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Should GTAV Strive For Realism Or “Fun Factor?”

We can't be too far away from a Grand Theft Auto V unveiling, and I've been wondering about how Rockstar will approach this new project.

While I will always maintain that GTAIV is one of the best games of the generation, I understand the rift it caused between long-time hardcore fans of the franchise. People complained about the inability to do crazy arcade-y stuff and weren't too keen on the more authentic atmosphere; in other words, I think people sort of connected with the almost cartoony aspect of previous installments.

Of course, they were only that way due to a lack of hardware and technology capability, which is why we saw the darker, grittier, more realistic GTA entry on the next generation of consoles. The developers have always said they wanted to make it a more complete, atmospheric experience; they wanted to lose the idea that GTA was almost like a caricature of big-city, over-the-top violence. However, what if that's what the fans truly desire? What if they want something more like Just Cause , which features some seriously insane gameplay thanks to a totally un realistic grappling hook? But at the same time, don't the hardcore gamers want extra realism in other games, like shooters and action experiences…?

I mean, given the technology Rockstar has at their disposal now, I think they have a choice. I'm just wondering how people would respond to something like Vice City 2 , with all the same silliness, only…prettier. I imagine it has to be quite the topic of conversation amongst GTA aficionados; just look at what happened when GTAIV arrived. It was a little different in terms of atmosphere and style, and it really didn't go over well with some fans who sorta went, "hey…this isn't GTA."

I said something similar at first but I quickly came 'round to the correct way of thinking: "hey, this isn't GTA…it's a much better GTA." Granted, my favorite will probably always be Vice City but that's just because I'm an '80s fiend (very subjective, I know). But what say you? What should Rockstar do with GTAV? Got some ideas?

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13 years ago

If GTA strived for more ninjas then maybe I'd be interested =p

13 years ago

How about decency and class. 😉

13 years ago

I prefer decadence and ass

13 years ago


13 years ago


13 years ago

Go ahead and have your realistic mode, then once you beat it you unlock the "Go nuts" mode with wierdo stunts and wacky missions. And then you add in the "Go nuts" codes like perfect driving and street riots and throwing heads around as weapons and there you go. Everybody's happy.

13 years ago

dang man, I think you got it figured out.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Lol for real!

13 years ago

More nudity and gore or I'm going to be pissed.

13 years ago

That actually sounds like a damn good idea!

You know how you could play those QUB3D games on the in-game consoles of GTA IV?

Well, make GTA V more realistic, and give us a playable Vice City sim on the in-game consoles…that would be the best GTA experience for me!

13 years ago

I really liked where GTAIV took the series. Taking out the goofiness didn't take out the fun or the action. If anything, the storytelling was enhanced and it gave us a full package.

If the enhancements found in RDR are any indication, I highly doubt any serious gamer is going to be disappointed with GTAV.

13 years ago

I know most won't agree with me, but as I got older, I started growing out of the cartoony era, so with that said, I loved how GTA4 has evolved into a more realistic game.

And I for one, would like to see GTA go more realistic with each new upcoming # in the game's series.

But in the same token, I wouldn't mind if GTA would also keep up some of the cartoonyness for a few of the side missions, just to keep the nostalgia of all the older GTA's in the mix too.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Is it to much to ask? How about a little bit of both? GTA IV is the best game ever. People still play it today.

13 years ago

"GTA IV is the best game ever."


Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago


Theres no need to start anything dude, here we go again with people hating on my every opinions. Listen we all have our opinions, im okay with you liking Hanna Montanna or what ever it is you play on your spare time because its your likings and disllikings. Its your opinion, well your quote is my exact opinion, ok?

13 years ago

Hannah Montana on the stripper pole…

13 years ago

I've got well over 90 hours in GTA4 so far, & I'm only at 82%.
Benn loving the whole game(except for the helo chase, that one's been a real MoFo of a biatch)

13 years ago

Killa Tequilla,

If you're going to say something as absurd as "GTAIV is the best game ever" than expect to get made fun of.

Honestly man, I'd love for you to list your reasons for thinking such a thing.

13 years ago

Agree with LV… I myself think its the most overrated game ever

They should just go for fun like they used to because lets face it. They botched the realism attempt.

13 years ago

Remember folks, it is his opinion. And opinions are subjective. You don't have to agree.

There is no reason to make fun of someone just because you don't agree.

Damn, sometimes I wonder if we're in the middle of a grade school courtyard around here. Some of you need to respect other people's opinions and let it go.

If you don't have anything positive to say, then don't reply. I realize that if this were the case, some people would never reply, e.g. anonymous coward, as well as a few others.

If you must reply, try not to be so damn contentious.

