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PsxExtreme Now Hiring

We're looking for a couple of motivated people to contribute to
PSX Extreme. I know posting like this is a crap shoot, but the last couple of
people we've had have flaked out, and with Christmas like two days away, we need
to add some staff as soon as possible.

I'll provide more details in a follow-up email, should you express your
interest, but the gist is we need someone to contribute news, reviews, previews,
cheats, and if they are so inclined, the occasional editorial. If there are
enough talented people inquiring about the position, we'll add a second person
who will likely have less to do, but will still be an important part of the
team. So any former writers out there that want to get back into things in a
laid back way, this is for you.

The first position is a paid position, and we'll iron out the details when
you're hired. It won't be tons of money, but hey, you will be getting paid to
write about games.

The reviewer position won't be paid (initially) but both positions will get to
keep any games they receive.

You’ll get the chance to go to E3, where you’ll work long hours, likely go deaf,
and hardly play any games. Yep, if you work for us, all your dreams will come to

Have a reasonable grasp of the English language and the ability to use a spell

If you plan on submitting reviews on your Dreamcast, don’t bother applying. Yes,
it HAS happened before.

Be willing to play and review games that you don't normally enjoy. I can’t
stress this enough. I have a copy of Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory still wrapped,
sitting on my shelves. Why? Because I am playing crap like Beatdown: Fists of
Vengeance, Smart Bomb, and Dead to Rights 2. Such is the life of a gaming

Own a PS2 and/or a PSP.

Live in the United States (Sorry Canadian friends)

Good communication is a must. I understand that this isn't the New York Times,
so other things that are more important will come up. That's fine. You have to
be able to get off your butt, head over to the computer, and drop me an email
telling me that you're about to score with Angelina Jolie and you can't write a
SlyJakCooperClankTakDaxter review that night.

How to apply
If you’ve got a resume, send it along.

If you don’t, write an email explaining why you want the job and why you’d be
good for the job. You get bonus points for telling me what I can do to you
should you flake out with some of the site’s games to review.

At some point before you’re hired, you’ll need to provide a writing sample, so
you can provide one with your initial email, or you can wait until you hear back
from me, at which point I’ll ask for one if I’m interested.

Send your resume, questions, and comments to….
PSXExtreme [at]

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