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Bulletstorm: New Gameplay Reinforces Emphasis On “Fun”

This past week, Epic boss Cliff "CliffyB" Bleszinski talked about how shooters are often "too serious."

This was during an interview in the latest Qore episode, but it always helps to actually see the interview, along with the awesome gameplay footage we haven't yet seen. The Qore clip with CliffyB is below and the background gameplay from Bulletstorm reinforces the point that over-the-top sci-fi shooters can still exist in a genre dominated by a focus on military action and authenticity.

He also talks about four-player co-op and something called Echo Mode, where you rip through the campaign's most intense battles in an attempt to bring down the highest score. Then, your friends can try to beat that score at a later date (it sort of reminds us of the Autolog in Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit ). There's also a bit about the storyline and at the end, Bleszinski mentions that part about shooters "taking themselves too seriously."

Maybe it's just what we need. The game is so nuts, it's really difficult to compare it to something like Call of Duty or Killzone . There's little doubt that Bulletstorm will be a tour de force of brutal hilarity.

Related Game(s): Bulletstorm

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13 years ago

Let me guess Cliffy B, this game is going to be "bad ass" too?

Being a fan of Gears of War i will probably give this a look. Looks like alot of no nonsense fun, & the Echo mode sounds pretty killer.

13 years ago

Yup still getting it.

13 years ago

It seems like "fun" is one of those ambiguous descriptors in gaming. You know? Like when you ask someone what they thought of a game they say something like, "it's a lot of fun" But you still come away not knowing what they meant by that. And are games like Modern Warfare made "serious" by design or by the kind of gamer who takes it seriously?

One might think something like CoD is realistic, or serious, until you see something like this:

Suddenly it doesn't seem so realistic and pretty "fun"ny =p

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Yeah, subjectivity does play a large part of it. I, personally, can have fun with even the most hair pulling experiences when I just relax and put my qualms about the difficulty on hold. Some games are designed to be serious, but even these can be exploited.

Either way, after several posts on this very subject, I hope Blank Line is looking forward to this one.

13 years ago

lol, that vid was well made 🙂

13 years ago

This guy alawyas say that this game gonna be fun bla blah blah less serious more emphasis on fun blah blah blah..isn't games about that? he thinks we don't know? no wonder why GeoW is boring.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

…Gears isn't "boring."

13 years ago

Gears is boring…huh? I played part 1 and nothing about that game was boring. Never played part 2, but yeah you get the point.

13 years ago

Man, this entire Bulletstorm game promotion reminds me of Ninja Theory and their self praise of Enslaved.

I wonder since the story is the same, if the ending will be as well?

13 years ago

I just beat Enslaved, I can't believe how short it was! The second the story picks up its over. And the good funny parts don't quite make up for constant pop-in and pop-out. Not sure how it got above a 7.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 12/30/2010 2:28:20 PM

13 years ago

Yep, it's over before you know it. It makes me wonder why they bothered with the character building aspect.

13 years ago

when i saw qore earlier this month it made me want to play this game more than i did before. i was only slightly interested before hand. with so many games taking so long and then some of them being worth less then the dump i took earlier, it just isnt worth getting excited until i see something like this. honestly i probably wont buy it but i do want to play it.

13 years ago

Just wait till it's on the cheap.. I'm guessing this one won't take long to fall in price.

13 years ago

I'm going to need to read PSX's review before i consider this. The FPS class is so competitive and it's hard to see any flaws in just a video, especially with the developers bragging it up during.
Could be good, or not. We'll find out.

13 years ago

I still want!

13 years ago

Looks gimmicky to me, but I'll read a Ben review.

Unreal= Bodes problems.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 12/30/2010 2:24:21 PM

13 years ago

Bulletstorm looks like an entertaining game built around the core of "kicking ass and taking names". Personally, I want a game like this to succeed beyond expectations as well as Duke Nukem. I enjoy playing video games. I don't enjoy hearing grown dudes get off on themselves on how many head shots they had in COD, lol.

It's about time EA and Activision get the boot, pun intended.

13 years ago

I hope he knows all shooters aren't military based. His has a point though, but one pr twp FPSs I found serious and fun at the sametime were Bioshock. I don't know if this guys played those games, but Bioshock (especially part 2) was kicka** as far as entertainment went. Still not going to buy this game as I just don't care for this at the moment. With Killzone 3, Infamous 2, Batman AC, Dead Space 2, and Mass Effect 2 landing…my pockets are pretty tied, but I will rent it just like a few others and then I will eventually add them to my collection when the price point comes down. Most likely next summer because we already know what falls looking like

13 years ago

the kicks really bother me lol

13 years ago

that is exactly why cliffy is such a great game developer, why epic make such great games, and why they always sell so well!
now only if he could get it through all developers thick skulls that gameplay is more important than graphics we would all have fun enjoyable games to play.
instead of having to put up with all these boring as bat sh*t tech demos!

13 years ago

I'm just newly playing MAG so when this comes out I may still be playing MAg due to the really slow XP gain and gaining money as well. I enjoy it more when I scavenge other players' guns and run chaos with it 🙂

13 years ago

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