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Black Ops PS3 Fixes “In Progress”

Let's face it- the numerous technical issues kept Call of Duty: Black Ops from attaining elite status in our eyes. That, along with poor ally AI and 100% opponent accuracy…from nine football fields away with an Uzi.

But the game really is great and if Treyarch's new patch for the PlayStation 3 version can clean things up, Black Ops will be even more worthwhile. The good news is that community boss Josh Olin has confirmed at the Call of Duty forums that multiple repairs are on the way. In fact, they've already applied a number of updates since the game's launch and listed as "in progress" are the following fixes to the multiplayer action:

If you hadn't noticed, the game is doing extremely well, despite any glitches and hitches. Activision revealed this past week that Black Ops had surpassed last year's Modern Warfare 2 to become the single biggest entertainment launch in history at 5.6 million copies sold in the US and UK (translating to $360 million) on its first day of availability.

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Black Ops

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13 years ago

$360 million on day one? ..If it were only that easy. haha

Last edited by to_far_apart on 11/13/2010 10:46:36 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

It IS that easy for Activision. Release a game with "Call of Duty" in the title every year around the holidays.


Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
13 years ago

Hey Rutabaga –

I gave you a thumbs down. I'm 43. Nothing personal – i just can't stand stereotyping.

13 years ago

haha of course Ben. Imagine if it were that easy at a corporate level or just any good ol' job? 😉

maybe just put a tattoo, which read CoD. haha

Last edited by to_far_apart on 11/13/2010 4:33:30 PM

13 years ago

I agree with the part people blindly calling it the best game ever.
i was walking with some guys who were major COD fans and they were literally saying just that. and i was like… um not the best game ever and they just wouldn't listen.

Oh and to give you an idea of their dream game collection… its pretty much COD and FIFA…

13 years ago

Nothing wrong with FIFA, unlike COD, it's the BEST at a few things. Best football and possibly the best sports game.

13 years ago

I wonder if the DLC will arrive first.

13 years ago

Too late for me.

Took mine to HMV yesterday for in-store credit.

13 years ago

already? why did you spend the $60 then? did you even get store credit close to your $60?

13 years ago

"already? why did you spend the $60 then? did you even get store credit close to your $60?"

Believe me, I asked myself exactly the same question last year after I got MW2. I even said that I wouldn't bother with Black Ops this year, but got caught up in all the hype surrounding it.

I paid £29.99 for it, and got £35 store credit, so can't really complain about that.

13 years ago

No public beta. No demo. I wonder if sales would have been as high if these were available before release. Beta would have helped eliminate some of the glitches and a demo would have given people an idea of the quality of the product before purchase. Perhaps lessening the purchase intent.

Who am I kidding. The words Call of Duty have an almost hypnotizing effect. COD=Cash on Demand.

13 years ago

They did have a beta, just not on the ps3. CoD never does betas on ps3's since they're not super affiliated with sony…unlike a different brand

13 years ago

I wish there were more Xbots who would do the same. Seems like they think Activision "cares" about them like Microsoft does. Then again, taking advantage of moronic little kids is a smart thing to do.

BTW, I saw that "Soldier in all of us" commercial. Very tasteless and an insult to anybody who is in the Armed Forces anywhere in the world.

As I said, I'll never outright pay for an Activision game. I'll trade games for their titles but I will not give them any actual money. Call me a hypocrite for me having Black Ops but I didn't give Kotick a cent for it and that's all that matters in my book.

Microsoft and Activision are in bed with each other. Sony and EA, you can say, do the same thing. It doesn't bother me. It's business.

13 years ago

at any point there is usually someone on my friends list playing this game. its kind of funny to see your whole friends list playing this game. (of those that are on) still seems like things that should have been fixed in beta testing.

13 years ago

What the crap is this auto-aim I keep reading about in cod games? It might just be more but when I think of auto aim I thin of re:dc were you only hve to point the gun in the general direction of the zombie to shoot it. OR IN LOZ:OOC OR LOZ:MM WITH THE Z TARGETING. THAT'S auto-aim. Last time I checked ( last night when I played black ops ) if I wanted to shoot someone I, keyword being I, had to do the aiming. I literally had to put my cross hair on the person I wanted to shoot. I physicaly ( with my thumg, not very physical ) had to make my thumg move the joystick to aim at what I wanted to shoot. Hey that's kind of like REALLY shooting a gun. You know, how you have to look down the sights and point the gun were you want it to boom. I have NEVER seen any type of auto-aiming in any of the cod I've played. Now I supposese there could be some sort of auto-aim system that you can turn off and on but I have no idea. Like I said, everytime I've played cod I, me, myself had to move the crosshiars to what I wanted to shoot. And when I say that I mean I actually have to have the cross hairs on the person. Not near or around them. That have been said, I'm gonna go ahead and give ruta a thumbs down. A nice big fat juicey one. Oh and I'm not a teen. I'm actually a father. So, ruta, to you and anyone else that says cod is an auto-aim game, get a new arguement. Or go back and play some games that Do have an auto-aim sytem. And then come talk to us.

