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Resistance 3 Seeks To Take Franchise To New Levels

With all the information we have for Resistance 3 , we're starting to realize that comparing it to past entries might be silly.

Insomniac is clearly going out of the way to redefine the nature of this series, injecting the third installment with a ton of upgrades and enhancements.

Many of them are highlighted in a new campaign and multiplayer report at the PlayStation Blog ; it's a great read. We learn about the hit-and-run guerrilla tactics employed by the Chimera, the diverse level and landscape design, increased AI (Chimera will now have different "jobs"), and an overhauled arsenal. Designer Drew Murray said they "rebuilt all the guns, everything from the audio effects to the feel of the iron sights." The Carbine now does more damage but has a slightly lower rate of fire, the Bullseye can rip enemies apart, the Marksman can deploy a micro-turret for cover fire, etc. Oh, and the weapon wheel is back, too.

And as for the 8-on-8 multiplayer sessions, there's even more variety, with "teams battling in exotic locales from Columbia to The Republic of Chad." It also seems that the smaller maps and strategic shootouts makes it feel more like the original Resistance , although we have modern content like character progression and customization "supercharged with abilities that can turn the tables during a heated match." Yes indeed, come September, you're going to want to consider Resistance 3 .

Related Game(s): Resistance 3

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Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
13 years ago

First, for once.

And we'll see about that, Resistance 3.

I liked Resistance 2, so I wonder just how different and fresh the third installment will be. I'm hoping for something good.

Last edited by Nas Is Like on 5/19/2011 10:22:27 AM

13 years ago


13 years ago

come on man its insomniac …do you have to wonder…this shyt is gonna be amazing

13 years ago

I have to agree with Tayizfire on this one.

13 years ago

people still do that 'first' bullshit?

13 years ago

Just an FYI,

Calling out "first" is a no-no, & is frowned upon here.

But you'll probably get a slide on this one, seeing that you're new here.

Anyway…….no harm, no foul.

13 years ago


13 years ago


Nope. 😉

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
13 years ago

Lot of people on here catching feelings just because I said "first". How sad.

13 years ago

we are against it.

13 years ago

And I must say I don't understand why. May be a little immature but it isn't causing any harm

13 years ago

Consider it bought. Although it does seem like they are taking the franchise further, it also seems like they are going back to what made the first Resistance so great as far as the MP. Smaller maps, less players, more fun! Can't wait!

13 years ago

I'm just glad the weapon wheel is back.

13 years ago

Indeed. That was the biggest gripe I had about Resistance 2.

13 years ago

Fa shoo!

13 years ago

The weapon Wheel didn't bother me from it not being in Resistance 2. I adapted pretty well and quickly.

But to each their own I guess.

13 years ago

Not having the weapon wheel in Resistance 2 didn't bother me at all.

13 years ago

I actually enjoyed the wild free for all multiplayer in R2. Oh well, it isn't important.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

No consideration needed.

13 years ago

Admit it, you want it for the cyborg gorillas

13 years ago

The cover art for Resistance 3 is sick! I hope this starts a new trend of creative gaming cover art.

I loved R1 but I think I was a bit distracted or something when R2 came out. All of my friends were hammering away at the multiplayer but it just didn't do it for me. I'm pumped for R3 though

13 years ago

I wasn't a fan of the mp in R2 either. The way the maps were set up to be really confined, and the amount of players, left the game really unbalanced to me. It lost it's fun factor when you run into an enemy around every corner, or are constantly getting killed from behind, it's not bad spawning it's too many players for those types of maps. But others may disagree, I just am more of a fan of the old school types of gameplay, simple, open, strategic maps and small teams, and weapon pickups. That's what made Resistance: FoM mp so good!

The co-op on the other hand was a blast and wish they had brought that back!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 5/19/2011 11:02:32 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

That cover art is really beautiful. At first I thought that it was perhaps too simplistic or something, but I realise now that I'll be glad to see such a stark cover as part of my collection. If there's one thing that I love, it's the art on the cover of Insomniac games.

13 years ago

Bigrailer, r3 has coop both as players vs chimera-games as well as the entire storyline being 2player coop! I'd say that's a tad more juicy than the coop in r2?

13 years ago

I knew the storyline would have splitscreen, I didn't know their was online story coop though. I remember the first having split screen also. But it's all good, I usually don't play co op unless it is online, and I'm completely fine with singleplayer and competitive mp anyways. Plus I love the Resistance games with or with out it!

13 years ago

Yeah me too, I don't like split screen at all. But storyline coop is both split and online in R3. Things are looking good indeed.

13 years ago

Ok sweet I'll take that over the co op they had in R2, although the variety part of it was very nice! Thanks for the heads up, I really didn't know that.

13 years ago

Sounds fantastic. Day one. I will also take this moment to complain once more about the lack of the co-op like in 2, in case they're trolling looking for rubes like me who are clamoring for it.

