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Treyarch: We’re Not Going To Make Glitchers “Nerd Famous”

It's true. Every multiplayer game has bugs, especially when it's first launched. But it seems that the sheer number of them, along with the insane popularity, has overwhelmed Treyarch.

As some of you know, Call of Duty: Black Ops isn't without its fair share of technical issues, in both the single-player and multiplayer facets of the production. So when Activision blogger Dan Amrich asked players to alert the publisher to any potential problems, the world sort of exploded. See, some people are taking advantage, and these "glitchers" have annoyed the developer; just look at design director David "Vahn" Vonderhaar's response on the Black Ops forums :

"I got Twitbombed today from dozens of people the same 2 links. Some are people using old dashboards or old versions of the game. Others are claiming victory on old dev builds that don't even connect to the version of Xbox Live that you use. Others are reproducible issues that we will hotfix or patch just like we said we would. In essence, we likely know more about it than you do from watching a video on Vimeo or YouTube.

What many of these people want is to be Internet nerd famous. I'm not going to make them famous and you shouldn't either. Internet hysteria from normal people is exactly what they want and that's how many people reacted today. You gave them exactly what they want.

Given the opportunity, I'd personally wield the ban hammer for anyone who thinks he is clever by abusing any glitches. Good think I don't have the opportunity that often and we actually have a constructive, measured, and well-managed live ops team."

Wow. As for the problems themselves, he says that just because they aren't talking about it, that doesn't mean they aren't aware: "We didn't spend 2 years of our lives to toss it all in the trash in one day." He goes on to thank those who sent polite feedback and criticism and promises they'll be working on the issues, but finishes:

"I'm not going to talk about it publicly. We are disinterested in making mini-celebrities out of douche-bags. You better think twice before you glitch. You never know who in your game doesn't like glitchers who reports you and saves the game in their File Share and tells us about it."

It's true. Glitchers are douche-bags. It's just funny when a professional snaps and makes it public; we also like that bit about "Internet nerd famous," because every troll anywhere falls into that category. Eh, you just can't destroy stupidity.

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Black Ops

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13 years ago

haha!! That's awesome! I can't imagine how annoyed I'd be if I were under such a large spotlight. Most importantly, I'm glad they intend to make this game shine, even if I personally believe most of the problems should have been fixed prior to their final build.

About stupidity… My life motto is "sense isn't common" after all. Even so, stupid self centered posers are just… So damn annoying!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Haha, I like this guy. And I agree with him. A developer should not simply sit back on his laurels and watch as a small contingent of hackers and glitchers ruins the experience for everyone else. They should do everything in their power to weed out such antisocial behaviour.

But: 'As for the problems themselves, he says that just because they aren't talking about it, that doesn't mean they aren't aware: "We didn't spend 2 years of our lives to toss it all in the trash in one day."' That to me, sounds like they knew about these problems before release, and if so, that is simply laziness. I know that Activision was pushing them hard to deliver the title on time, but that is hardly an excuse to release an unfinished, or rather unperfected, title. Unfortunately, it is becoming so prevalent that people just ignore it and wait for the inevitable patches. -Enter mock Mafia voice – It makes me so mad, that I just want to… -End bad impression-

P.S. Error in quote. 'Good think I don't have the opportunity that often': Should be thing not think.

13 years ago

"Eh, you just can't destroy stupidity". Lol Ben! So true!


"glitch free"

Last edited by Qubex on 11/11/2010 9:48:57 PM

13 years ago

i dont even know how they figure out how to glitch. i dont look for those things. i am happy to hear these guys talk like this though. it makes me respect them a lot more. glitchers are like bullies doing stupid sh!t cuz they think no one is looking. funny how everyone talked crap about treyarch and thought infinity ward was the best ever.

here is what is wrong with activision and the pumpin out games. this game still needed to be worked on. it has flaws. but instead of fixing it before hand, kick it out the door and fix it after. whatever

13 years ago

I'm a bit more tolerant with bugs when the game is based on a new engine and hadn't received global beta testing. Of course you'll have bugs, but as Bens review point out, ally AI is very silly whereas your opponent AI is lethal with its surreal precision.

