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PSXE Poll Update: Not Everyone Likes Call Of Duty

All right, so I probably shouldn't have given you guys the option.

We maintain that Call of Duty: Black Ops is a great game (albeit a little lacking in the technical stability category), but the obvious entertainment factor hasn't seemed to sway the PSXE faithful. In our recent poll, despite the words of praise from critics, the majority of participators just replied, "Call of what now?" when asked what their reaction was to Treyarch's latest blockbuster. To be fair, the game seems to get run through the shredder in various forums and communities around the web and although we understand the backlash, we still say a lot of that criticism is unfair and biased. The game wasn't as polished as it should've been and the developer is already hard at work on a PS3 patch but for the most part, it's damn fun. I will say the story was better than I expected and the single-player campaign can be immensely fulfilling.

Next up, it seems we have a racing battle on our hands. Although Gran Turismo 5 is probably the favorite – especially amongst PS3 owners – there's no denying the appeal of Need for Speed , and the new Hot Pursuit game looks great . Besides, many gamers are more arcade-oriented and have no interest in simulators so in preparation for the next few weeks, we ask: which one you gonna get? Or do you just not care about the genre at all?  If so, that's fair…besides, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood is almost here.  Can't wait for that one, right?

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Black Ops

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Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Haha… I like that result…

As for the new one, well it has to be GT5, doesn't it? I'm sure Hot Pursuit will be a grand game, but it is hardly a competition.

P.S. Second paragraph, third line from the bottom. 😀

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Eh? Where?

13 years ago

"hart at work"

Should be "hard at work".

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Oh…I didn't consider that to be the "second paragraph." 🙂

13 years ago

GT5 ofcourse.

13 years ago

So far, I love the SP storyline for Black Ops. Treyarch has always had the better storyline/Sp experience. I haven't encountered any of the freezing, pausing or AI issues that have been reported. I don't play MP so can't comment on the glitching. As for the poll, GT5 all the way!!!!

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Yea me either & as for the AI accuracy, I personality think is the same as Mw2. You don't take cover you get shot at. I play on Veteran btw.

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 11/14/2010 10:09:16 PM

13 years ago

I cant wait till I beat Black Ops on veteran, its so freaking hard. Not as hard as W@W but still hard as hell. I only have two missions left.

13 years ago

I am with you guys. I play on veteran also and the prison break had me stuck for quite some time. Man that one was hard.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

I'll be getting GT5 over NFS HP!

BTW does anyone know when that new Official Sony Blue-Tooth is coming out?

13 years ago

Black ops really isn't a bad game! Don't bother asking me to go with online play, though. Not my cup of tea…

I'm going all out gt5 for now with nfs: hp to follow in a few months at least.

13 years ago

i was talking to my cousin about this as we both game a lot. i was looking at my game collection and realized i dont really own that many fps. ps1 games i have are gt2, ff 7,8,9 and a few other niche games. ps2 is a lot of 3rd person games, jak games, R&C games, mgs, gta, gt3, ffx… it keeps going for ps2 not a single fps. ps3 time and all i have is bioshock games, fallout games, mag and resistance 2. MAG and R2 are the closest to a CoD game i have and i never played the comp part of R2. i did a lot of the co-op though. i have never owned a CoD game and the only one i played was MW. i didnt care for it. guess if im gonna play online i would rather play MAG anyway

13 years ago

I don't follow… why does he need to get a life? I don't see anything wrong with his post…

13 years ago

Yeah, CoD is starting to feel the heat.
I wonder how long until the sheeple find something else.

I won't be getting GT5, or NFS, or ACB so good news for my wallet!

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Damnit World…at first I loved the avatar but now I wanna cry when I see it. 🙁

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 11/14/2010 10:19:53 PM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago


13 years ago

Awwww, she does look kinda sad. Can't blame her for that though. Maybe I can find something a bit more uplifting 🙂

13 years ago

That picture of her sort of makes her look like squall.

13 years ago

I always preferred Aeris to Tifa…
Call me crazy, but Aeris was like the sweetest babe ever.

She fit Cloud so well…
You could tell Cloud was more into Aeris' personality than into Tifa's, imo.

Anyway, wouldn't it be great that if they re-made FFVII that they'd give us the option to save Aeris? Alternate storyline?

THEN I'd buy it.

I rate FFVII under all FFs except XIII, but if this option was there it'd definitely pass at least FFV and VI.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I was so PO'd when Aeris died, I almost got a Gameshark so I could use that code to get her back. She was my favorite character. 1. I love mages, and 2. yeah, she was just adorable.

World: Any picture of Aeris will make me feel sad. Makes me realize what we've lost. But it's okay. 🙂

13 years ago

I did use my Gameshark to get her back 🙂 But not on my first play through. That had to be authentic so I could pour all my into Sephiroth.

13 years ago

Oh, I didn't know you could get Aeris back. Hmmm… I might consider that. I had blocked out of my mind why I never completed FFVII in the first place, then when i replayed it on the PSP recently I got to that point again, and stopped – again. I just can't be bothered to finish the game after she's gone.

Aeris dying is one of the reasons I still rate FFVII below FFVIII.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 11/15/2010 2:46:17 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Highlander: You're missing out. Because it's such a powerful moment, you've never wanted to destroy a villain more…

13 years ago

Yeah. and when you finally face him… don't do what I did… I had counter equipped, and let him hit me. Got caught up in the moment you see. Countered for the win. It's far less epic that way.

13 years ago

Perhaps guys, but I'm not sure I'll ever bother to find out. Don't get me wrong. I love FFVII as a game, it's just that is such a negative event during the game. It just kills the game for me when it happens.

13 years ago

The group itself just didn't feel the same after she died.

