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Cuba Labels Black Ops As “Doubly Perverse”

Well, you knew someone had to get annoyed. Pretty soon, the unknown zombie contingent will step up, claiming decades of unwarranted abuse from the video game industry.

The latest big story concerning Call of Duty: Black Ops involves a very upset Cuba , who has denounced the latest CoD entry for its "doubly perverse" propaganda concerning former president Fidel Castro. According to this AP report, state-run news site Cubadebate is really harping on Black Ops for a mission set in Havana where the target is a young Castro. You can find the original source through the link above; we're not putting it here because spoilers abound . Fair warning. Anyway, Cubadebate says quite frankly that "what the United States couldn't accomplish in more than 50 years, they are now trying to do virtually." And the reason it's "doubly perverse" is because it both "glorifies the illegal assassination attempts the United States government planned against the Cuban leader" and "stimulates sociopathic attitudes in North American children and adolescents." …hmm, we're willing to bet they care more about the first than the second. Just a guess.

The issue with Castro notwithstanding, we say the game is pretty damn good , despite a few issues that don't have anything to do with Cuban offense.

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Black Ops

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Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Saw it coming from a mile away.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Ben, you must be having SO MUCH FUN in Black Ops huh?

13 years ago

Lol! Like anyone should care about how this tin pot dictator feels.

13 years ago

You're American and you can feel that way because you're American. Thats not meant as a put down! There's history there. I get it!
As for the rest of the world, we all go to holiday in Cuba. We see they have excellent health care for their people. And most people that travel to Cuba want to go there while the Castro's are still running the show. A lot of people are more afraid that when Castro's dead and gone (although I'm aware Fidel himself isn't actually running the show anymore), everything will change and not for the better.
Granted a lot of Cubans escaped to America especially back in the 80's but he's got a rather large following of supporters amongst him own people.
So I guess a lot of people care about what this tin pot dictator feels 🙂

13 years ago

Excellent healthcare? Did Michael Moore tell you that? The mortality rate of cubans is poor compared to the rest of the world. This man is a criminal and a monster. He's ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Its laughable that anyone would offer a defense of this man and his tyranny. But yea things are sunny and great in Cuba because the propagandists there tell you so. What a joke.

Last edited by Jawknee on 11/11/2010 12:14:39 PM

13 years ago

I wouldn't take health advice off Micheal Moore dude. And I'm in no way defending or even trying to defend Castro. I'm expressing that the rest of the world, you know, everywhere not in America, don't necessarily share your same opinions.

13 years ago

Yea well the rest of the world was also too afraid to do anything about Hitler and Stalin. The rest of the world hasn't proven they have the best judgment when it comes to standing up for freedom and against dictators.

mike rlz
mike rlz
13 years ago

y'know, other than the 18 dictators the us supported in latin america/caribbean since '45… including batista.

13 years ago

We also helped Sadam in the Iran/Iraq War and the Jihadhi's who are now the Taliban ward off the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan so what's your point? There's strategic reason for backing the lesser of two evils here in the real world. Its unfortunate but that's how the world works.

13 years ago

The rest of the world did nothing about Hitler? Are you kidding me, man?

While my grandfather was fighting in WWII since 1937 when the war ACTUALLY started, American's didn't get involved until 1941 when they got their asses bombed at Pearl Harbor. Even today your damn history books think the war started in 1941… We Canadians and other Commonwealth countries were trying to do something about them loooong before the American's stepped in to help.

lol… 1941… tell that to Poland, Austria, Holland, or France…

You know… Holland celebrates and honors Canadians for their acts in WWII… not Americans. To this day, many of the Dutch still honor Canadian soldiers. (My wife's family immigrated to Canada… her grandmother still tells the story about how fighting began in her occupied town, they were hiding Jews, soldiers came in after the fighting, they thought they were all dead expecting the Germans to have won… the soldier said to my wife's grandmother's mother, "mother mother, look -points to union jack- Canada, Canada, you are safe!") Actually, she still cries about that moment. LOL!

But yeah… a lot of the world was doing something about Hitler… a lot…. and well before the States decided to, too. I'm not trying to blame the states for anything, but that elitist "we ended the war" thing is pretty lame. It's far from the truth to think the US did it single handedly.

13 years ago

There were warning signs of what hitlers intent was before it reached critical mass. I commend what Canada did in the fight against hitler and his goons, I'm just saying the world waited far to long to do anything about him. Most of the time, not all, but most the rest of the world is all to happy to ignore warnings and appease these dictators in the hopes they will play nice and go away. Besides, Canada is just one nation out of many who could have and should have done more to stop hitler before he gained the momentum he did. Again I commend Canada's involvement and your families service. I didn't mean to denigrate any of that. I know Canada was one of the fight, it's the rest of western Europe that was hoping hitler would just go away.