I'm sorry Jawk, but just flat out laughing at someone's opinion is just so damn immature. A more mature approach would have been to just ask him why he thinks GTAIV is so great and then debate him on the merits. I know you can do that. I’ve seen you do that many times.

13 years ago

"If you don't have anything positive to say, then don't reply. I realize that if this were the case, some people would never reply, e.g. anonymous coward, as well as a few others."

Are you kidding me? If someone posts an opinion that I don't agree with and I feel strongly enough about my opinion, you better believe I'm going to reply in the way I see fit. I have an opinion as well as a right to voice that opinion. For you to even have the audacity to say when and in what manner I can do that and how you can even think people are going to listen is just boyond me.

13 years ago

Best game ever? I gotta laugh at that one as well.

Not a fan of Rockstar's open world games like GTAIV and Red Dead at all. Got bored with them both, and returned them as well.

13 years ago

Lol, if someone says something so absurd, I find nothing wrong in having a chuckle at it, opinion or not. It was funny. Now calm down mom.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/25/2010 10:12:35 AM

13 years ago


I agree. You have a right to speak your mind. My point was that there is no reason to ridicule someone for an opinion that differs from yours. The key word being ridicule… that is so third grade.


Absurd is IN YOUR OPINION. I'm sure your moralistic stance concerning this game is hilarious to some, but it is your right to have that opinion without being ridiculed for it.

You and I both fall on the same side of the political spectrum, but I don't hold your moralistic beliefs about GTA IV.

Besides, if I recall correctly, GTA IV won many GOTY awards the year it came out. So, his opinion isn't as "absurd" as you claim.

My point is that I know you can argue why you dislike the game without ridiculing some one for their opinion.

Last edited by Orvisman on 10/25/2010 11:12:43 AM

13 years ago

What the hell is up with you guys? Fighting over this? Seriously? Killa Tequila just stated what game he views to be the best game, as in he likes the game so much that he views it to be the best. That's HIS preference. End of story. It's not hurting anyone. And it's very uncalled for to antagonize him just for that.

13 years ago

LOL! no one is getting bent out of shape except Orvisman. Please Orvisman, spare me the lectures on relativism. I really don't care what you think of my opinion.

13 years ago

LOL. I'm not getting bent out of shape. You are just one arrogant SOB aren't you.

Of course you wouldn't care what anyone else thinks of your opinion because the only opinion that matters is your own and those that agree with you. Can you say narcism?

I just pointed out that it was his opinion and he has a right to it and that you don't need to belittle it. Then you started attacking me.

Again, the act of a small mind… or penis… you're overcompensating for something and trying to make yourself feel superior.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

@ Orvisman

Thanks for the help dude 🙂
was outnumbered 2:1….

13 years ago

Orvisman, your statements lost any semblance of validity the moment you began taking personal shots at Jawk in such a childish way. It's your own fault things got blown out of proportion.

13 years ago


I'm just pointing out that if someone is going to ridicule someone for having an opinion that differs from them it is bascially because that person is trying to make themself feel superior to that other person. And only people who are overcompensating for something else try to push others down and make themselves feel superior.

I'm done with this.

I'm going out for a bike ride.

13 years ago

"there is no reason to make fun of someone because you don't agree"

He didn't say "I think GTAIV is the best game ever"…. that's an opinion.

He stated it as if it were a fact… and yes… we'll make fun of him for that.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

GTA IV so much memories in that game, really. Best game ever made. Especially becuase back then GTA was way better than anything made. It was just awesome. The feeling of it I got when I took my DS3 and just started playing. Driving a car around. I always wanted to know what would happen next. Not to mention the game was long. It really is fun and realistic. But I just keep asking myself, what if it was a Ps3 exclusive? I mean if you think about it, its as big as Xbox can be, meaning blu ray has more space… Imagine A city thats 4x bigger than Liberty City. More cars, more story, more weapons, more exploring, more trophies, more water, more fun, more of everything. A blu ray disk hold up to 25gb single layered or 50gb dual layered. Imagine the possibilities… Unimaginable.

13 years ago

Red Dead Redemption is a better game than GTAIV. I don't see whats so great about glorifying a life of crime.

I personally couldn't stand to play it anymore after the first ten minutes. All the "big ass titties" talk was ridiculous.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/24/2010 10:42:22 PM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

GTA and RDR are made by the same developers. Rockstar★.
I like both games equally, BUT I played GTA far more than RDR. In RDR its sooo big, wich isnt a bad thing, but thers less to explore, you often find yourself lonely in the wild west and far from everyone. Im talking about free roam off course. Hmmm… but you know im not complaining here, developers cand please millions of people. I love anything Rockstar★. Best developers IN MY OPINION.

