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Deus Ex Trailer: Conspiracy, Revolution, Mind Control

From what we can see now, there are two games in 2011 that will place a heavy emphasis on immersion via original, breathtaking atmosphere.

The first is Bioshock Infinite , which just continues to blow us away . The second is Deus Ex: Human Revolution , an Eidos/Square-Enix production that has looked great from the start. Another trailer dropped at the Tokyo Game Show last week and like Irrational Games' new production, it's deserving of its own headline to promote discussion. The following doesn't show us any gameplay but as mentioned above, it highlights that all-important environment and story angle. Check it out.

Some were worried it would be more of a departure from past installments in the esteemed series, but the developers have assured us that it isn't an action/FPS." No, it's one of those patented action/RPG hybrids we've always appreciated from the Deus Ex titles and to learn more, check out our full preview . The only downside? It's slated to arrive the week after Killzone 3 in late February so…uh…yeah, your wallets won't get much of a break after the holiday season.

Related Game(s): Deus Ex: Human Revolution

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13 years ago

I'll take this game sight-unseen!!!!
(although I've previously seen both trailers for it)

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/22/2010 3:50:24 PM

13 years ago

Possibly due to the fact that I am completely taken with William Gibson and the entirety of the cyberpunk genre of anything, this game is at the top of my list of games that are absolute must purchase.

If Square will only release FFvXIII the day I complete this game I shall be a happy man.

ETA: And on that train of thought can someone somewhere please make a good game adaptation of Neuromancer please?

Last edited by coverton341 on 9/22/2010 3:54:58 PM

13 years ago

There was a PC game based on that that was released back in the 80's or early 90's I think. It was great for it's time. There were talks of making a sequel to it, but that fell through I guess.

13 years ago

Impressive, am planning to buy Killzone 3 and this. My PS3 will be happy, as always, around next year's March Break ^.^

13 years ago

I might pass on this one due to GT5 (yes my gaming time will all but disappear to this game). So far the only games that will pull me away from GT5 will be Killzone 3, SOCOM 4, and inFamous 2…

13 years ago

i am with you pontiac!!! 41 days an counting!

13 years ago

The next 40 days shouldn't be to bad..

But ughh… that last day… is going to hurt!!

13 years ago

This game would have to rank among my top 5 most anticipated for next year. I really think the vision of Deus Ex will really blossom on hardware with today's processing and memory capabilities. Back when Deus Ex: Invisible War launched for the Xbox he lamented that if only he had 128MB of RAM he could've done so much more.

13 years ago

I don't think I've seen anything like this visually in a game yet. It looks very appealing and the story feels like it will be quite immersive.

13 years ago

The visuals are stunning. I hope the game play is good.

13 years ago

Nothing new in that trailer visually from the trailer earlier in the year, much.

I think there's a third game that will eat both Bioshock and Deus games immersion and atmosphere for breakfast…..TLG!

As for Deus….i can't judge until more gameplay footage.

13 years ago

I don't know why but, does anyone else think he slightly resembles Duke Nukem a little bit?

Change the hair to blonde, and get rid of the goatee. Even though the hair is different than Dukes it could probably look similar.

That keeps popping up in my head when i see him.

13 years ago

Started playing the first two again so I can catch up on the story since I forgot most of it. Not that it matters since this is a prequel lol.

13 years ago

Pretty impressive visuals, and the story seems interesting enough. Story's do mean quite a bit to me in games, excluding NG:Sigma 2's because it is kind of cheesy and has more plot holes than swiss cheese. Regardless, I bought the first Deus Ex for my laptop and am enjoying it, a pretty good game for it's time. Pretty excited though, I have DE: Human Revolution Pre-O'd.

Last edited by BeezleDrop on 9/23/2010 1:37:33 AM

13 years ago

maybe there is hope in $E yet?

13 years ago

One of my most anticipated games of next year. And it's looking more awesome every time I see a new video 🙂 That cityscape is just sweet.

ro kurorai
ro kurorai
13 years ago

I'm amazed how well the CGI trailers' art direction transfers over to the actual game engine.
Those trailers are nuts, rarely have I seen more awesome game trailers than Human Revolution's.

This one's definitely a d1p.

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