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PSXE Poll Update: Removing Taliban From MoH Cowardly

Although it was close, the majority of our readers believes EA's removal of the Taliban reference in the multiplayer action in Medal of Honor was just plain cowardly.

As most of you know, EA buckled under the pressure – applied by various members of the U.S. Military and offended families of U.S. soldiers – and decided to take "Taliban" out and replace it with "opposing force." But according to our latest poll, most of you guys think EA should've stuck to their guns and released the game as was, which may not have been a solid business plan. Actually, and perhaps surprisingly, the second-highest vote tally went to the indifferent crowd, who really don't care one way another. We interpret this in the following way: unlike the anti-gaming hounds out there, we realize that just because we play as the Taliban in a video game, we're not necessarily besmirching any memories…as it ain't real. There are two sides in multiplayer matches and…well, someone needs to play as the bad guys. Nobody freaked out when we played as Nazis in other shooters, right?  Or cowboys and indians when we were kids?

This week, we leave the politics and controversy behind and refocus on gaming. We're interested to know what you'd rather have from Rockstar: Grand Theft Auto V or another Red Dead ? We're almost certain to get both, but which excites you more? We keep thinking the recent popularity of RDR might have had a pretty big impact…

Related Game(s): Medal of Honor

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13 years ago

Meh, i dont really care either way. Some people are going to bi*** no matter what you do so you might as well do what you want anyway.

In regards to the new poll….
I'd be off the wall ecstatic for GTAV if it is a sequel to Vice City, but not if its another modern GTA. Vice City was by far the best GTA ever made and i'd by another 80s GTA in an instant.

13 years ago

Very ture, impossible to please everybody. As far as a new GTAIV vs. a new RDR.. well for me the answer is simple, we've seen quite a lot of GTA's in the past, granted they're amazing games but I would certainly be more interested in a new RDR. Maybe I'm just a sucker for westerns or it could have been the remarkable story and that last look John Marston's son gave the camera right at the very end.

13 years ago

The real poll should have been…

Out of everyone who will vote, how many people have family members in the military or how many of you have served in the armed forces.

I would be very curious to see the results.

13 years ago

I have family and friends in the army. Older and past relatives who were in WWII (whom I NEVER played WWII games in front of, ESPECIALLY as a Nazi!!!), and I have friends and family currently in Afghanistan. I and at least 2 of my buddies couldn't give two craps what MoH did in the game. And that's how I voted too. Wouldn't have cared either way. Even now, they're still Taliban, whether they call it that or not. People will be playing multiplayer online saying "we're the taliban", and "shoot the taliban *$&%#&".

Of course, we aren't American either. 1 of my army friends, just this past weekend in fact, said "I don't give a f*&k what they call them. It's a f*&kin' game."

P.s. He's in therapy right now for post-traumatic syndrome from what he's seen overseas.

But not that that matters, right? "It's disrespectful!" So tell me, how soon is too soon? I mean, Black Ops is Vietnam… lots of games have been WWII… I don't care what anyone says. Both of those wars were worse than what is happening now. (I do not mean to detract from what's going on now. All war is bad, for sure.) But just because it's more "modern" or "current", we're not allowed to be the bad guys? But if it isn't something that happened to this generation, it's ok??? Yeah… whatever.

13 years ago

No no, the best gta were gra:sa. What is there NOT to love in that game. It even got a 80s radio channel for you 80s guys. Plus the best radio channel ever, the electronic one with that german crazy dude.

AND you got a rocket backpack ffs! What is there NOT to love about SA…!

13 years ago

The atmosphere in SA wasnt nearly as immersive as VC. VC just oozed 80 cliche and pop culture references. SA had a ton of boring side-missions like GTAIV while VC kept a good balance of main story and side-missions.
Theres no mission in SA that comes close to the epic feeling of taking the mansion in VC. Half of the new stuff in SA was just the dress-up mode. If i wanted to play dolls i wouldnt have bought GTA, just give me the option of a suit, fatigues, or civilian clothes. I dont need or want to sift through 80 different boots.

SA was good, and i enjoyed it, but VC did everything better.

13 years ago

Ah, the mansion in VC… I'd forgotten about that one. I agree, that was a definitive highlight.

But the "boring" side missions (I guess you are referring to the girlfriends?) are just that, side missions. No need to do them. I on the other hand found them to be quite cool, they added to the rpg'ish feeling of SA, something I thought was a definitive step in the right direction. I expected more of that in GTA IV. The horrible interface to change clothes on the other hand, there was a definitive room for improvement there. They could (and should!) have done so in gta iv. But nah.

In my opinion gta:sa added a lot to the formula without removing anything essential (as opposed to gtaiv). We got planes! Casinos! Car modding! Even body modding! Plus the huuuge map with tons of stuff to do made it de definitive king-of-the-gta-hill so far.