13 years ago

RDR has redeeming value to it. GTA does not.

Again, what's so great about glorifying a life of crime?

13 years ago

You two can squabble about this all you want, what I'd like to know Killa, is how you got it to show the freaking STAR? The best I know how to do is "R*" but yours shows up as a real star.

13 years ago

Come on Jawknee, you're talking like your wife made you throw it away. GTAIV is brilliant. It had great acting and great atmosphere. The city was perfect and the missions were fun. In April of 08, it was the best game around.

13 years ago

LOL! My wife could care less. I found the game repugnant and obnoxious. I've never liked GTA. I decided to give GTAIV a try because like this guy, lots of people claimed it to be the "best game evah!"

Sadly, it was a waste of money.

Oh….in my opinion of course. 🙂

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/24/2010 10:58:51 PM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

WorldEndsWithMe im on my Ps3, I use my Ps3 for this website 😀
Answers your question? BTW can you still see it? I cant lol must be Ps3 restrictions or something…

I dont know how else to answer your question, how bout you ask Rockstar★? They made the game and well If crime is the theme then oviously crime is glorifying great 😀 because R★ used it in their Game!!

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 10/24/2010 11:02:07 PM

13 years ago

The victims of those crimes beg to differ.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

" In April of 08, it was the best game around. "

" In my opinion off corse " Closes the case, wouldn't you agree?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

There was nothing much wrong with GTAIV from a critical standpoint.

If you don't like it, that's a subjective thing. Doesn't stop it from being borderline flawless, like all masterpieces.

13 years ago

Agreed, as i said i see why people would like the game from a gaming standpoint but show casing murder, theft, prostitution etc in a positive light is not my thing.

13 years ago


From a critical standpoint GTAIV has quite a few negatives. It has one of the weakest engines I've seen this generation. The cover system is broken. The directing/editing of the main story isn't done very well. Though I'll admit I thought the acting was great.

13 years ago

I'm with jawknee…

I played gta4 til the end! Finished it and havnt touched it since. reason being is I finish all my games, doesnt mean I think they are all "the best game ever". It was fun but not great! Never once did I feel immersed. Never once did I feel like I was being pulled in. At least in RDR the immersion was spectacular! They showed te wild west and brought it to our living rooms with a Truly meaningful experience! What did we get from gta4 besides technical prowess? Not much else in my opinion.

But again I played it, had my fun, but didnt take much away from it! That's how all the gta games have been for me just entertaining but nothing special. But I'll be honest vice city was the most fun!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 10/25/2010 1:00:22 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

LV: The engine didn't fail nor did it detract from the gameplay experience in over 75 hours of my play time. The cover system worked perfectly, as most any review will tell you.

…I honestly have no idea what you were playing.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/25/2010 1:00:08 AM

13 years ago

I played it on 360 (back when I actually owned one) not sure that matters.

I'm surprised you're sticking up for the engine used in the game. It has severe pop-up and Anti-Aliasing issues. On top of that I think the color scheme is far too gray/grey.

Sure the cover system is better than most games (Dark Void has one of the worst cover systems I've seen in a game) but I don't think it's "perfect" and I don't think GTAIV is the masterpiece it's made out to be.

13 years ago

The hand to hand fighting was terrible though, but GTA's usually is, we need a hand to hand combat system that works in GTA.

13 years ago

what about all the bugs, like the swing of death?
last time i checked a game that bores the hell out of you is far from perfect!
sorry, i lost the time line where driving around like a taxi driver for several hours became fun.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I wouldn't say that GTAIV is the best game ever, not even close, but that doesn't change the fact that it is still fantastic. The early juvenile actions and scripting later gives way to a far stronger narrative, so that's really nothing to be concerned about.

I wouldn't say that it glorifies crime, as the characters usually show compunction about the tasks that they are asked to perform. It's not about, kill this guy, rape this woman, sell these drugs. That is what keeps the story going, but not what it is about. Sure, it may give us the sense that crime DOES pay, but when you are trying something like GTA, it can't really work in any other fashion.

The engine worked fine. I mean, it did have issues, particularly with pop-in and frame rate, but when you are trying to render a world as large and diverse as Liberty City, that is to be expected. The hand-to-hand combat definitely needs to be improved, but it suffices. The cover system worked perfectly for me. Anytime I got shot while in cover was generally while there was an enemy above me, which makes sense.

It may not have been the most fun, but it was still a grand title, and for me, it only gets better with each playthrough (I've now gone through it thrice). Although, I felt as if the pacing could certainly have been better, and perhaps making us emote with the ancillary characters more, rather that just with Niko. It is possible. Too much text, now I'm scared.

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