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Capcom, Level-5 Teaming Up To Work On Mystery Project?

Okay, so Capcom's Keiji Inafune says Japan is "five years behind" the rest of the world. But the publisher has definitely taken steps to expand and appeal to a wide audience.

An example of that would be the "westernizing" of their revered Devil May Cry franchise (the reboot is in development at Ninja Theory), and the collaboration with CyberConnect2 for the insane-looking Asura's Wrath. But what else is Capcom up to? Well, according to Andriasang citing business information site Diamond Online, Capcom looks to team up with White Knight Chronicles, Dragon Quest and Professor Layton developer, Level-5. When asked to verify the rumor, Inafune said simply-

"This rumor is true. Right now, the two of us, with our staff, are working together on some truly interesting things. Even though Mr. Hino [Level-5 boss Akihiro Hino] is younger, he's someone I respect. I wanted to try working with him, so I contacted him."

Inafune went on to talk more about Hino, and said he really respected the Level-5 boss' work ethic. As for exactly what they're working on, that's anyone's guess. We know Level-5, like most Japanese companies, is looking to expand overseas and they've already opened a studio in Los Angeles. So what do you think Capcom and Level-5 might work together on? An RPG? Perhaps this will be a big announcement for 2011… Stay tuned for more as it becomes available.

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13 years ago

Please oh please be an RPG utilizing Capcom's talent in creating unique characters.

This is some great/interesting news. Being a gamer is great.

13 years ago

Inafune shot himself in the foot. Unless the game comes out 5 years later, I don't see how "great" this game will be.

13 years ago


Last edited by Vismund on 9/22/2010 9:37:14 PM

13 years ago

I smell RPG all over this….

13 years ago

Hopefully a real RPG, not a watered down "action" RPG.

13 years ago

Down with action RPGs!

13 years ago

Well, considering Crapcom is taking the "western" approach I wouldn't rule out an action RPG…

Let's be prepared for the worst expecting the best…

13 years ago

It's funny but you could assume that if a decent turn based rpg was made it'd make an alright profit condsidering you're up against no one.

13 years ago

I smell Resident Evil. Kotaku tells that a big RE announcement was coming very soon.

13 years ago

Resident Evil with Proffesor Layton/Dragon Quest like graphics??

Now THAT is a survival horror.

Last edited by hellish_devil on 9/23/2010 12:22:58 AM

13 years ago

Level 5 pretty much does RPGs so that's what I'm hoping for.

It is time for the return of Breath of Fire!

Rhys Keyne
Rhys Keyne
13 years ago

Yeah, I thought the same exact thing, World. I liked the first 4, Dragon Quarter kinda irked me though… Maybe I should go back and play it. I'm hoping its BoF, and not a Megaman Battle Network spinoff. I loved the original BN, but I hated Star Force. There is no way to make that right, imo.

13 years ago

Battlenet and BoF would be nice

13 years ago

Oooh, maybe now Capcom can learn some things about being a Japanese gamer again.

RPG please! 🙂

13 years ago

Get your FILTHY paws off of Level-5 !

13 years ago

Ooooh, I never thought of it that way. Perhaps Sony needs to buy a controlling interest in Level 5, soonish…

13 years ago

I'd like to see Capcom do another installment of the survival horror "Haunting Ground".

I just found it yesterday, along with "Naval Ops:Warship Gunner & bought them for my collection", but I'm really liking it.

Haven't reached the part where she actually teams up with Hewie, her white German Shepard sidekick though

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/22/2010 10:19:24 PM

13 years ago

Whats hunting ground??? Whatever it is, you had me at "survival horror".

13 years ago

I mean Haunting Ground.

13 years ago

Google is your friend….

Think Dead to Rights but survivor horror. I personally didn't enjoy the game, running around unarmed from evil things isn't fun to me. I give it kudos for being scary though, I think Clock Tour (a similar game) is the scariest game ever made.

13 years ago

I always wanted to play Clock Tower but I could never find it. And I wasn't a huge fan of Dead to Rights. And I absolutely hate Google.

13 years ago

Don't support MS, don't use Bing.

Anyone notice how every news channel that used to use Google Earth to zoom in on maps now uses Bing? Hmmm wonder why that is?

13 years ago

What's wrong with Google, Main?

I actually prefer Yahoo for most things.

13 years ago


Looks like you are a survival horror fan like myself…

You should also try Eternal Darkness for the gamecube if you don't mind previous gen graphics….

Another one but for PC is Penumbra:Overture and it's sequel Black Plague… Both are good and guaranteed for a fright night

13 years ago

Its just when I got my Dell, it was loaded with Google this and Google that. So, I uninstalled it all because I prefer Yahoo. As times passed Google programs weaseled themselves back onto my system somehow, everytime I updated my systems I was prompted to install Google Chrome. To me Google is just like the drunk girl at the party.

13 years ago

Ah, I hear ya. Preloaded junk on a computer is the worst, every time my parents upgrade to a new computer I clean it completely.

How old are you Main? I've noticed you've missed out on quite a few older games and I reckon it might have something to do with your age. System Shock 2 is a really scary FPS but it's graphics are incredibly dated by today's standards.

