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Treyarch: Black Ops Realism Almost “Went Too Far”

With everything they've done in video games so far, you wouldn't think Treyarch would step over the line.

But apparently, according to what Call of Duty: Black Ops animation director Dominique Drozdz told OPM , the team had to reign themselves in because they "went too far." There are times in the game when close-up kills will happen, and it seems some of this was simply too realistically grotesque. While the game's director, Dave Anthony, said they "completely changed the way we do facial animation" and that "some of the stuff we've done with Gary Goldman's character is amazing," Drozdz adds:

"There were situations going too far. It was a a contextual kill where you were twisting the neck. It was too much. The throat cutting [is] nasty, but that was worse."

This may be one of the first times we've ever heard a developer claim they held themselves back in regards to excessive violence or other offensive material in a game. But perhaps this is a partial reaction to last year's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 from Infinity Ward; the airport scene generated a ton of backlash and controversy. Or Treyarch could be trying to get a jump on the anti-game activists before the game even releases. Who knows?  We're just wondering how the CoD fans will respond, or if they care at all.

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Black Ops

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13 years ago

Wow, talk about overrated for a videogame.

13 years ago

they should leave in all the blood and guts.

13 years ago

Exactly it was one of the best thing that came out of w@w

13 years ago

It is a fine line of being too graphic and being fun. If people cringe at watching their character snap a neck then it could turn into not being fun.

13 years ago

doubt it was that bad, just a neck snap, no biggie in my opinion.

13 years ago

"just a neck snap, no biggie"


13 years ago

Ergi but be agent 47 :S

13 years ago

wow! Thes developers need to grow some….grapefruits. leave it in the game frist MOH developers punked out and look what happen to them. The game got low scores. Now BlackOps they take out this because its "take it to far" i call bs. If you don't like blood and guts and the sound of peoples neck being snaped well i got one thing to say DON'T PLAY THE GAME plane and simple.

Last edited by n/a on 10/22/2010 10:54:55 AM

13 years ago

I'm pretty sure not naming the other multiplayer team Taliban and opting for Opposing Force made no impact on the overall scores of MoH. I also highly doubt removing neck snapping will have any effect on scores or sales. Really, it's just a neat piece of info. Most people won't even realize it was there to miss it being removed.

Also, planes are not so simple. >.<

13 years ago

edit: plain and simple
dam it my brain is off today

Last edited by n/a on 10/22/2010 11:03:53 AM

13 years ago

"i got one thing to say DON'T PLAY THE GAME plane and simple."

That's probably why they took it out. If it were in there then people would not play it, losing sales.

It's kind of a bummer for those of us who like gore and violence though. 🙁

13 years ago

"edit: plain and simple
dam it my brain is off today"

lol at least you know! I can think of some anonymous folks who keep making mistakes after people try to help them out.

Happens to the best of folks! (I'd say best of us, but lets face it, I don't consider myself in "the best")

13 years ago

@Underdog15 i think i just added u to my PSN is your PSN ID the same as this or some thing different ? If it is i hope u don't mind me adding you.

13 years ago

Yup, PSN is the same as this. I don't mind at all. Anyone from PSXE community is welcome to add me at any time!

What's your PSN so I know which one? There are a couple friend requests I haven't responded to yet open from MW2… I always turn them down. I just wanna make sure I don't delete yours. Thanks!

13 years ago

@Underdog15: its infamousgodV2_0

13 years ago

Ever watched a sports highlight and see someone's knee buckle the wrong way or shoulder get thrown out of joint? It definitely makes you twinge.

Physically, up close, snapping someone's neck in order to kill them… if this game is as realistic as it's supposed to be, that would be really grotesque!

In the end, though, I don't really care about it being or not being there. If it is, it just means I'll have to avoid doing that if the wife is around. She already hated me playing games like Killzone and CoD:MW2. lol.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 10/22/2010 10:58:56 AM

13 years ago

My wife doesn't like KZ2 because of Rico's dirty mouth. Other than that she didn't care. Ha

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
13 years ago

Snapping necks is not "over the top". What a bunch of pansies. Are these soldiers wearing pink now?

13 years ago


13 years ago

You don't think they might possibly be hyping themselves up just a wee bit eh?

"Oh, it was too bloody violent, man. Had to tone it down." sounds a lot like "Please pay attention to us, we know MW2 had the airport scene, but we're hardcore too. So much in fact that we cut some of our hardcore-ness out."

13 years ago

lol, nice. ^.^

13 years ago

I feel that may be the issue. MW2 is the big brother that gets all the party invites while W@W sat at home watching TV. Looks like they are trying to step out of big bros shadow. Will it work? That is too be seen.

13 years ago

My sentiments exactly. Its just cannon fodder!

13 years ago

I personally think the gore and the death animations in W@W were worse than the entire airport level in MW2(not quality-wise of course, I just can't think of a better way to word it right now), that level was about as bad as 5 minutes of any given GTA game.