13 years ago

Red Deads story is the selling point for me. GTAs never really had that great of a story

13 years ago

I understand why EA felt they needed to change the name but it doesn't change anything. The game is still banned from military bases, the Taliban are still murderous scum and our brave men and woman are still fighting them.

Political Correctness= Fail.

In regards to the new poll, i'd rather see another Red Dead because i never liked GTA. The game is classless and is a waste of time and money in my opinion.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/10/2010 11:30:52 PM

13 years ago

Political correctness pretty much fails all the time. Thank God too, I wouldn't be able to enjoy Stephen Colbert's Chinese persona Ching Chong Ding Dong.

13 years ago

Seem the PC police took some time away from Congress to thumb you down World. Haha

13 years ago

damn them!

13 years ago

Weeeeeelllll, this wasn't a big deal. If a game doesn't get made (ahem Six days) then I think we've all gone too far. Jawk is correct though, it doesn't change a thing. I thought it was an okay idea just to placated the idiots. Sometimes you gotta do that.

As far as R* is concerned, I dug GTAIV, am still playing RDR, but honestly, I'm fairly tired of the mechanic so I voted not interested. I wan't LA Noire and I wanna hear about Agent, but GTA is old news and while I like westerns, there is a WHOLE lot of nothing out there in the wilderness. I liked the way Red Dead Revolver did it better.

13 years ago

Have you ever tried Dark Watch or Gun??

13 years ago

I love DarkWatch, never played Gun.

13 years ago

Are you kidding me?? I'm voting both. GTAV and RDR2 are day one buys for me.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

GTA V. Nuff Said.

13 years ago

I don't really care one way or the other if it was left in or taken out! The problem I have is ten getting pressure to take it out! But that's another argument I don't care to get in to!

I can't way for this game! Gonna be very good to finally play a new moh! Been waiting awhile!

13 years ago

Right now, 27% don't care for RDR2 or GTAIV. Damn…that's dissappointing as I can't wait for both to come out. Who cares if there the Taliban or not, the game is the same.

13 years ago

I don't really consider it cowardly, myself. They were basically caught by surprise with regards to the backlash of the Taliban being in the game. They moved to attempt to assuage the issue by removing the Taliban (let's face it, we as the forum going/blog reading gaming community aren't the majority when it comes to gaming…so our feelings are relatively minor in the grand scheme of things), and are now caught in the prized position of 'Damned if you do, damned if you don't."

I respect them for making the alteration, based upon response from families of victims of the war, sure the game is for gamers, but it does touch on pretty sensitive issues that we should acknowledge, even if they aren't sensitive to you or me. At least they tried.

As for the new poll, I've got GTAIV + Expansions on my PC, love them. I've got RDR for PS3, currently conquering it, love it. I would be lying if I said I don't want both, and I'm not lying when I say I want them both on PC. 😉

13 years ago

Indeed. This whole thing was a Catch-22.

13 years ago

Ofcourse I'm voting for both!!

13 years ago

MoH's quality won't suffer for this… but because of this, it give jackasses like jack thompson fuel to keep his self-proclaimed, dimly lit fire burning.
i have respect for our men and women currently fighting in afghanistan. they have the courage to attempt to do what other countries could not.
as 4 a new GTA or RDR… i personally want a new red dead game.

13 years ago

Jack Thompson is irrelevant. He's been disbarred.

13 years ago

I voted "Coward", and proud not to be politically correct!

jack thompson is nothing more than a low-life scumbag disbarred lawyer & publicity whore, without 1 ounce of credibility.

I spit on his name!

13 years ago

He owns a PS3 too. You know that? LOL!

13 years ago

I figured you were joking, but if that a$$wipe ever were to own a PS3, I can just about guarantee that he only bought so he could sweat to the oldies by crotch-watching Richard Simmons on HiDef Bluray.

Ha, if he really was a gamer, then this whole publicity whore grandstanding against MOH, would not have happened, disbarring any tirade against freedom.

BTW, I voted for both R* titles, but just bring on GTA 5 first, seeing how RRD is still fairly new & Grand Theft is already last years model.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 10/11/2010 2:29:57 AM

13 years ago

Ha, no joke. heres the link with the photo.

13 years ago

I'll admit both GTA and RDR are great games, for sure. So, both would be amazing for you fans of the genres!

For me, however, neither one holds any appeal. I was one of the "neither" votes. Mere personal preference, mind you. Nothing against the games. Just not my schtick.

13 years ago


He was playing Barbie's Riding Academy, right up until his 11:35 appointed Yellow Journalism news crew arrived.

I hear he's looking to play Finding Nemo next, but only if he can get it's rating down another 10 notches.

13 years ago

I wanna be an Agent, c'mon now.

