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Crysis 2 Engine Will Help Train Our Military Men

Considering the day, we figure this story is appropriate.

According to GamePro , the United States Army is funding one hell of an advanced military simulator, and they're going to utilize something familiar to gamers: Crytek's CryEngine 3, the same engine that was used to power Crysis 2 .

This new combat simulator will cost $57 million, but it'll give soldiers an experience that goes well beyond current gaming. The Dismounted Soldier Training System (DSTS) from tech company Intelligent Decisions will let soldiers train "within a photorealistic video game environment that features real weather conditions, squad interactions, and advanced motion sensor technology for full 360-degree movement in-game." By January of next year, the Army should have 102 systems in operation around the world.

Said Floyd West, Director of Strategic Programs, Orlando Division of Intelligent Decisions:

"What we're trying to do with infantry squad-level training is suspension of disbelief, and the CryEngine 3 is the best video game technology on the market today. With CryEngine 3 being used for Crysis 2 and the capabilities that game engine provides, it allows us to make the most realistic simulation possible. We're able to transport soldiers to accurately recreated locales like Afghanistan and Iraq, where we can simulate everything from visuals to 360-degree sound."

C'mon. You have to admit this is cool .

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13 years ago

War is never cool.

Besides, war simulations dominate the market and one in particular was made a trend to get teens to follow 😉

13 years ago

So says Duke Nukem

13 years ago

Indeed. War is never cool, but the tech behind this simulator is.

13 years ago

Sheesh… I smell another Fox News special report coming…

13 years ago

Frostbite 2 looks better but what I am concerned with is why EA have two of the best game engines and haven't thought to combine the efforts of DICE And Crytek.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Crytek are independent.

13 years ago

i can honestly say i did not see that coming.

13 years ago

using videogames like this to train those capitalist murderers is just wrong!

13 years ago

Are you freaking kidding me? Really?

I typically refrain from this kind of response, so I apologize in advance to Ben and everyone else. But shut the h*** up. There's no place here for that kind of remark. We in the PSXE community may have our differences, but comments like that are never, ever welcome, especially in a place where we try to maintain a certain degree of maturity and respectfulness.

Last edited by TheAgingHipster on 5/30/2011 10:38:41 AM

13 years ago

using videogames like this to train ANY murderers is just wrong!

There, fixed it for you… and I wouldn't call any soldiers from any country murderers… We can only hope that someday soldiers won't be needed, but until that happens It's nice to know that there's someone out there whose job is to protect the rest of us.

13 years ago

Those "capitlist murderers" protect your freedom to say such foolish things on the internet. Now run along and spit on your freedom and in the faces of those who keep you free else where you inglorious hypocrite.

Last edited by Jawknee on 5/30/2011 12:19:40 PM

13 years ago

I'm a capitalist murderer… just not in the military.

13 years ago

I support capital murder having the death penalty, does that count?

13 years ago

I support MURDER (<<it's capitalist)

13 years ago

Everyone hates America until the US Military arrives with medicine and food.

13 years ago

Well, at least they chose a good engine! We have still not seen what Frostbite 2 can do other than on a hairy PC rig.

13 years ago

Surely Frostbite2 wins hands down here… what a missed opportunity for DICE 🙁



13 years ago


13 years ago

How can you say that with such confidence? We have not yet seen a single game on ps3 using the frostbite engine?

Well, come to think of it, what are the chances they will use PS3's… 😀 *duh* I only think Playstation nowadays.

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/30/2011 12:24:45 PM

13 years ago

I agree I don't see anything special about cry engine 3. Frostbite 2 would have had my vote.

13 years ago

Um, maybe because Frostbite isn't as great as DICE would have you believe? CryEngine 3 looks crazy realistic compared to anything DICE has ever put out.

13 years ago

well they could till some feature was forcefully removed……………

13 years ago

Politics aside, this is pretty cool technology.

13 years ago

At $57 million, I bet this would be one hell of a simulator. They probably wouldn't let anyone outside of the military touch it, but I'd like to at least see what it looks like.

13 years ago

Operation Flashpoint, Digital Combat Simulations, and the Arma series have all been used as training simulators as well so this isn't new to use video games as trainers. Arma, especially, let's you set up almost any situation that may be encountered on the field. I'm all for it. Whatever is needed to help our men and women be more prepared. And Happy Memorial Day to all our Veterans here and now, and those come and gone. My Dad included. RIP.