It was more of an emo Cloud and a "here's my shoulder" Tifa 🙁

The game's still solid after that and Tifa is cool overall. But it's just that Aeris was what made the game feel alive to me… (no pun intended lol!)

Ok, put it this way, imagine if Yuna died in FFX. Yeah…

13 years ago

Man, I remember when I saw Aeris die. I was 14, and it shook me up pretty badly. Main characters don't die in games! And then when Aeris' song started playing as soon as her materia hit the floor…I had to turn the game off for a while after that.

13 years ago

Cod is a good game but I voted call of what only because the game is always so hyped especially by xbox fan boys.

Now as for nfs vs gran tursimo if I can spare it I'll pick both up. That way i get the best of both worlds. Yes Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood looks cool but right now I feel like racing.

13 years ago

"Call of what now?" is more like "I know Call of Duty is a great game, but it is this franchise the reason developers think we only like that, and their argument is the sales. That's why Sega didn't bring Yakuza 3 with the hostess club, or Namco won't give us Tales, or Capcom tries to get his ResidenEvil 5 more action-y, or SE gives us a really shallow FinalFantasy."

At least, that's how I see it, and I will NEVER support a franchise that has done that.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I sort of have to agree, as much as I liked Black Ops.

13 years ago


Indeed. I suspect a lot of PSXer's will be in agreement with this. This kind of hyper success just isn't healthy for the industry. If there is one thing that could kill the industry, or at least put it into a decline for a while, it's a monoculture around Shooters. Unfortunately, that is where we are heading.

I hate to sound like a wet blanket, but you really have to start to ask yourself what it tells you about gamers. What does it say that games like COD Black Ops can sell so many copies and yet games like Heavy Rain struggle to hit 2 million, and even acknowledged powerhouses like MGS4 don't even come close to those numbers. It tells me that the population of gamers is quickly becoming dominated by the lowest common denominator.


13 years ago

When we have to beg Namco to bring over a jrpg that has always been localized in the West that really says a lot.

And I agree with the effect COD has had on the overall perception of profits.

13 years ago

I would give you 99^(99!) thumbs up if I could.

13 years ago

I kinda feel bad. I bought Black Ops when for months I told myself I wouldn't(don't get me wrong I really like COD)and I still haven't gotten Heavy Rain after I told myself for months I would(sigh). I plan on getting Heavy Rain before the end of the year(Ill probably have to sell a game or three to buy it, probably Gears 1&2 and R2, Ive been trying to get rid of those for awhile now. I really don't want to miss out on it!.

Last edited by MadKatBebop on 11/15/2010 12:20:00 PM

13 years ago

I already got GT5 pre-ordered but Hot Pursuit I'm just not sure.

And 2010 has been an amazing year for racing fans, Blur, Split/Second, Modnation Racer, GT5 and Hot Pursuit.

13 years ago

Any game that let's you take the wheel of a Ford Cown Vic/Police interceptor and take out the bad guys has to be give a chance…

13 years ago

Will be getting all 3, just not right away..

And since COD is an anti-vision title, my apologies to Treyarch, but I'll be picking that one up used later on so kotex gets NOT even 1 red cent of my money.

13 years ago

GT5 all the way!
There's been only two games I've been willing to pay full price for this year: GoW3 and GT5.

Next year. Infamous 2 and KZ3… so far =)

13 years ago

GT5 all the way, however, I'll be getting both games. It's just GT5 will be a first day buy and NFS will be bought…when I tire of and/or need a break from GT5. So, that may be quite some time from now.

But, it's definitely on the list, Hot Pursuit 2 continues to be my favorite NFS of alltime.

13 years ago

Getting both, on pre-order. This Tuesday will be a fun day, the following Wednesday will be gaming heaven.

13 years ago

Heaven I'll be in for a while

13 years ago

I'm not enarmored by the FPS genre period as I have lost interest years ago.

13 years ago

You know, I wonder what will happen when some of the current FPS generation of gamers grow up and mature a little. Will they still want nothing more than a big gun and a grenade launcher? Or will they have matured a little into a wider interest in gaming?

13 years ago

If there's anything I've learned while working in social services and community development, it's that intelligence and an appreciation for the arts is appreciated by nearly no one, while movies like Hot Tub Time Machine top box office sales.

In our society, there is no hope. Video game technology is 20 years too late. It barely missed a generation of folks who might appreciate the finer things in gaming.

13 years ago

So basically we're doomed to a future which is the gaming equivalent of Hollywood blockbusters that feed the lowest common denominator, British romantic comedy and art house cinema?

13 years ago


But there will always be exceptions to the rule. Occasionally…. very occasionally…. Hollywood releases a gem. The same will be true with gaming… but it won't be the norm.

13 years ago

GT5! dah
I'm not even sure I am going to get hot pursuit any more at first I was about to preorder it. Now it just doesn't look, play good.
I hated the Demo. I now that the full game will be better but still. I might get, the NFS I really want is a Underground remake. That game was so much fun, and it didn't have cops.

13 years ago

'World At War' was my last 'Call of Duty' as of right now, and it will likely remain that way until I see something truly amazing from the franchise.

I'm not much into racers, but I loved the first 'Gran Turismo' to death, and have followed the series since. So for me, it's absolutely no competition. Put ANY racing game (heck, put any TWO) against it, and I'll still go with 'Gran Turismo 5.'

Last edited by Jalex on 11/14/2010 10:57:29 PM

13 years ago

my take on black ops.
sp has the best story for a CoD yet. setpieces can be underwhelming however.
zombies is still fun, but only with friends
mp is the same as ever with many welcome changes and i will be playing it for a long time, but the hit detection and occasional lag prevent what should be easy kills and bring in many, many cheap deaths.
black ops is fantastic, but to me CoD4 is still the best CoD out there.

Last edited by booze925 on 11/14/2010 11:15:54 PM

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