13 years ago

This is Great love this guy. I really hope they fix the glitches. I haven't picked up the game but I'm getting really close too. If there's a patch, I'm heading to the nearest store.
Glitches ruin the MP experience, I hated it and that's another reason I hated MW2, everybody was glitches

13 years ago

It's good they are going to maintain this game and fix what they can. But really, this stuff should have been sorted out before release.

13 years ago

Well we all know nothing will be 100% perfect… Luckily I havnt ran into many glitchers yet, so I havnt noticed it going on… At the same time they do what they can as a developer and this is why beta testing is a great thing. Its great for both gamers and developers assuming the beta also is used like it should be… For both feedback and enjoyment rather than just being able to play it early.

I notice glitches in every mp game I've ever played which is unfortunate… What's even more unfortunate though is the poor pathetic people that actually play all day looking for these glitches! To those people I say find a new hobby Cus that is absolutely ridiculous.

13 years ago

i dunno man jawkee is right the problems in the game like the invite system etc should be tested and working before release….glitches far enough

13 years ago

Activision would never let that happen…miss their release date that is. That costs money. It's so much cheaper to release the game as scheduled and send out a patch before release day (which we did have). Then release more fixes as they are addressed.

It's nearly impossible to find every single bug in software before release to the general public, especially in games with the immense amount of code involved.

I don't agree with how things are, I just understand why they are.

13 years ago

Yea I know well never get a 100% perfect product, though I don't recall MW1 having many issues at launch nor do I recall having to down load 157 patches (/sarc)for it like with MW2. It's the MS strategy. Release buggy products and patch later.

13 years ago


I was in the middle of editing my above post to say that it doesn't mean those developers aren't out there before I had problems accessing the site.

The ones who seek perfection and will delay a game if they feel the need…Kojima, Yamauchi, and Ueda are prime examples.

Unfortunately, not everyone treats their work like art.

Last edited by Nynja on 11/12/2010 1:23:13 PM

13 years ago

I see that Treytarch has their own way of discussin ght mighty Eye of Moron.

Love this bit from the article Ben, "we also like that bit about "Internet nerd famous," because every troll anywhere falls into that category. Eh, you just can't destroy stupidity."

You can't destroy stupidity, but you sure as hell can identify, flag, label and otherwise signpost it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Obviously, I was thinking about the Eye of Moron when writing the article. 😉

13 years ago

Be pissed at yourselves, you made it and the glitches. Probably for a reason.

13 years ago

Well, not always. Most of the glitches are people exploiting the game's inability to deal with particular situations. Glitchers are douche bags, and cheats. Half the time they corrupt their own game, and frequently take everyone else's game file with them. Not big, and not clever.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Yea, what TheHighlander said WorldEndsWithMe.

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 11/12/2010 12:39:34 AM

13 years ago

I don't understand where that comment even came from…

Thanks for clearing all this up for everyone highlander! It's not the developers fault that people actually manipulate the mp part of games… It's much different development than compared to a glitch that happens in the sp. People use falling into a wall to their advantage in mp where in the sp it would be a frustrating downfall for the game!

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago


13 years ago

I thought that was Rockstar? Can't have it both ways. 😉

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

No, No silly, you got it all wrong. Rockstar are the best developers, but this guy alone is the best developer.
Just look at what this guys sais!

" What many of these people want is to be Internet nerd famous. I'm not going to make them famous and you shouldn't either. "

" 'm not going to talk about it publicly. We are disinterested in making mini-celebrities out of douche-bags. You better think twice before you glitch. "

13 years ago

but they arent the best developer :S

13 years ago

Fake and gay.

From : Troll

Last edited by eLLeJuss on 11/11/2010 11:42:04 PM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

There is even people who have multiple PS3's ( Up to 12 ) just to kill dummies in Search & Destroy. Just go to the leaderboards, look at the top 10 guys, look at their theatre & you can see them killing dummies. Just to get to the #1 spot… Who would do that?

Im pretty sure those 100 CoDs stolen with some Ps3s where stolen for this reason… IMO.
I still think this is a form of cheating.

