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PlayStation Celebrates 15th Birthday

I remember a friend of mine importing the PlayStation in 1995 before it released in the US. I also remember thinking it was a huge waste of time and money, because nobody would ever top Nintendo and Sega.

Yes, well, one of the many times I've been very, very wrong. Today, Sony Computer Entertainment (SCEA) celebrates 15 years of PlayStation in North America; since that time, gamers around the world have "helped the company to revolutionize the video game industry, moving the industry from traditional cartridge-based gaming to disc-based solutions, introducing gamers to in-depth, high-resolution and real time 3D computer graphics, and in later years to technical innovations like Blu-Ray and stereoscopic 3D entertainment for the home." So of course, there's a lot to celebrate. Said SCEA CEO Jack Tretton:

"When you look in the rearview mirror at what was happening in 1995 you see that the video game industry was an entirely different animal. Cartridges were still the preferred medium, and the market was a modest $2.6 billion in sales revenue annually. Many critics thought that a disc-based console with a lot of horse power would shoot over the heads of consumers, but our users proved them wrong. Now, we are seeing a convergence of video games and home entertainment, and a market that is a robust $20 billion in revenue. In the next 15 years and beyond PlayStation will continue to bring new and more immersive experiences, like stereoscopic 3D, augmented reality as well as genre-defying gameplay into consumer living rooms."

The press release goes on to mention classic franchises such as Gran Turismo , along with "building new genres" with the likes of LittleBigPlanet and Heavy Rain . If you've appreciated what Sony has done over the past decade and a half, or you simply want to reap the benefits, check out the following ways the company plans to celebrate:

— Free downloadable PS3 & PSP static themes available for download on the PlayStation®Store starting today.

— Weekly discounts on select PS One® titles within the PlayStation®15th anniversary collection page, available in all SCEA territories on PS3, PSP & Media Go Storefronts. In addition to a 50 percent sale on Super Rub A Dub (Super Rub A Dub offer good from Thursday, September 9, 2010 – through Monday, September 20, 2010).

— A PlayStation®Home commemorative Original PlayStation® (PS One®) ornament for personal spaces available starting today.

So for the next few months, feel free to take advantage. PlayStation has sold over 377 million hardware consoles since 1995 and more than 2 billion software units globally; here in the US alone, Sony has managed to generate over $63 billion in revenue…which equates to 40% of the overall video game market share in this country to date.

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13 years ago

HHappy Birthday Sony! I am proud to have been with them from the very beginning.

13 years ago

Its a Shame we have to wait another 6 years so we can have beers with our playstations

13 years ago

Happy birthday! thanks for giving me hours upon hours of entertainment over the last 12 years, when I bought my first PlayStation console. I'm a proud owner of every console within the PlayStation brand…

13 years ago

HAPPY 15th B-DAY to all playstation users. heres to 15teen more. have a cold pepis on me.

13 years ago

I hope that means pepsi…

13 years ago

@WorldEndsWithMe: ya my bad i ment pepsi i always get my i,s, mixed up. i am a coke man anyways

13 years ago

I'm a coke man too but that almost said "penis"

13 years ago

Outstanding! I would offer a gift, but you already my consumer loyalty.

13 years ago

I remember the day PSX launched. At the time, I had already put my bank on the Saturn. My wiser older brother, though, saw something in the PSX that I didn't. It was a day 1 purchase from him. After I got off work on 9/9/95, I headed over to his place to see it for the first time. Battle Arena Toshindin demolished Virtua Fighter.

I was so impressed by the PSX, I gathered together my 3 month old Saturn and games and repackaged them the best I could and took it all back to Toys R' Us. No receipt, missing manuals, and a non-resaleble box etc. The girl at the return desk refused to take it back (not surprisingly) but I insisted out of desperation.

Their General Manager happened to be there that day and I made my case with him. Against his better judgement he reluctantly accepted my plea and gave me store credit for the full retail value– I'm so indebted.

I went home that day with a PSX, game, mem card, and extra controller =D

13 years ago

Beautiful, heart-warming story. I'm glad you got the happy ending

Last edited by ed_winchester on 9/9/2010 2:07:12 PM

13 years ago

I didn't join the PlayStation party until 1999, but it's been a great ride and the future looks even better.
-raises glass-

13 years ago

Happy Birthday old friend! And cheers to many more!

13 years ago

Been playing playstation since i was five, and 12 years later, im still loving what sony does, Ps1 and Ps2 was great and im now loving the Ps3.

Congrats Sony, Keep up the good work.

13 years ago

Free PS3s for everyone? jk =)

Happy Birthday!!!

Last edited by IrreducibleSUN on 9/9/2010 11:30:40 AM

13 years ago

Is this a US exclusive, theres nothing one on the UK version yet, but they usually update at 7pm

13 years ago

I'm assuming it is. It's not the birthday of the Playstation specifically, but of the Playstation in North America. Since it's SCEA, I would assume it's a good chance it might be NA exclusive.

But on Europe's 15th birthday, maybe you'll get something then!

13 years ago

Knowing Europe, we'll get it for the 16th.

