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Square-Enix Projections Nosedive, Deus Ex Delayed

Things tend to go south when you release a big game that falls well shy of expectations.

Square-Enix has recently apologized for the mediocre technical state of Final Fantasy XIV , and they've vowed to make things better with an overhauled staff. They've also extended the free trial periods for new players. But this couldn't stop Square-Enix from drastically revising their profit projections for the current fiscal year: according to GameSpot , they've dropped the forecast by a depressing 92%, "with projected sales and operating income also seeing sharp declines." Originally expecting to take in ¥12 billion ($142 million, £91 million) for the fiscal year, they now only anticipate ¥1 billion ($12 million, £8 million). Furthermore, one of the more promising titles on the publisher's slate, Deus Ex: Human Revolution , has been delayed. It was supposed to be out in February but now, it's in Square-Enix's "next fiscal year" so…who knows when it might arrive.

They did say the delay was so developer Eidos could "spend additional time to further polish" the game, but with a new launch window of anywhere between April 2011 and April 2012, fans are going to be disappointed. The project still has a ton of potential , certainly, but now we've got a bit of a wait… As for Final Fantasy Versus XIII , we have no updates. And that isn't surprising at all.

P.S. Bear in mind that Final Fantasy XIII – which was hugely successful, of course – was released in Square-Enix's last fiscal year in both Japan and North America.

Related Game(s): Deus Ex: Human Revolution

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13 years ago

There's just too many content in the original FF games to retail the same quality in the HD consoles. Considering the quality of their recent FF games, I'm not so sure I wanted them to push FFVII remake into the market within 2 years by cutting contents. I rather the game be remembered as a legend.

13 years ago

I don't know about FF7, but they are releasing Chrono Cross for the Japanese PSN.
Don't know if it is of any consolation for the JRPG fans out there, I really don't know the genre as the only JRPG I ever played was FF8…

13 years ago

I am a bit confused when companies talk about fiscal years. Are they saying, they were supposedly releasing everything by Fiscal Year 2011, by releasing everything april 2011, then got pushed back till after May 2011?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

The fiscal year for Square-Enix (and most other publishers) ends on March 31.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 12/16/2010 10:57:33 AM

13 years ago

Thanks. One more question. Are we currently in Fiscal year 2010? or 2011?

13 years ago


13 years ago

Good riddance. Hopefully another online FF doesn't waste another numerical spot in the FF saga.

Deus Ex looks to be shaping up very nice, I hope the dev gets all the time they want to make it their best.

So where's WorldEndsWithMe? Who else is going to talk about swinging donkey penises and ridicule the assassin's creed games?

13 years ago

Wow, I think I'm glad I missed that conversation…I think Square Enix is going to have to do some serious re-evaluation this gen. Their bid to become more "Western" has cost them a fair number of their original fans. If they don't do something soon, We could all lose the FF series to a buy out. And the last thing we want is a FF game in the hands of someone like Kotick. That would be a giant case of swinging donkey penises right in the face of the fans…

13 years ago


If there is a buyout, perhaps Sony can build their 5% stake into a 51% stake and the old SE could return under the umbrella of a friendly owner/publisher.

13 years ago

Wow, this hurts me deeply. I was so excited for Deus Ex release in march. On the bright side now I can get Dead Space.

13 years ago

Not surprised one bit.

13 years ago

Very poor profit numbers. What's their total revenue?

Stupid companies like this really need to think about what their insane exclusivity stance did for their long term viability. Screwing the PlayStation community does *not* pay.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 12/16/2010 12:18:38 PM

13 years ago

Turbo Agree.


13 years ago

I like Square-Enix, but it serves them right for making a terrible MMO without listening to any player criticism.

They have such great talent and ability, we've seen it in the past and it can be done again. They just need to understand that they need to listen to us.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

What did they think was going to net them $142 million? I suppose paid servers for FFXIV, but considering they did a piss-poor job of it, they can't charge yet. Also, I don't see Deus Ex selling as much as they want either, just given the fact that the name isn't really a huge drawcard.

They also cancelled the Highlander game that was in development for X number of years. And with silence on the FF future front, and only Tomb Raider springing to mind, which could actually sell quite a few copies, I don't see the future being at all profitable for S-E.

13 years ago

Canceling the Highlander game was a bad move, and a personal affront! Imagine, having your own game canceled! I'll tell you what, if their HQ wasn't located on holy ground, why I'd…


…I'd show up outside their office with a protest sign if I lived close enough to do it… 😉

13 years ago

You don't have enough fingers to count the number of epic fails SE has pulled out of their hat this past year. Other than publishing Just Cause 2, what have they done right?

Let's see… They released Dragon Quest on the DS. They massacred their Front Mission series. They released a broken MMO and they refuse to give the only fans they have left the FFVII remake they so desire. Not to mention the pipe dream that is FFvsXIII.

No. It's not looking good for them.

13 years ago

Sometimes the best medicine is humility. Let them learn. If they have to out of bussiness then let them. If they somehow pull out of this pray they've learned…

13 years ago

You reap what you sow. Japan has turned into the Land Of The Failing Fun.

13 years ago

THAT… is funny

13 years ago

I reckon thats all they deserve too.

King James
King James
13 years ago

The company that has been slacking this gen finally got some slacking numbers huh? Here's to FF14 being free-to-play very soon.

13 years ago

That's what happens when you shart on your loyal fans and make FF13 a corridor RPG.
And now they resort to developing Mario Sports Mix.
What's happened to you S-E?

13 years ago

Why is Mega Man hanging out with all Nintendo licensed characters in your avi?


13 years ago

The Square Enix of 10-15 years ago (when it was still Squaresoft), are long gone. Perhaps Kingdom Hearts 3 will be an ace in the hole for them. If that turns out to be multiplatform, I'm done. They can remake and re-release older games all they like. They won't get my money since I still have all original copies. I may spring a few bucks for Chrono Trigger but I still have the cartridge.

I'm not rejoicing in a childhood hero's fall from grace.

13 years ago

Make an epic JRPG=more money, problem solved.

13 years ago

SE better be really delaying Deus Ex due to a fine polishing, and not just making up an excuse to hang DE out to dry because all of their self-induced financial "woe-is-me" coma.

Hey S.E.,…….."WAX ON, WAX OFF"!!!!!

13 years ago

I can't help but feel happy that SE is posting loss…….

13 years ago

I agree, this is the boot up the ass they need. ignoring the loyal fans is the biggiest mistake ever. there is only one last thing they can do to redeem. MAKE THE ULTIMATE FF TO DATE!!! but in doing so i reckon they would need to spend 5 years. by then we would be on to new platforms possibly……

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