13 years ago

so thats how they thank there fans?
they release a game so broken on the PC its unplayable and this is how they react to there fans who shelled out there hard earned cash and am quite upset?
this is EXACTLY why people hate antivision, and everyone who works for them!
they dont give a f*ck about there fans, they dont give a f*ck about the quality of there games, all they give a f*ck about is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
well thats fine antivision, treyarch, this is how you want to say thank you for buying our game than you can go f*ck yourself!
hope you enjoy that 100 i spend on black ops, because its certainly the last cent you ever see from me!!!!!!!!!!!

13 years ago

You're totally missing the point. He's not insulting his fanbase, his userbase, or even the vast majority of the people that bought and played the game.

He's talking about those selective few that exploit the glitches within the game to make themselves look better than they actually are.

Like those kids that have 100+ rounds on Nazi Zombies and the like.

13 years ago

How could you possibly get that from the article?

13 years ago

You guys should know by now that "no name" reads what he wants to read into any article and loves to go off on expletive laden rants that make absolutely no sense.

You just have to read his posts and laugh. lol

13 years ago

every game ever made has glitches. a game is nothing but a series of 1s and 0s. find a way to turn a 1 into a 0 and there's your exploit. it's just nowadyas hoardes of people spent their time looking for them. i hope they can get a decent patch out soon.

13 years ago

Nah, most glitchers find out how to do it on You Tube by copying somoene else. You're giving them too much credit.

13 years ago

What Highlander said. It's enough that one person finds a glitch, then spread the word.

Back in my "mmo-days" I remember there was an entire guild based on exploiting bugs. (The entire guild and it's members got banned from the servers btw)

13 years ago

respect has gone up

now make a game thats not COD and you can get some more

13 years ago

I don't see why they take so long to patch their games? They should do their homework and search youtube for "COD glitch" and walla…view and make the fix.

13 years ago

yeh nice to see they are gonna clamp down on these glitchers!

13 years ago

There's a better way though, SORT THE PROBLEM BEFORE RELEASE!

13 years ago

True true!

The only problem with dev's and professionals playing through to find the issues, is that some problems are only found through playing, usually, and when they do play through, they typically don't (and cannot) play as unpredictably and erratically as a handfull of the millions of people do… which means, when it comes to online play, it's almost impossible to find them all pre-release.

The big test comes with how long it takes them to correct these issues post-release. (Or -IF- they fix them, coughMW2quickscopeglitchcough)

13 years ago

at the end of the day a video game is for fun, its not anything serious like this article makes it sound. i think treyach is totally overeacting.

i dont support glitchers but im just voicing my opinion!!

Maiq The Liar
Maiq The Liar
13 years ago


SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
13 years ago

You're right. Games are to have fun with. And, to me, there's nothing fun at all in playing a game against people who are cheating, glitching, etc.

There's no overreaction at all. The developer wants players to have a fun experience, not one ruined by those who have to cheat, glitch, etc. to win.

Last edited by SirLoin of Beef on 11/12/2010 10:18:53 AM

13 years ago

If this was my game I'd be pissed about the glitchers as well. This is a high profile game release that sold millions. From our perspective it may not look like a big deal, but from the Dev's and Publishers perspective, its a huge problem with their product. It's something they need to fix.

13 years ago


13 years ago

uh…. OT much? Try out the forums dude.

13 years ago

not everyone goes to the forums for news

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

No, they come here, and we'll take care of it.

13 years ago

Frylock is usually always on topic, I think and exception can be made in this instance. 😉

13 years ago

thanks jawknee that was kind of how i felt.

13 years ago

lol well, whatever I guess. I suppose it's not a big annoyance to see it on multiple threads. Good thing not everybody does it.

13 years ago


13 years ago

just seems like it would be impossible to test certain things on a mass scale without releasing it first. Obviously the glitches weren't happening enough for them to be fixed before the game released. I think that when you finally have millions of people logging online, thats when the glitches come to light. Maybe i'm wrong though. Either way, if they are going to fix them then no harm done. Oh and did anyone notice that he didn't say anything about the PS3. Just the xbox. I know there are glitches in the ps3 version too but it sounds like its a bigger problem with the xbox.

13 years ago


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