13 years ago

It is true. Britain was one of the only European countries to do anything.

It was difficult to do anything about Hitler before hand though. He was rising to power and was a symbol of hope while the Germans were still recovering from WW1. Most of his agenda was hidden at that point. He first came to power by election, afterall. I can see how he snuck up to power, especially when surrounding countries were also recovering from WW1. Most European countries had virtually no military. It was a recipe for disaster.

13 years ago

Whoa, don't tell me after "No Russian" this is next?
And I'd kill to have my name in a video game, even if I got killed in it.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

LOL True! Heck, my name actually is in BO! YAY! but im not him 🙁

13 years ago

I would think Castro would be thrilled considering he is a playable character

13 years ago


The era of JFK, Castro, The Bay of Pigs, and the Cuban Missile Crisis are already in the history books, so I Don't hear Cuba being upset about that.

I do have to say, it was a very scary time for a 10 year, such as myself back then, when we didn't know if they'd fire those missiles at us or not at any time.

John F Kennedy made a gutsy play, & it worked, or I seriously doubt that anyone here would even be enjoying gaming at all right now.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/11/2010 12:27:00 AM

13 years ago

My father was on one of the U.S. Navy ships during that blockade.

He says they were ordered to standby the guns and be prepared to fire.

13 years ago

o come on guys, you have the years biggest game, the biggest entertainment launch OF ALL TIME based on you.
yous should be over the moon, not complaining!!!!
7M sales in one day?

13 years ago

You curse too much.

13 years ago

Orvisman, your dad did his part in helping to keep us safe & free, so I thank him.

Matter of fact, please thank your dad for me personally.

13 years ago

North American children and adolescents are too young to play this game. Says so on the box. So HA!

13 years ago

i understand that there is a lot of history behind this, but people get offended too easily, and i dont mean just in this case, just go outside, people get offended over the stupidest of things, although i dont think it helps that i put an effort to offend people ;P

13 years ago

They're just sour grapes that they can't play the game.

13 years ago

To all the people who are so ready to criticize Cuba – do you remember the hullabaloo there was about playable Taliban in MOH?

Admittedly, the Devs are western, so there will be a western slant, but not everybody who doesn't align with US Corporate interest is evil. Next you will be going on about how Hugo Chavez is evil and the US should be "saving" Venezuela and their oil, just as we did with Iraq.

Last edited by Thinker on 11/11/2010 2:45:52 PM

13 years ago

So much nonsense in so few words. Maybe you should think less and read a history book.

13 years ago

I've read more than my share, and not just US history.

Maybe it's you who needs to take a look at world history, and not just world-history-as-supplied-by-the-US-media?

Are you a Fox News and Glenn Beck/Sean Hannity regular, by any chance?

Last edited by Thinker on 11/11/2010 4:19:18 PM

13 years ago

No i don't watch Fox and i don't listen to Hannity or Beck. It didn't take long for you to bring up Fox. Its like clock work with you people. Just because i disagree with your anti-american propaganda doesn't mean I'm a Foxbot.

13 years ago

"Its like clock work with you people. Just because i disagree with your anti-american propaganda doesn't mean I'm a Foxbot."

"You people", huh? You claim to not be a Foxbot, but you sure talk like one. So, because I disagree with certain overt militaristic sentiments and endeavors, like the Iraq fiasco, I'm spreading anti-American propaganda? So someone who does not support unnecessary invasions, Lockheed-Martin, Northrop-Grumman, Halliburton and oil companies is anti-American now?

Hmm, now who were the last faction that used to talk like that?

Last edited by Thinker on 11/11/2010 11:06:59 PM

13 years ago

Yes because saying we went to Iraq for oil is patently absurd and untrue. Any rational and clear headed person can look at the facts and come to that conclusion. It's akin to saying we never landed on the moon. It's nonsense and only anti-American nutters spread that crap.

13 years ago

"Yes because saying we went to Iraq for oil is patently absurd and untrue. Any rational and clear headed person can look at the facts and come to that conclusion"

Then what did we go there for?

Was it the WMD?

Oh wait, they didn't exist.

Was it giving them freedom?

Who are we to interfere in any other sovereign country's matters? And anyway, we split their country up, nearly caused civil war there, and this at the cost of much, much more than a hundred thousand civilians, and probably inspired a new generation of Iraqis to sign up for fundamentalism.

I would ask you to look at other media sources rather than "embedded media" for a somewhat unbiased account of what goes on there.

