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Sony Releases “Filmy,” A New PSN Application For HD Vids

Movie lovers and all you who videophiles out there should enjoy this.

A new movie viewing application from Sony has arrived exclusively on the PlayStation Network; it's called Filmy , and it "allows easy organization and viewing of AVCHD video recorded with Sony cameras on PlayStation 3." All you have to do is connect an AVCHD-recordable camera to your PS3 with a USB cable, and you can see those AVCHD vids on your TV. You'll find Filmy in the media category on the PSN; it's a free trial version that lets you fiddle around with all the features for 15 minutes. If that bit of experimentation convinces you, then feel free to nab the paid version, which unlocks all content functionality for only $4.99. We're certain many will find a use for this new application and as time goes on, it becomes clearer and clearer that Sony intends to expand upon the PS3's significant multimedia capabilities.

And while the games always come first, it's nice to have the bells and whistles every once in a while.

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13 years ago

I might get at this, but really I think this should be free rather then $5. Oh well after the trial I'll see what I think after.

13 years ago

i really want Sony to revamp the PS3 interface. it can use it at this point.
(not necessarily change it entirely, but lets face it, it needs an improvement to the look and better accessibility)

13 years ago

I always wanted them to allow for more customization of the icons. On my computer I have no icons on the desktop. Id like to at least hide the ones that I do not use if not remove them completely.

13 years ago

I'm always up for new features but I expect a lot of "Why you giving us stuff we don't want? comments.

13 years ago

Not too keen on the name, Sony is kinda nuts with names lately. "This urine sample looks filmy"

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Maybe anything you can think of is taken? Like trying to make a PSN in 2007 is a lot easier than it is now. Try doing it on 2011… you might need to add numbers, dash, & underscores.

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 2/8/2011 5:26:44 PM

13 years ago

Gotta agree on the name choice World, Filmy sounds like some kind of kid's toy. Anyways glad to see Sony's keeping busy with new apps and such.

13 years ago

Hope this thing can do more than just view AVCHD videos, with added visuals and organization features. Otherwise, I don't see the whole point seeing that I've been connecting my AVCHD camera with a HDMI cable directly to the TV. However, IF this thing lets me convert videos, I'm so getting it.

13 years ago

koo addition. does anybody kno if they will drop a update that allows u to upload your vidz created in eyecreate?

13 years ago

how about an update that will be useful sony?
a new, improved web browser, and cross-game chat.
im still waiting.

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