infamous and prototype are the same is like saying GOW and DMC are the same, just because there both action games.

13 years ago

I have yet to really look into either of the sequels, but as far as both first titles go… they kind of were in competition with one another similiar release date too let alone all the similiar gameplay mechanics. One word:

But if they have made a more unique title for the sequel, good for them.

13 years ago

Speaking of Infamous 2, what the heck is up with gamespot's review score? I rarely go back to that site these days but was there today to kill time and I thought it was a little low.

Each to their own I suppose.

13 years ago

Infamous 2 Ending is one of the masterpieces in Super Hero comics,movies and games.
Holy shit!

13 years ago

A big difference indeed.

I felt like inFamous was a comic book translated into a video game, while I never got that feeling from Prototype.

13 years ago

Yep…Prototype had a terrible story, reminded me of every spiderman man game after the first one on PS2. Infamous had a way better story, but Prototype had better powers.

13 years ago

Yeah, the story and presentation is what made Infamous a better game to me. Prototype was made from the devs that made the Hulk game, felt like they were mostly concerned with destruction than anything else.

13 years ago

The sequel to Prototype looks like it's taking destruction to another level. It' seems to be heavy on the Violence.

13 years ago

Preferances aside, I think we can all agree that Infamous is the more polished game.

Only two more days to go. Can't wait!

13 years ago

Prototype 2 looks like a VAST improvement from videos I've seen those far.

13 years ago

Prototype 2 looks like a VAST improvement from videos I've seen those far.

13 years ago

They're both looking good so far. That's a similarity.

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