Last edited by Thinker on 11/12/2010 8:55:25 AM

13 years ago

If you actually payed attention to real world events and news instead of the left wing propaganda machine you would have learned by now we DID find WMD's in Iraq. Look it up! Wikileaks validated that with their most recent release of classified information. Their intent in releasing this data is it hurt the US cause so you can hardly accuse them or me of being owned or brain washed by the "embedded media". Anyways I'm done with this nonsense. I have delt with you nutters far to often. Your ideology prevents you from absorbing facts and reason and besides this isn't the place for this. I just wanted to offer a defense because I get so sick of you people spreading lies and deceit with no one to call you out on it. As far as I'm concerned, Sadam is dead, they are a democracy now in the heart of the middle east, we didn't get any oil and the Iraqi's I know and who are my friends are grateful. Ones that fled Sadams tyranny after the first Gulf war. Who are you to say they don't deserve a chance at a free life?

13 years ago

"we DID find WMD's in Iraq. Look it up! Wikileaks validated that with their most recent release of classified information. Their intent in releasing this data is it hurt the US cause so you can hardly accuse them or me of being owned or brain washed by the "embedded media"."

If we HAD found WMD, do you honestly think publicizing that would hurt the US cause? Really? What world do you live in?

"I have delt with you nutters far to often"

Your generalizing reminds of certain sections of the populace.

"Your ideology prevents you from absorbing facts and reason"

The pot calling the kettle black?

"As far as I'm concerned, Sadam is dead, they are a democracy now in the heart of the middle east, we didn't get any oil and the Iraqi's I know and who are my friends are grateful."

Oh yes – they are living THE life out there in the middle-east, aren't they? And Iran is just DYING to get some of what Iraq is having, isn't it? Yes, maybe we should "free" some Iranian civilians from the chains of life as well.

"Anyways I'm done with this nonsense"

You can say that again – I'm done with your asininity.


Last edited by Thinker on 11/12/2010 1:17:44 PM

13 years ago

"Yes, maybe we should "free" some Iranian civilians from the chains of life as well."

Better to stand by and watch their government continue to rape, pillage and murder their own people? People weren't shot, beaten and arrested for protesting their government in the last Iranian elections? Pathetic.

13 years ago

"Better to stand by and watch their government continue to rape, pillage and murder their own people?"

Help should NEVER be shoved down another's throat, but offered modestly ONLY when requested.

Going by YOUR theory, you should also be open to interventionism from other countries in US sovereign matters, correct?

How about we solve the problems in OUR OWN country first – starting with unemployment, lack of healthcare coverage for everyone, education budget and the like before we head off into another country to shoot some more "forignurs" in the face? As the saying goes, "charity begins at home".

BTW, look back at history and you'll notice that Iran was doing reasonably well until the 60s (or was it 50s?) when western countries intervened.

"People weren't shot, beaten and arrested for protesting their government"

By the way, are you talking about Iran or the US, because that is precisely what happened during the Bush administration, but "big media" decided not to report that, considering that anybody who dared to question the Orwellian practices being conducted by that administration was labeled a traitor.

Last edited by Thinker on 11/12/2010 3:28:50 PM

13 years ago

But in fairness to Cuba, With such a popular game as Black Ops putting things which are straight up politically controverisal, is perhaps not fair.

13 years ago

First thiings first… what the heck does children and adolescents have to do with an M rated game. Also, though they may be based off of reality, video games are fictional in my experience. It's only virtual, interactive storytelling. Just because names and likenesses are used, it doesn't mean that developers are trying to teach people their version of history. Like I've said before, people just want to complain about something.

13 years ago


13 years ago

You know what, I'm American & I'll do whatever it takes to defend it & my military brothers.

But with that said, I had no qualms & made no bit*ching what-so-ever when MOH originally used the Taliban name.
I also had no qualms & also made no bit*hing that anyone could "PLAY" as the Taliban & could kill our soldiers.
See the key word there, as in "PLAYING"?????

It's only a game, that's right, yeah, I said it…."IT'S A GAME"!!!!!

So let's wake the f*ck up people, and stop trying to become one of those same self-appointed safety nanny's that you so bitterly f*cking complain about.

You don't like a game for what ever reason, then just don't buy, rent, borrow or even play it, end of story.

I'm so tired of this whiner mentality.

Rant over

13 years ago

Well said Saint.

13 years ago


P.s. The Castro you kill is a body double anyways…………..

13 years ago

Call me a Loser, jack @$$ whatever. But ill always respect Castro. When one of our Prime Ministers, Trudeau died, he showed up personally for the funeral, despite all the hate, all the distaste for him, he wanted to show his support for a good man. He is a dictator but you can't put him in league with Stalin….Stalin was the devil…he was a Mafioso like the way they called him "The Boss".
When i was in a mechanic class, there was a 40 year old Cubano, good guy, smoked Cohibas at lunch, he always said while Castro wasn't perfect, he was liked by many and further loved.

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