Last edited by Geobaldi on 5/30/2011 12:51:55 PM

13 years ago

Awesome. I agree. Happy Memorial Day, and thanks to all our brave warriors.

13 years ago

In a related note,
I have a game in my original xbox collection that the US Army awarded Ubisoft rights to, so that you'd know what a soldier has to go through…

"America's Army: Rise of a Soldier"

Anyway Wikipedia describes it better than I can, so here you go….

America's Army: Rise of a Soldier is a game developed by the U.S. Army, Ubisoft, and Secret Level.
In addition to containing the original America's Army, the game also includes a new single player mode based on Major Jason Amerine's experiences in Afghanistan in the year 2001.

It was released in the United States on November 17, 2005 for the Xbox. Plans to release it on the PlayStation 2 were made, but later canceled


The player starts as a recruit who undergoes Rifleman training, and has his convoy ambushed in National Tunnel. With the help of his squadmates, the recruit helps them escape Old Town.

After this, the player works on Grenadier training. Shortly after training, the player is thrust into aiding the 10th Mountain Division's convoy from attackers. The remaining three missions in a mountain trying to prevent enemy forces from escaping with supply crates dropped by C-130 transports.

The player is then assigned as the Automatic Rifleman, which involved defending their established base in the oil fields, and bringing the fight to the attackers. They eventually find a supply of money funding the terrorists inside a radio station's underground tunnels.

The player is then assigned as a Sniper. After training, the player is sent into arctic regions to kill high-ranking officers, capture enemy territory and hold the line.

After sniper training, the player is a Ranger Fireteam Leader, in which the player has an M4 carbine with pre-chosen modifications. The Fireteam Leader goes through MOUT training again with the ability to give limited orders to fellow squadmates. After training, the Rangers raid a drug processing base and defend it from ambushing OPFOR members, and also heads to a desert base to capture a high-ranking officer, as well as defending the base from enemy attack.

The player then becomes a Special Forces member, in which the player can modify his M4 carbine and lead indigenous forces. The two remaining campaigns has the player leading the forces to capture the main leaders behind the attacks, as well as helping the local allied forces protect Old Town. The campaign ends after Old Town is successfully protected, with the player and fellow Special Forces members returning home.

13 years ago

The funny part is that Xbox owners had to buy America's Army. Army recruitment centers have given the PC versions away for free for years and it can be downloaded for free as well from the game website, Steam, and various other digital download services. It's actually a pretty good game in it's own right as well.

13 years ago


maybe they protect your so-called freedom in the U.S but i am not from America.

Do not think for a second that your so-called "freedom" applies to other countries.

Last edited by Sakaxxxx on 5/30/2011 12:59:11 PM

Kiwi of DOOM
Kiwi of DOOM
13 years ago

I'm from Canada, and I happened to give his comment a thumbs up. Just sayin'.

13 years ago

freedom is a thing all men strive for, and too few have. The soul cries out for freedom when oppressed. It is a universal value that can only be achieved through strife and struggle. No one is totally free, but if you have none at all I pity you.

13 years ago

Good. Now tell your government to quit taking aid from US tax payers.

13 years ago


You know what?

If your country even had any real natural resources that the communists and/or Islamic extremists(not regular Muslims) wanted, your country would probably be over-run in the first 20 minutes decades ago.
And only one guess as to whom would've gotten the only call to come bail your a$$ out????

"That's right, the USA".


Today is America's "Memorial Day", a time for us to honor & pray for our fallen heroes.
What Memorial Day ISN'T, is for any America-despising a$$wipes to spout their rhetoric crap against us.

For all the millions of Americans that DO CARE, here's a 4 minute video on the true meaning of "Memorial Day.
And for those that want to hate on us, I really don't give a f*ck what you think!!!!!!!