13 years ago

Guess you've never played the Single Player then, since it has auto-aim turned on automatically, where you can just tap the sights and it'll move to the closest enemy in that direction, but w/e.

13 years ago

You can disable multiplayer Auto-Aim, it depends on the person who wants to use it or disable it. In the multiplayer section go to options and it'll disable it. But i don't see any Auto-Aim what so ever on multiplayer unless I'm not paying any attention to it but i don't see anything that is influencing the aim they have.

Last edited by Clamedeus on 11/14/2010 12:30:31 AM

13 years ago

I agree with you Ruta. I love MAG and talked my two "shooter" friends into getting it, and they sold it within a couple of days because and I quote"the guns suck" and "it controls like shit."

Basically they sucked and couldnt control worth shit. MAG has a little aim assist for the SMG but other than that its up to you and I love that about it.

On a side note, Ruta I am really enjoying CoD black ops and I'm not a CoD fanboy in the least MW2 was trash to say the least. The last one I bought was CoD4 and it was at the time a big change of the shooter multiplayer model.

Anyway people are mostly complaining about Black Ops because its more balanced and the Aim assist isnt nearly as strong as it was in MW2 but if you play this game after playing MAG you will suck because if you dont let the aim assist work for you you end up fighting it and dying.

Anyone who doesn't notice this either hasn't played MAG or a PC shooter and only knows console shooters since Halo 2 created the aim assist. If you have played MAG and PC shooters well…..your kinesthetic sense is probably broken.

13 years ago

Yeah, I agree.

13 years ago

I play on SVER also, but I haven't had the game in a while, I sold it because I had no friends to play with. I might pick it up in the future as they update it some more, however I'm basically playing black ops until KZ3 and then that game will rule the shooter space until it needs to start sharing with brink. KZ for the more hardcore shooter and brink for the TF2 type gameplay.

I would recomment renting black ops or if you can afford it buying it until KZ3, because im sure it will give you a couple months or enjoyment. Also the zombie mode is loads of fun and really challenging.

13 years ago

The auto aim isn't I only experieneced it nazi zombies. Your sight just has to be close(really close) to your target if you want it to auto aim. it also is really slow too and takes a steady finger to do it, i hihgly doubt fast-paced action which cod normally is will be a big factor in a match. Some problems are it keeps on telling me i sign-ed out of playstation network and boots me out of the match even if i'm still online? Some times for nazi zombies for the classic maps it takes forever to find a single match. They need to get the ball rolling with this because the multiplyer is in deep grass.

13 years ago

I like Black Ops for its single player campaign, when I feel like playing online its all BF: Bad Company 2.

13 years ago

MP Black Ops online is ridiculous at times. Can't connect to friends or when you do you play one game bam the party is kicked out and you got to try and get everyone back in again.

Put in MW2 smooth as a knife through butter, black ops it's stuttering kicking people out all the time.

I hope the fix comes soon as a lot of my friends are quickly losing patience with this game!

Last edited by tlpn99 on 11/13/2010 3:38:28 PM

13 years ago

MW2 is not as smooth as butter. It's the same exact thing. I've had a great deal of connection issues, time outs, host migration, etc., etc., with MW2 long before Black Ops came out.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Ooh-Yea! Better & Better…

13 years ago

Yay! Not. This kind of hyper-success for a game does nothing to convince major publishers to make games that are not generic war shooters. Yuk!

13 years ago


..Money talks.

Last edited by to_far_apart on 11/13/2010 5:48:18 PM

13 years ago

All this talk of Call of Duty lately has made me want to shoot things … I think I'll go buy MAG 😉

13 years ago

I've nearly completed Blacks Ops and the AI is pretty horrendous. I don't really view this as much of a technical issue (bug, glitch etc) but rather incomplete programming at the hands of the developer. It's too bad, too, because the game has a few really great moments in military FPS gaming that stand out.