13 years ago

I'm 23. Yea I've missed out on quite a few titles. I've just recently become a "Hardcore" gamer. Before that I've only played games that truly captured my attention. Even then I was less than casual. Now a days my budget restricts me. But I'm a making a list of games to buy. I don't really mind graphics, I barely notice if a came is truly captivating.

Last edited by main_event05 on 9/23/2010 1:42:39 AM

13 years ago

Well welcome to the scene, lol. I used to be more of an avid gamer back in the PS1/PS2 Era. Survival Horror ruled the PS1 days, you should be able to find plenty of those gems for dirt cheap today. OverBlood was a fun game that few seemed to play.

13 years ago

Do I detect a breath of fire?

13 years ago

It would make sense since Capcom needs to relearn how to make RPGs that they would go to the new Square.

13 years ago

Main Event,
Haunting Ground was put by Capcom in 2005 for the PS2. It was called "Demento" in Japan

I had never even heard of it till I found it yesterday at another Gamestop than the 5 GS/EB stores I usually go to.
And all 6 employees had never heard of it either, but they(along with 3 other customers) all said they wished they had seen it first. LOL

Anyway, I just started it so I can't really tell you much about it, other than what the box art says….

"Fear Panic Terror"
You're lost in an eerie castle & you have to find a a way to escape out of it, but there's over 130 rooms. And you're being chased with nowhere to run. Your only hope for survival lies in the place you'll least expect. You have to uncover the secret that brought you here before your time runs out.

It also says that there's over 130 creepy rooms to explore, and fully interactive environments, plus "multiple endings" too.
You also have to develop a strong bond with the white dog, or he may turn against you & attack you instead of obeying & protecting you.
There's also something called a "Panic Mode" which creates heightened fear & tension, where everything becomes fuzzy, leaving you completely defenseless.
Sounds like you'll definitely be needing your dog to watch over you then, lol.

BTW, the graphics so far are are early-PS2 average, but the cut-scenes are amazing, some of the best I've ever seen on the PS2.
And the main character, Fiona, looks hot & really shows off her butt while wearing only a satin/silk sheet in the beginning.

Anyway, I just found a lot of good info on "Haunting Ground/Demento" right here at Wiki'….and they say it's very similar to Clock Tower # 3……

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/22/2010 11:42:15 PM

13 years ago

Once again, You had me at "Multiple Endings"

13 years ago

Fan of multiple endings, eh? You'd love the Silent Hill series. Or how about FFX-2….

13 years ago

Huge fan of Silent Hill and X2 was pretty decent.

13 years ago

I completed Haunting Ground. Very good graphics for it's time, great art direction, good music, some good panic moments (you WILL panic!) average story and hit and miss gameplay, but i liked it for being bold and daring.

It was similar and inferior to Rule Of Rose (a game banned in Europe due to the mistreatment of children depicted). Rule Of Rose is another survival horror type game that got lost. It had a very clever and artistic plot.

13 years ago

BoF please! Aside from the FF games, Legend of Dragoon and Chronocross, this was what made me appreciate my PS1 with lotsa luvin!

13 years ago

I really hope WKC2 makes it stateside in 2011. I'm itching for it. I'm a bit upset that they lock you out of so many online quests with the Guild Rank. I can't seem to raise mine.

13 years ago

Ya, WKC while fun required far too much investment simply to unlock new quests. I enjoyed the game but once FFXIII came out I forgot about the game.

13 years ago

@LV, that was the one major failing in WKC, it took too much time and effort to advance meaningfully with the guilds and online. With WKC I'd like them to make those things a little more attainable, that way I might be able to face going after them.

13 years ago

Ya, I spent well over 100hrs on the game and still found myself daunted at how much time was required to reach certain levels. The online portion of the game was a lot of fun but once you realized how much time was required it started to become a chore doing the same quests over and over.

I also was pissed at the way items could/were traded between people.

13 years ago

The WKC online component is one of the few that I liked, but yeah it had some big barriers.

13 years ago

I probably won't buy WKC2 if there aren't any improvements over the first game. I simply hate the fact that 2nd main character (me) have so little contribution to the story.

13 years ago


I don't think you will have any problems with WKC 2. IIRC it gets a graphical make over, includes the story from the first game, and your own character gets their own Knight to play with.

13 years ago

Is Capcom gonna make a comeback? Are they gonna deliver the big JRPG hope? You'll have to excuse me if I don't hold my breath.

13 years ago

It could be a westernized Breath of Fire with westernized characters, you know to tap into the westernized market. I'm hoping JRPG, but with all the westernizing going on with Capcom lately who knows?

13 years ago

I see, so you're saying they'll take a classic JRPG with all the JRPG goodness and aesthetic and toss it into the trash, make a new action RPG and slap the Breath of Fire name on it and hope no one notices?

Sounds about right, I hope it's not true though, it would mean that Level 5 are about as brain dead as the rest of them.

13 years ago

I hope not either Highlander, but Level 5 did build a studio in LA. Hopefully their efforts in whatever they're making don't end up tarnishing their reputation, we'll see I guess.

13 years ago

If it is a new BoF I'd really hope they do something similar to Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter. I really enjoyed the gameplay and it offered a great amount of re-playability. It was damn hard too!

13 years ago

Ok so the Western-wanabbe company working with a truly japanese-

Oh God.

13 years ago

Not that I would really want Capcom involved but I got something I gotta say. Rogue Galaxy 2 bitches.

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