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Bulletstorm Devs Compare Hero Progression To God Of War

No, they're not comparing their game to the God of War franchise in a general sense; they're talking about how a team goes about creating the protagonist.

People Can Fly's over-the-top shooter looks to be quite promising. But typically, the only way you achieve complete and total "over-the-top-ness" is if you have a main hero who is a rip-roaring bad-ass from the start.  You know who Kratos is, right? And in this way, they drew a parallel to the God of War developers. People Can Fly creative director Adrian Chmielarz spoke to GamingBolt about the subject:

"We faced the same problem as the creators of God of War faced; how do you make an engaging and challenging game with a hero that is a bad ass mofo from the start?

Usually, there’s this clear progression. You have amnesia, wake up in prison, and your first weapon is a knife – and then it’s the pistol, the machine gun, etc. But how do you make a game in which you start with a nuke? Not that you start Bulletstorm with the nuke, but I’m sure you get the point.

We knew we wanted Grayson to be a character empowered with awesome combat skills and abilities from the start, and the challenge was to feature a progress of that character. That’s how the “over-the-topness” of Bulletstorm was born. While most games take you from zero to hero, we take you from hero to destroyer of worlds."

The phrase "destroyer of worlds" sounds just about right, don't you think? Is anyone else suddenly reminded of Duke Nukem, considering the genre in question? This Grayson guy better have his own little set of catch-phrases…remember, Duke Nukem Forever will be out next year, too – no, seriously – so Bulletstorm 's cocky hero will definitely have some company.

Related Game(s): Bulletstorm

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13 years ago

Yeah, total and utter badassery right from the get go is one of the things that attracted me to God of War.

I've always hated it when games go, "You have to save the world from total annhilation, the future of humanity is now in your hands. Here's your crowbar."

What the-?

13 years ago

on the plus side it wont run out of bullets.

13 years ago

but but I'm just a scientist!

13 years ago

hahahahahahahahaha too true too true mate.

13 years ago

I hope this game is as good as it sounds. I'm going to rent it first before i buy it. Really getting sick of the oversaturation of shooters.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I do like a character that exists for little more purpose than to destroy everything that gets put in his way. On the other hand, Kratos was on a quest to kill the gods, and his story tied in heavily with Greek mythology, while this bloke is a drunken space pirate… I'm sensing the narrative won't be quite so gripping. At least the gamplay should be good.

13 years ago

The last time PCF spoke I wasn't very impressed. This however gives a bit of insight into their thinking process and I like what I'm hearing.

But Grayson?? How badass can a guy called Grayson be?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

James Grayson in Resistance Retribution was pretty badass.

13 years ago

ES V Skyrim confirmed! REJOICE!

13 years ago

@Alienange Hey mate just curious, do you have an account on only asking coz there is someone on there who has a very similar Avatar as you and reminds me abit of you in regards to how he writes his comments. just curious.

13 years ago

Ben, howcome some of my comments come up as "comment pending moderator approval" ??? am i writing something i shouldnt be?? i can understand one time when i said the "S" word but i cant figure why some others.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Any links need moderator approval, just the same as curse words… Hope that helps.

13 years ago

Bloody roots,
It's nothing personal.

If you put any links into your post, it's the trigger that automatically throws you into "pending mode" until a moderator has a chance to check it out & either approve or disapprove it.
And I think our site also uses a filter that does the same for certain curse words too.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/11/2010 9:16:04 PM

13 years ago

ahhhhh i understand now, cheers fellas!

13 years ago

I think it bad to draw comparisons to a franchise that has always been a measuring stick for action games. It could lead people to believe that this game will be as good as or better than God of War not saying it couldn't be, but if it wasn't then it would get a lower score, just from the comparison.

13 years ago

bulletstorm are idiots comparing God of war to that? a FPS to TPA? the hell they been smoking? looks like one dev. company is desperate…

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