FYI to those multi-platform gamers out there: To answer a question I asked a few days ago concerning whether, or not, the 360 version had the same technical hang-ups. I ended up renting the 360 version and was curious if it had the same sort of technical performance hiccups mentioned in Ben's review. And, thankfully, no such problems have arisen thus far. No awkward pauses in action, or game crashing glitches, everything runs as smooth as any prior CoD I've played. It's also worth noting I did opt to install the game to my 360 HDD before playing which also optimizes texture streaming. So much so, I've detected virtually no texture draw in.
And btw, that chopping movement animation I observed previously was, in fact, the game going through mild bouts of slowdown while heavy action populated the screen. While I couldn't really detect the frame drops from the controller, the characters were moving less fluid than normal which raised the cause for concern in the first place.

13 years ago

I have heard from some xbox players that it happens to them but it's not a major concern or wide spread as it is on PS3, which is very frustrating it just keeps me inching closer to selling it.

But i like the single player and the customization on Multiplayer for the weapons and emblems you can make which is pretty neat i have a pretty awesome looking emblem right now.

Last edited by Clamedeus on 11/13/2010 10:45:59 PM

13 years ago

I'm curious, what happens to them? The slowdown? or pauses? I encountered maybe one spot the entire campaign that may have hiccuped a fraction of a second. And I can honestly say that was the only time I encountered such an instance. But there were plenty of fps dips through out the game. Never really bad, but still noticeable. I wonder if playing off the HDD prevents many of those hiccups from happening.
I've only done one online match, I'll get some more time with it tomorrow and monday.

13 years ago

I heard that they get slow downs stutters and sometimes it completely freezes their 360 and they have to reboot the system up.

It only happens to a few so i don't think it'll be a problem though.

EDIT: this was in multiplayer i heard from someone that it happens to some, but I'm not sure about campaign though.

Last edited by Clamedeus on 11/14/2010 1:57:43 PM

13 years ago

Ruta and legendary : legendary I've beatin the sp campaign in cod mw1 and 2 and in black ops so whatever duder. And ruta, you don't know me so how can you make assumptions about? Did I attac you verbally and say that your on crack or something? Nope, didn't think so. So for you to say that I must be the type of person who says mag and bcbf2 are too hard is just ridiculous dude. Actually I own bcbf2 and not I don't find it to be hard. Never played mag because it never interested me what with all the bad reviews I've read about it. Oh and in bo sp I still havnt seen any auto aim like I said earlier before. If I want to shoot something, I have to put the crosshairs on the target. I havnt seen this magic auto aiming you 2 say is there. So until I do you guys can spout off with your nonsense. Oh and just to humor you I tossed in bo and aimed at a. Target, in no such way did my crosshairs move and stay on target as you said would happen. I guess since you obviously must have some sort of problem with cod that means that your just gonna say whatever to get your point across. But whatever, I'm over it. Opinions are like butt holes dude,everyone has one and yours just stinks.

13 years ago

Dude, use paragraphs man.

13 years ago

You don't even know how to use auto-aim… LOL. It's there… trust me.

13 years ago

I am going to purchase MAG instead, so I don't give a toss what glitches they have or are trying to fix 🙂



13 years ago

Despite probably taking heat for future comments, I brave on. From my experience, Black Ops, the online experience is rather fun. It is, however; overrun with technical errors that most definitely need tweaking. Laggy matches which leads to lousy hit detection, chronic disconnection during the middle of the match leading to fruitless half-endeavors. Sure, I can attest to the current technical atrocities which plague the online multiplayer experience. I understand that multiplayer is the central selling point of the franchise as well.

However, as the world is, we all enjoy different things. Some merely have the time to jump into online matches or only play video games to connect with distant friends. Who knows? From the looks of it here most of us enjoy the single player campaign where we're engaged in a unique story boasting humanity's highlights and major flaws. I enjoy a deeply rooted single player campaign like Heavy Rain because it's emotional, creative, and an amazing narrative ingeniously utilizing choice as its charm.

Sometimes though people just want something immediate, something thoughtless. Online multiplayer is fun because we're constantly rewarded for our successes with a "boom! headshot" message or a killstreak when we've managed to mow down multiple enemies in succession without being mowed down ourselves. Multiplayer brings players together and actually is a driving force in the gaming industry. I understand why some people despise the COD franchise for their twitchy and thoughtless gameplay profiles riddled and run by racist teens and 2nd prestige-players-on-the-first-day-of-release-guys but I understand the charm that is Black Ops.

