Japan Studio, the beloved first-party PlayStation studio behind games like PaRappa The Rapper, Ape Escape, Everbody’s Golf, and Gravity Rush, was meant to develop big budget games. Outside of dedicated development, it also co-developed FromSoftware’s Bloodborne and Ghost of Tsushima and was the parent behind Team Ico, which made Shadow of the Colossus and The Last Guardian.
Silent Hill and Gravity Rush creator Keiichiro Toyama revealed the plans in an interview with VGC. The game maker, though, didn’t want to be bound by big budgets and just wanted to make “original” games, which don’t necessarily require inflated budgets.
“With Sony, there was an increasing motive to make more highly budgeted games, and it wanted to go that way with the Japan Studio brand. My motive was always to create original games. I feel I can do this without a massive budget.”
While Japan Studio was involved in big releases, by the end of its life, it was mostly a co-developer of successful projects and any project it made by itself wasn’t as much of a commercial success, which could be why the studio was closed down back in 2021 after 30 years of operation.
Toyama departed shortly before the studio went under and formed Bokeh Game Studio where he is working on its debut game, Slitterhead.