Stay classy PSX…

Last edited by Highlightreel on 5/19/2011 10:59:05 AM

13 years ago

Nice here's mine:
"PSX stand for 'a whale's vagina…'"
Lol that movie is awesome

13 years ago

From what I've seen of the gameplay on the playstation blog post I was like :O the whole time. I just can't explain how awesome it looks!

13 years ago

I have full faith in Insomaniac, can't wait

13 years ago

I've played all of tge resistance games and the only things I have to complain about are the shooting, the weapon mechanics, and the way the enemies react. If they could maybe pick up Modern Warfare 2 and try it out for a couple of hours they might learn a thing or two from infinity wards product

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Heh, what? I'll admit that the enemy AI can be unresponsive, but those jumpy fruitloops in the original game tried my patience no end. The AI has been good but not great, and the weapons/shooting I've always found to be brilliant. Perhaps it's because of the creativity gone into them as opposed to being just ordinary weapons, but it persuades you to experiment without forcing you to.

Insomniac, ignore this guy. Don't you dare touch CoD and let in influence Resistance in any way.

13 years ago

Yeah right lol when I shot those crazy bubbles of energy at enemies they would randomly hit and miss, lol that's 5 year old 90's random rambo bs

Tweak the mechanics, make em better then I might consider getting this game a few months after release ;D

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

If you're talking about the Bullseye, it was designed to be wildly inaccurate, which is why it had the secondary fire of tagging an enemy or object to send each subsequent shot to the same location. It's about persuading the player to experiment with the Alt-fires and different weapons, rather than just sticking to the tried and true formula.

13 years ago

Like lawless said; its all about using the weapons the way they were meant. Each weapon is unique and can absolutely change the significance of ease for the player to progress in certain situations. If your just shooting with the bullseye gun your not using it how it was meant to be used. It is absolutely inaccurate, UNTIL you use thesecondary and mark a target, then you won't miss.

13 years ago

Umm you can finish both games in a couple weeks, their is no reason for a delay… You'll get caught up with plenty of time!

13 years ago

There's really not much to the story so you can pretty much catch up off some info on the internet

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

We're still three months away from the release, and I know there's a plethora of games already released this year and a few others coming as well (Deus Ex springs to mind a week or two before R3), but if you're starting next week, you should have no issues. The two games may be longer than your average FPS, but not unbelievably so.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Improved AI, a massive improvement to the graphics, a complete rebalancing of the weapons along with an XP system to level them in the SP campaign, a massively diverse range of environments and conditions, a change in the feel of the stor but the retention of the plot that's been so excellent over the past two games, and a complete refocus of the multiplayer? Insomniac have outdone themselves here, and all of this in concert with the level design that made FoM so fantastic.

I don't often get excited for FPS games but… I can't WAIT to see this one.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Hey… Uncharted NGP details sound NICE! Reportedly set between DF and AT and may explain why Elena was pissed at Nate when they met up again, less focus on gunfights and more on exploration (platforming?) Not much to it, obviously, but still…

13 years ago

Ugh! Why do they do this to me? First with GoW now with uncharted. My two favorite franchises having games set in-between the PS3 (and/or PS2) versions, on a handheld! I have nothing against handhelds, other than for me I'd rather play it on my PS3. They are forcing me to buy a handheld at this point! They know my weakness!

When first mentioned I thought it was going to be U:DF on the NGP, obviously I was wrong.

13 years ago

Good, I was always wondering when ND would reveal what happened with Nate and Elena between UDF and UAT. Plus that emphasis on exploration sounds intriguing to say the least.

13 years ago

I have this preordered at Walmart. Cant wait. This will be epic like the first two easily. Insomniac doesn't drop the ball.

13 years ago

lol i did a first once… we all learn i guess. I gotta say i really liked the 30 v 30 online in R2. I wouldn't say it has an edge over an 8v8 online game, but to me it was a blast. It was just so hectic, and for me the maps were perfect size (at least the map size fluctuated with the ammount of players) 16 players however is much more controllable and allows for a lot more strategy and less twitch instincts so im all for the R3 online

13 years ago

i hope its good, i quit playing R2 after about 2 hours. it looks like crap.

13 years ago

and what about the fans who dont want it to be different?
sigh, some day devs will learn we dont want different games, we want expanded, improved versions of previous games in the series!
soon were going to see kratos in a tower defence game, and drake as GT6s new mascot!

13 years ago

You're an idiot. The game isn't all that changed, they just went back to a lot of the things that made the first one great with some new things to make it feel FRESH yet FAMILIAR. You obviously don't understand that concept at all.

13 years ago

I've still got RFOM and i can't ever see me trading it in but as for R2 the single player game was ok ish but i couldn't get into the multi player game at all ;-( from what i've read and seen of this one things can only get better so i'm up for getting this one on day of release.

13 years ago

Looking excellent so far. This'll definitely be my favorite FPS of the year, provided its campaign is longer than 9 hours.

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