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Ubisoft: I Am Alive, Beyond Good & Evil 2 Still In Progress

After hearing that Ubisoft intends to cancel several planned titles, we got all concerned.

Many were worried that two of the most promising titles on the horizon – I Am Alive and Beyond Good & Evil 2 – might be on the chopping block. But thankfully, the publisher has confirmed that both titles are safe and still in development. As it turns out, the canned projects were "unannounced," which is good news…hey, if we didn't know about 'em, we can't grieve over their demise. The only downside to this news is that Ubisoft had no new update on the progress of either game. All we know is that I Am Alive has become an all-digital adventure for the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live, and BG&E2 remains a title that a great many really want. The original has a big-time cult following, for sure.

We just have to "keep the faith" for that sequel, as we've heard in the past. Well, so long as they're both in the works.

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13 years ago

I'm still kinda mad that I Am Alive is going to be digital, but I'll check it out anyways.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Here: To appease those who think it's digital.

It's not yet been confirmed.

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 5/13/2011 11:32:59 PM

13 years ago

I am glad I'm still alive, and that the game is too.
Hurray for the both of us!

And hearty winded 2nd Hurray for BG&E2 a'coming also!!!!!

Edit: Oh damn, I missed that part where IGIA is going to be digital….damn, damn, triple damnit!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 5/13/2011 9:56:44 PM

13 years ago

I used to be so excited about I am Alive back when it was a PS3 exclusive. Now that its digital, I hang my head.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

It hasn't been confirmed yet whether I Am Alive is now a PSN/XBLA only title. Yves Guillemont came out a couple of days after that rumour started circulating to say that no such thing had happened, so… I'll keep my hopes up until I hear otherwise.

But I actually want both of these games. It kind of flies in the face of what Ubi was saying a few months ago about not being able to bring new IPs into the market place mid-console cycle. Although that may actually pertain to one or more of those cancelled titles.

13 years ago

I knew Beyond Good and Evil 2 was still in the works, but I Am Alive? That comes as a big surprise, mostly cos I thought it had been cancelled last year. Very surprising!!

These games have been in development for awhile now. When are they finally going to start showing trailers or make an official announcement. Come on E3!! I'm hoping a Ubi rep takes the Sony stage and plays a 2 minute demo of BG&E 2 to the surprise of everyone there. Now THAT would be awesome!!!

13 years ago

So when are we getting the BG&E on psn, because I never got the chance to play it and from what I've heard about it, sounds like my kind of game.

13 years ago

I was disheartened to hear I Am Alive had been relegated to a low class title, gonna hafta pass.

BG&E2 I have high hopes for, but it's sad that they axed a bunch of new IPs in favor of too many entries in Assassin's Crud.

13 years ago

i'm disapointed that i am alive was downgraded to a digital title. i really don't know much about it. i guess it's a survivor type game with a low budget. apparently ubisoft does not have enough faith in it for a boxed release.

bge was a decent ps2 game. i remember it being a really short game. i may be wrong, but i think i beat the game in a few days. it was fun while it lasted.

i actually avoid most ubisoft games. i don't think they do a very good job porting their games over to the ps3. i do own ac1. i did not like it very much. it was just a boring game for me. i heard ac2 is a lot better so i will eventually try it. i know ben thinks highly of the ac series so i'm gbing to give it a chance.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 5/13/2011 11:18:05 PM

13 years ago

im sorry but ubisoft is dead to me!
there more interested in putting out crappy zumba games then they are proper titles like there famous tom clancy series.
gone from the best 3rd party publisher out there, to the 2nd worst!

13 years ago

Can't wait for BG&E2. Don't care about I am Alive and if it becomes a digital download game it can die.

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