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Ueda On Last Guardian: Pressure, Emotion, Inspiration

The Last Guardian remains one of the most anticipated PlayStation 3 games of the generation. This means that when the mastermind behind the project speaks, we tend to listen.

Team ICO guru Fumito Ueda answered a few questions at Electronic Theatre recently, and he spoke a little about the intended audience, emotional attachment, and the pressure of "not wanting to disappoint everybody." Considering the wait and the legacy of ICO and Shadow of the Colossus , it's true that many are expecting something super special, and it's clear that Ueda understands. When asked if he's glad that he can finally lift the veil and reveal the project, he says, "I am glad. But more than that, I regret that I kept everybody waiting." And then adds that he feels "a certain pressure and I will do my best not to disappoint everybody." He went on to talk about the creative process a bit:

"First of all, with respect to the gameplay, we slowed down the pace to focus our efforts on narrative production and the polishing of each level. ICO and Shadow of the Colossus were well received by many gamers. However, we felt that there were people out there who the games didn't reach, the kind of people who wouldn’t usually play games, and so, to appeal to these people, we set our theme on animals and their habitats."

As for the gameplay, Ueda confirms that it'll be very dynamic and even realistic in a way, as the boy's interactions with that gigantic mystical creature will be…well, exactly as you'd expect them to be; i.e., exactly how a little human boy might try to communicate with a mammoth – seemingly friendly – animal.

"The boy must guide the creature, never being entirely sure whether his intentions are understood, and bearing in mind its surroundings and personality. Under the boy's guidance, the creature will display extraordinary abilities."

Ueda also confirmed they would take PlayStation Move and 3D compatibility "into consideration" for the game. Lastly, he says the reason they "don't use numbers" in their titles is because they want to reach new players with every new project, which we find to be an impressive approach. Considering that sequels and franchises usually guarantee financial success (provided the games are good, of course), most developers go this route. But not these guys.

Oh, and make sure to read up on the emotional aspect and how "all expressions must be believable." This game should be amazing .

Related Game(s): The Last Guardian

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13 years ago

Has there been any confirmation we're gonna play as the beast or monster or bird-puppy creature?
And Last Guardian kinda reminds me of Free Willy, don't ask me why, I don't even know myself…..

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

No, you're the kid. I think Trico just follows you around.

13 years ago

The game reminds me of Clifford the Big Red Dog…xD

13 years ago

I used to watch that I was 15.
Only for a few episodes!!!

Last edited by Snaaaake on 11/10/2010 11:14:33 AM

13 years ago

Can't wait.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
13 years ago

My most anticipated game.

13 years ago

Easily my most anticipated game, too. SotC was the best game of the last gen and ICO is an absolute gem. I hope they release some kind of Collector's Edition for this title. I'd pre-order it in a heartbeat.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I like that he's said that he doesn't use numbers in an attempt to expand the fanbase. It makes me think that this is definitely tied to the story between ICO and SotC. I don't understand what he said there about trying to reach people that don't normally play games though. His titles have always been defined as niche, and if TLG follows the same basic formula (which it seems to be doing), there is no way that they are going to appeal to the mass market. I love that he's focussing on the narrative though, and hope he maintains the minimal nature of the other two titles. Sure, more can be done, but I can't help but think it is for the best to keep the plot an ideas simple.

Oh, and I'm still very interested in finding out about how you will guide the creature, because I think it's obvious that you aren't going to be leaping onto its back and riding about, or whistling for it to come. One final comment: The believability of facial expressions has come a long way. Motion capture has aided this, but also the improved hardware of this generation, and many games now have an emotional intensity to them through it. Team ICO is one of the better developers out there, and if they cannot nail it on the PS3, I'm going to be very disappointed in them.

13 years ago

LG is definitely on my want list

13 years ago

Man I can't wait. This is my most anticipated game of the Generation so far. GOWIII was up there, but Last Guardian takes the cake.

I must admit, I'm very much anticipating the HD re-release of ICO and SOTC as well.

13 years ago

Their games are simply beautiful. The art just flows out so perfectly.

I'm still amazed at how many perfectionists/art masters Sony has.

The guys at Naughty Dog, Polyphony, and Kojima Productions (though not exclusively lol).

I also like the fact that they use numbers for their games. Kinda like what From Software is doing for the new Demon's Souls sequel, Project Dark.

13 years ago

Anyone who dismisses the idea of games being an art form simply needs to play the last two games created by these guys. Creative geniuses.

I loved how he said he won't use numbers in his game. Come to think of it, SoTC could have easily been ICO 2, but they're not in the business of milking.

I'll buy The Last Guardian on day one just to support such a fantastic development team. And if the last two games are any indication, will enjoy the hell out of it 🙂

13 years ago

There is very little doubt that this game will be amazing. You just know there's going to be moments where you're laughing, shocked, upset, sad, in awe and utterly amused. I am very excited for the new Ueda product. Thank goodness it's soon.

13 years ago

Can't wait for this game even though I have not played any games by this developer the more and more I read about this game the more I want to try other games.

13 years ago

I wish other developers would think like Ueda, everything would be different!
Can't wait for this!

13 years ago

i hope they release the ico collection before TLG, that way people who have not had the opportunity to see what there games are like can before the latest releases.
and close to the US date, none of this months after like sond did with GOW and the sly collection!
why do sony do this?
M$ always releases there games normally a week apart, IF THAT!
so does ninty.
so why cant one of the worlds largest companies follow suit?

13 years ago

This is a day 1 purchase for me… and I am sure for most of you here…


"i am home"

13 years ago

The most artistic game of the generation and my most wanted game in the years to come….

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