13 years ago


13 years ago

queer. Nice to see you got my two stalkers to press the thumbs up though, lol.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 10/11/2010 2:08:20 PM

13 years ago

from a sales perspective they did the right thing, from a industry perspective yeah it was cowardly, they should of stood their ground but i can understand why they buckled.
at the end of the day you have to remember EA are in this for one reason, and only one reason.
to bring in as much $ as possible, there not going to handicap themselves deliberately.

as for RDR2 or GTAV, well that depends.
if GTAV would be another "sim" a repeat of GTAIV than i NEVER want to see another GTA game ever again!
if it was going to take the series back to what made it so popular, aka mindless fun than id much rather GTAV over RDR2.
but either way, id much rather R* get off their fat a$$e$ stop announcing games and show us some new stuff on either agent, LA Noire or max payne 3.

i thought you were suppose to announce a game, show info on it,release it, than announce a new game.
not announce a game, show nothing on said game, announce another game, show nothing on said game, than announce another game, show nothing on said game, than maybe show some info on original game.
all in the process of releasing NEITHER of them!
god, who do they think they are, $E?

13 years ago

Oh please, those pissed off at the fact the Taliban are in this game weren't going to buy it anyways. From a sales perspective it makes little difference.

13 years ago

mmm, but what about the military bases who banned it?
sure, there still upholding the ban, but how was EA suppose to know that without taking the leap?
does it really matter though?

13 years ago

Exactly my point. They caved to political correctness and it's still banned. Won't matter as far as sales go. Besides, im sure if a solider wants the game bad enough he'll find a way to get it. 🙂

13 years ago

If I lived near or on a base and wanted the game, I'd just buy it on Amazon or something. All that stops people from doing is impulse purchasing it.

13 years ago

while gta5 and rdr2 would be good games id prefer to see SAINTS ROW 3

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I want to see R*'s other games before either of those, but if I had to choose, I'd go a new GTA (I still refuse to refer to it as GTAV). The story leap they made from PS2 to PS3, as well as the feeling of Episodes, and the out-of-mission fun of RDR should be enough for R* to pull something worthy of a perfect ten out of their hat. But I wouldn't be averse to a new Red Dead either.

13 years ago

I disagree with the framing of the question. I don't prefer a Western style, I do prefer the more mature style of game that Rockstar and greater quality of writing Rockstar put out under Red though.

13 years ago

I literally started hating GTA after the last one and RDR doesn't do anything for me soooooo, not interested .

I want some infos on either LA.Noir or the Agent asap R*

13 years ago

Jawknee, EA removing the taliban have nothing to with being politically correct, however the removal is clearly a business decision.

Any for those complaining about EA removing the taliban, alot of you seem to forget that EA is running a business and being so they aren't going to include material they know will haper their game sales.

Anyhow personally I don't care about games such as MOH(or the controversey surrounding it) because in the end games such and MOH(and COD) do nothing but glorify the american warfare state and militarism. In the end the end I sometimes wish people who play these games would stop think about the amount people killed by the american war machine.

Now before somebody begin to question my socio-political stance, take not, I'm neither democrat or republican, this when you consider both are the two-headed war parties.

Last edited by A2K78 on 10/11/2010 3:48:54 AM

13 years ago

Your wrong about everything. This is no different.

And of course it's PC. they are hiding the truth of who our enemy is so not to offend. That's PC. And I don't care what party you belong to or don't belong too. You believe nonsense like the "Taliban and Al Qaeda were created by the CIA". If you actually new or cared about REAL history you would know thats a bunch of hog wash made up my American hating leftists like Noam Chomsky. So your opinion on the subject matters little to me since it's obvious you know so little.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/11/2010 12:05:15 PM

13 years ago

I don't really care about the Taliban thing as it doesn't affect the gameplay, but my opinion is that they did the right thing with it.

A massive boycott of the game might take place if they don't remove it.

13 years ago

Ill say it again, gotta love that double standard.

13 years ago

The Taliban thing.. It seemed like a business move to me. However, I can't see how people would now think "it's ok" to buy a game that "was going to have" Taliban. They were obviously still not buying it.

And regarding the new poll, I'm tired of GTA games. Unless the setting changed drastically, I don't think I'd even buy a new GTA.
RDR2 all the way.

Last edited by wolfsinner on 10/11/2010 6:50:31 AM

13 years ago

Don't forget, MoH has to play nice with the military. They relied heavily on them to make this game. So, while deleting the Taliban name might not of increased their sales this offering, they will need the government for the next installment.

13 years ago

I'm sure many of you have read it, Jack Thompson has come out and apparently, from this turn of event, claimed this as his "victory" over EA.

And he also told us GAMERS to go to hell.

13 years ago

Well I'll see him there as well.

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