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Special Augmented Edition For Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is one of our most anticipated games of 2011 and if you're a fan in waiting, you might want to spring for the Augmented Edition.

Square-Enix recently announced this special edition along with a couple add-on packs that will be handed out to consumers who pre-order from participating retailers. While some special editions for big games often sport a very high price tag, the Augmented Edition is only $10 extra ($69.99) and it'll include premium packaging, a 40-page art book, a behind-the-scenes DVD, and a motion graphic novel included on the bonus disc. If you want to pre-order at GameStop, you can grab an Explosive Mission Pack; it'll feature a new mission, a grenade launcher, remotely detonated explosives, an automatic lock-pick, and a cool cameo from original Deus Ex hero JC Denton. Other retailers will offer the Tactical Enhancement Pack, which boasts a sniper rifle, a shotgun, and additional in-game credits. That's money, peeps.

This game really has a lot going for it, and we're hoping to receive the slick sci-fi action/RPG we're all expecting…

Related Game(s): Deus Ex: Human Revolution

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13 years ago

A noob tube? This game just might be really good after all.

13 years ago

OMG! you don't know how happy I am right now. I can't wait for this game!!!!.

13 years ago

extra level, meeting with former protagonist, new guns. I say that might just be worth $10

13 years ago

$80 is 10 dollars more? Since when were games $70?

13 years ago

Oh you fixed it, now I look a fool.

13 years ago

Whenever Activision finally gets their way with it

13 years ago

never played a desus ex game, but this has certainly peaked my interest!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

The first option is a far better proposition from my point of view. And I always enjoy flipping through the art books for games, but I don't see myself either pre-ordering or getting the Special Edition of this title, unless I find it on the shelf when I go to pick it up. I love it when that happens.

13 years ago

I'd rather not have all the weapons ahead of time unless I can actually earn them all-by-myself in a game.

So for me, the 2nd deal with the extra in-game credits/money seems the more of the less-cheaty way to go.

13 years ago

two words….cant wait!

13 years ago

Looks like it's finally time to pre-order Deux Ex: Human Revolution. I've been waiting to see if any type of Collector's Edition would pop up for it and here it is.

I've never played Deus Ex before but there's just something about this game from the trailers, whether it be the music, voice-acting, story, graphics or gameplay, that has been really wanting this game.

I just wish it would feature something else rather than an art book, though. I really don't like those. I flip through them once and then I'm done.

Honestly, I would've rather spent an additional $10 or $20 to receive HD copies of the past Deus Ex games in this Augmented Edition. Hopefully Square and Eidos consider that for the future.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
13 years ago

I played the second DE (Invisible War?) on the the original Xbox and loved it. Will definitely be picking this one up.

13 years ago

if its only $10 more it should be only £5 more.
but game shops will rip us off.
oh and the VAT is going up. permission to say cock.

but yeah, if its that miniscule in price diff, ill get this!

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