The True Meaning of Memorial Day

13 years ago

im not saying that i do not have freedom, i just hate what americans think freedom is

13 years ago

Seriously. I said it earlier, and I'll say it again. Shut up. No one cares. Leave your political rhetoric at the door. This is a gaming community, not a political sounding board to gripe about what you perceive as the American worldview and way of life. Just stop.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

That's pretty cool…

13 years ago

Unbelievably off topic for an obvious reason,

@ Sakxaxx,

Americans believe Freedom is what we live and who we are, how we have been and will be raised as individuals. We are NOT, fat, ignorant, violent murder machines. We are Human Beings like everyone else on Planet Earth and most of us just want to get through the day with whatever stimulants or encouragement we have. I believe freedom is what my for-fathers fought and died to protect for future generations. How Dare you Sakaxxx. What is your effing problem? You sound like a freakin' Commie!(Kidding sort of)

And I agree with Quebex, Frostbite 2.0 should have been considered. I am reading that the Original Crysis engine(CryEngine 2?) is far more impressive than CryEngine 3. Especially on PC. Plus, DICE has publicly and wisely stated; "We will not dumb down Frostbite 2.0 for consoles". Amen, as I am solely a PS gamer, I am saving up for an expensive gaming PC.

Last edited by BeezleDrop on 5/30/2011 1:59:22 PM

13 years ago

he's just cold, being in iceland and all.

13 years ago

i am not saying that every single american is a murderer, i am only speaking about your corrupt government that send people into war for such meaningless causes like the war in Irak.

13 years ago

Come back and see me when you have family fighting in a war. I believe if you did, you wouldn't find it meaningless at all.

Plus, I am sensing a tremendous amount of ignorance out of you if you think the US government is the only one that's corrupt.

The Worlds governments are all working together anyways, and eventually you'll see it.

13 years ago

Sakaxxxx: I don't give a damn about your politics. But you are clearly trying to piss people off. Stop trolling.

Last edited by SHADOW on 5/30/2011 5:08:39 PM

13 years ago

There isn't any government in the world that doesn't have some corruption in it.

Money & power will always influence some humans to become corrupt.

You want REAL corruption in government, just move to China

13 years ago

@SHADOW, thank you.

13 years ago

america is broke and it quite interesting how we're still printing money out of thin in an effort to feed the military industrial complex and feuling the current illegal wars and future ones.

"Those "capitlist murderers" protect your freedom to say such foolish things on the internet."

The line that american troops are protecting our freedoms is the biggest lie ever told to the american public, and its a lie that have been repeated everytime america involves iself in illegal wars as pointed in this article:

Last edited by A2K78 on 5/30/2011 2:04:14 PM

13 years ago

"i am not saying that every single american is a murderer, i am only speaking about your corrupt government that send people into war for such meaningless causes like the war in Irak."

The problem with america's wars aren't the fact they are meaningless, but rather squarely illegal. I mean we have presidents who claim to be obeying the constitution, but in reality they are disobeying it with their illegal wars and it for this reason why america have a presidential dictatorship.

13 years ago

"Americans believe Freedom is what we live and who we are"

as somebody who can rightly call himself an american, I honestly tell that america is not free, this when you consider the fact that we live under an elected dictatorship.

13 years ago

Welcome to the beginning of the One World Order.

13 years ago

Considering video games originated from the military it is only appropriate that they give back at some point.

13 years ago

"I wouldn't call any soldiers from any country murderers."

By nature, all soliders are murderers and simpily because their main duty is to kill for the state.

To further add I hope you read this well written article by one of my favourite libertarian writers so it can enlighten you on the matter:

Last edited by A2K78 on 5/30/2011 3:52:54 PM

13 years ago

"By nature, all soliders are murderers and simpily because their main duty is to kill for the state."

Ehh, no its not, their main duty is to protect the civilian populace while in a situation of conflict, which can include taking out enemy bases and strategic locations and people. So yes, soldiers can and will murder people if they're ordered to, but in an ideal world, they will do so only to protect their country.

Now, about the article you linked, well I agree with most points exposed there, especially this:

"One vision — the vision of militarism and empire — will bring America more violence, death, destruction, impoverishment, and loss of freedom. The other vision — the vision of a limited-government, constitutional republic with citizen-soldiers — would put our nation back on the right road of peace, prosperity, harmony, and freedom."

As I said in the same post where you took the other line:

"We can only hope that someday soldiers won't be needed, but until that happens It's nice to know that there's someone out there whose job is to protect the rest of us"

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