It offers a host of customization tools, fine map layouts, and literally nonstop fun (unless glitches or host disruption ensues). I figure I can hate it for being such a regular powerhouse this time of the year, every year. Certainly I wished more money would go to creative high-polished single player campaigns focusing on human interaction rather than games that simply involve military agendas. Yes, I truly would.

But sadly, as we all know, people love action. Explosions, gunpowder residue, the works. The more flashy the scenes and gameplay the higher
the payout. That's why I truly relish titles like Heavy Rain because it really says something in the industry. It says that amidst endless gunfire and incessant smoke clouding the horizon, a glimmer of hope lives on. Emotionality and creativity can be as engaging and enriching as c4 and claymores. Much more so indeed.

Last edited by just2skillf00l on 11/14/2010 12:51:43 AM

13 years ago

tis exactly why i wish todays consoles did not have internet abilities.
gone are the days where games were built properly, because they could not be patched afterwords.
now developers stitch together something that could be called many names, than release it and fix it after people of paid 100+ bucks for it!
no, how about you fix the game, than i pay 100 bucks for it?

13 years ago

Those days existed? I don't remember them. I remember bugs in video games going back to Super Mario Bros. on the NES. Screen lag because of too many objects on the screen, flashing sprites, so on and so forth.

God of War and God of War II had clipping issues on the PS2; on Final Fantasy VIII, I got stuck behind a truck in some town and literally could not escape from behind it — which is why I never finished the game — so on and so forth.

Hell, I even have a picture on my phone from my last playthrough of God of War III where the ground completely disappeared from under Kratos and a video of the journalist girl from Heavy Rain walking up into the clouds.

Games have bugs. Always have, always will.

I think people are blowing the bugs and issues that Black Ops has out of proportion just because it's Call of Duty.

I've been playing it since Monday night when I got it, and maybe I'm just lucky, but I've not encountered any of the issues that I've read in reviews and complaints and such aside from my own internet connection problems.

13 years ago

of course they had bugs, but they did not have game breaking bugs like this.
ive never played a ps1 or ps2 game where i could not continue in the game because of a glitch, thats happened to me a few times lately.
like MoH on the last mission where your suppose to bust the door down than it cuts to a cutscene, instead of that i walk through the door and everythings black.
everytime i loaded my save that happened, i had to delete it and start all over again so i could finish it.
nothing like that ever happened to me in the ps1, ps2 days.

13 years ago

I remember games from way back having bugs, dude… Super Mario RPG, mario jumped once, and landed at his highest point… I continued to jump far off the screen. Had to restart.

I remember in Kirby's dream world, I was flying under ground, but couldn't finish the level because there was no way to get back up. Had to restart.

I remember in the Ninja Turtles 2 arcade game for NES getting my foot caught in Beebop after a drop kick. It continually hurt him until he died. lol. Wherever he walked, I followed, foot in head like a tumor.

Final Fantasy VII, I got stuck inside another NPC. Luckilly he walked inside a house which changed my screen to the next location. lol At Icicle Inn, I got trapped behind the kid and his snowboard before you're allowed to take it. Had to restart that time.

Games have always had bugs, _____, and many of them have always been game ending.

I have negative feelings towards CoD because it seems to have rampant bugs and plenty of them. More than there should be. The occasional thing you expect to run into from time to time, but BO has a TON of problems.

I can handle 1 or 2 bugs in a game, but when I encounter more than my fair share, I chalk it up to an unpolished game.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 11/15/2010 9:30:18 AM

13 years ago

Well I wasn't going to buy BO after last years crap with MW2 but got really interested after I saw the videos on the wager matches. That got me hooked. So far I have most of the campaign beat on Hardened and have enjoyed it. I have also reach rank 37 online and have had nothing but fun. I've seen a few issues with the connections but that's about it.

I just don't understand the bashing about it being the same old crap every year. Ya it doesn't change much but neither did say God of War. I loved playing all 3 of them but the button smashing gameplay did feel old on part 3. Nothing really changes on GT except for mainly new tracks, cars, and maybe a few new features. It's always just racing.

Yes Activision(Bobby Kotick) is a money hungry scab on society but it help the gaming business with these sales. I know a few people who started playing games because of COD4. Now they play many other games too.

Just so you know I do own MAG, BF:BC2, KZ2, and Resistance 2 and love all those just as much. Looking at the big picture though is that they are helping people have fun.

13 years ago

Just because CODBlops has auto aim doesn't mean everyone uses it. You can turn it off. I'm a BFBC fan myself but i really like COD BLOPS. It's alot of fun!!! Just like ben said. No it's not perfect but it's better than MW2 in my opinion.

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