13 years ago

HUGE difference. GTA glorifies commting crimes, World at War glorifies killing Nazi's. I don't see a problem with the latter.

13 years ago

Jawknee, I was talking about the fact that it's just killing innocents and cops for that level, something that's done constantly in GTA, but because MW2 was a war game, it became controversial(soldiers killing soldiers is ok, civilians killing civilians is ok, but apparently soldiers killing civilians isn't)

Maiq The Liar
Maiq The Liar
13 years ago

Now im not a hardcore gamer (only got 4 ps3 plat's) but the most gory death ive seen thats sorta realistic, was on fallout 3 when i blew a raiders head off with a shotgun. But yeah.. they shouldn't have held back & just made it an 18 rated game, or is it already, i dont keep up with cod much.

Last edited by Maiq The Liar on 10/22/2010 11:01:23 AM

13 years ago

I'm annoyed at how interested I am in this game. I might have to Give in and buy a cod game after all

Maiq The Liar
Maiq The Liar
13 years ago

Just make sure you dont get addicted!

13 years ago

If it's your first CoD buy I'm sure it will be the best one to get since it is the newest.

13 years ago

I doubt the death animations are more realistic than the ones in Killzone 2.

The animations in MW2 were retarded. You shoot some one in the back while their running away, they fall backwards when they should fall forward. in fact it seemed they fell the same way no matter how they got shot.

13 years ago

I love the ragdoll effect when on a narrow platform… it's like the programming doesn't know if it should be falling, getting blown up, or stopping… lets hope the new one has better physics.

Scratch that….

Let's hope the new one has physics.

13 years ago

mate you'll luv the new k3 close combat kills…..i cant get enough of em in the beta

13 years ago

@Underdog, LOL! sometimes it's kind of funny. Like in Bad Company 2. Others it can ruin the experience like in AC2.

@Godslim, oh I'm looking forward to it. Yet another innovation on part of Guerilla Games when it comes to adding realism. Those close combat kills look amazing.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/22/2010 11:37:44 AM

13 years ago

its so satisfiying going up behind some and jabbing your knife into em
my fav one are then ones when some is faceing towards you…..i love it when your character just shoves a knife in there face 😀

13 years ago

I think I remember overall, World At War was a lot more bloody then MW2. MW2 only had that airport scene that could be considered controversial imo. So have they tamed Black Op's more than MW2 or World At War? I'm not too bothered either way but if I had to choose, I'd rather they turned out W@W quality gore at the very least.

13 years ago

You remember correctly. In World at War you could take off limbs depending were you shot the enemy. MW and MW2 had that aspect of the violence toned down. Which is fine but as I said before, there is no FPS with better physics and death animations than KZ2. I think GG said they had over 10,000 death animations in KZ2.

13 years ago

I agree, KZ2 was a fantastic game and they really nailed down the death animations better than I've seen in any other FPS. I hope when they tone down the language (which is silly imo), they don't tone down the death animation physics. Of course this brutal melee sounds like they've gone the other extreme, bringing it to the max…at least I hope so!

13 years ago

Yea they said they toned down the cursing. I don't mind a little but it was just retarded in KZ2.

13 years ago

I don't know… I guess I am just tired of Call of Duty.

The 6 vs 6 gets old quick.

13 years ago

Tell me about it. After Killzone 2 and Bad Company 2 I can never go back to 6 on 6. Even Medal of Honor supports more players online.

13 years ago

Search and Destroy would be WAY better with bigger maps and more people.

13 years ago

there is 9 v 9 ground war guys
yeh s and d is my fav game mode just coz i luv the thrill of u die once your out for the round

13 years ago

Yeah, but some of the modes are frustrating on the smaller maps. Especially if you're only playing with one or two other friends. Even if you have a good strategy, there's too many dummies that make a tiny map impossible.

Plus, it's rare to get a mode you enjoy. My friends and I prefer Search and Destroy best, although we do other things too.

I remember playing groundwar on Rust. Was the worst experience ever. I remember it well because my friends bug me about it because I curse how un-fun it was even though I did well. 9v9 on Rust is stupid.

13 years ago

true yeh on maps like rust its pretty crazy but on others its ok

13 years ago

I wonder if the death animations are as realistic as their paper thin, flat texture smoke and leaves.


13 years ago

This kind of grotesque, graphic imagery turns my stomach. I'd expound on this subject more, but my shift at the abattoir is about to start.

13 years ago


No parboiled Haggis for you then!

13 years ago

The good old abattoir. I had to look that up lol

13 years ago

Wow. Some people really can't read.

He said "where you were twisting the neck"

That sounds a lot more like a Kratos move than a simple neck snapping. Twisting the neck of Helios was pretty damn gruesome but they threw it in. ONCE. The contextual kills in a CoD happen quite regularly and I'm sure what they had was pretty damn gross.

Going that far might be ok in some games but Treyarch knows full well that although war is ugly, games should not be.

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