13 years ago

Congrats to Sony and a happy 15th birthday Playstation!!! May you live to bring joy to my grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren(and so on).
And thank you for making my life(for as far as I can remember) a happier life, from the PS1 till this day and the future 😀

13 years ago

Resident Evil 1, FFVII, Tekken, Gran Turismo, Silent Hill

Playstation really moved v-games forward. They, along with Nintendo, made sure v-games would thrive healthily.

All 3 great consoles.

"Never underestimate the power of Playstation"

13 years ago

I can't really remember buying my PS1, but it must have been fairly soon after launch because I got Battle Arena Toshinden and Kileak the DNA Imperative at the same time. That was 15 years ago already? LOL.

Happy birthday PlayStation 🙂

13 years ago

Has it been fifteen years already? Dang. Good times people, good times…

13 years ago

Happy 15th Birthday PlayStation. It's been long, strange, mind-blowing trip. Castlevania:SotN, Omega Boost, FFs VII/VIII, Einhander, Silent Hill, Legend of Dragoon, so many memories.

Here's to 15 more years of gaming.
*raises glass*

Last edited by sunspider13 on 9/9/2010 12:47:07 PM

13 years ago

We saw 3 consoles in 15 years so will we see another 3 in the next 15 years?!
Anyway, Happy Birthday Playstation Family!

13 years ago

Wow, 15 years already? I remember when my dad first got me a Playstation back when I was 7 years old… good classic games, like Crash Bandicoo, good times. I'm now 20 years old. I.. feel weird.

Anyway *raises dualshock* here's to more good times on the Playstation consoles.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Lets go to Hooters! Money is on me!

13 years ago

Happy birthday Sony! Is this a North American only birthday? b/c I thought PS1 was out in Japan in 94?…
Whatever I'm gonna check out the sweet deals on the PSN. Might get the original Crash Bandicoot.

13 years ago

Sony really is the consumer's company. Im proud to be a part of it

13 years ago

I was all about Nintendo until I saw a Sonic 3 commercial for Genesis and knew I had to have one. Sega blew Nintendo out of the water. (imo) I liked some games on SNES, but my Genesis had all I really wanted. So I got my Saturn in 96 and never really cared about the PSX. Saturn had again, all the games I liked and did everything the PSX did. Then I got my Dreamcast in 99 with Sonic Adventures and was blown away. When Sony put Sega out of the console business I was devastated. I practically swore an oath against Sony and their blasphemous PS2. Imo to this day the Dreamcast given the chance would have blown the PS2 games away. So I went to PC gaming. The built in DVD drive was the reason I borrowed my friends PS2 and he let me try FFX. I loved FFX, but still had my hatred. I got a PS3 that "fell off the back of a truck" in April 07 and was completely blown away with the system. It was a big black beauty in all its shiny goodness. I'm still very sad to see whats come of Sega over the years, but I'm uber glad I have my PS3. It was heart wrenching to watch on G4 how the hosts would compare the PS3 to the Dreamcast. I loved both and was going to be very upset if the new system I fell in love with suffered the same fate as my beloved Dreamcast.

13 years ago

I have to agree about the Dreamcast, if it had a DVD drive and some actual third party support it could have been as successful as the PS2. Almost every multiplat was better on DC (not my opinion but based on critic scores). The problem was that it was kind of in-between generations and so had as many old fashioned 32-bit style games as it did 128bit.

13 years ago

Yeah a friend of mine and myself were quite the gaming nerds. He was the one back then that was ahead on the gaming news. Originally the Dreamcast was suppose to be like the 360 and have everything as an add-on like the DVD player add-on that never was released. Which is like you said what made it a middle generation system. Speaking of old Sega systems I also had the 32x with Knuckles Chaotix which I'd LOVE to own again. I don't even have a my Genesis. Although I still have my Saturn and Dreamcast. I love my PS3 though, it does so much. Its an original 60gig with a 320gig swap. <3

13 years ago

I too never saw Sony as being a contender when I heard of this crazy Playstation thing. So I got a Sega Saturn, and promptly became jealous of all the great games PS was getting. I still maintain Saturn was the smoother system (for some reason PS games weren't as smooth and had lots of crazy jittering and bent poly's) the fact was Sony had the software. And it had Final Fantasy. So I jumped ship and haven't look back since.

I pledged fealty soon after and am now never disappointed.

13 years ago

They came, they conquered, they ruled and they prospered. Well, that's what it was like before the evil green invaders arrived, with their shoddy hardware.

13 years ago

Happy b-day playstation. You're number 1
I'll be with you as long as I live. Gonna celebrate tomorrow.

13 years ago

Congratulations to Sony and thank you for the 15 years of fine games.

I bought a PS1 not long after it's release in the mid 90's. I went to KB Toys looking for a console, but was unsure which system to buy between Sega and Sony. I had a non gaming friend with me, so he was no help.

I ended up picking Sony based on their reputation with electronics. Even though Sega had been in the gaming business for a while, I felt Sony could be trusted to deliver a fine product. I believe they did and I've been happy with the playstation brand ever since.

13 years ago

Man time flys by. I can remember coning my mom out of ps at sears back then, good times. Let's hear it for Sony!

13 years ago

so we support u for 15 years, and we get a new theme, and a home ornament…?

13 years ago

Link to the PS blog with their official little 15 anniversary trailer 😉 Hard to believe I've been gaming before the PS1 actually, LOL, guess I can pretend that wasn't really gaming back then =P

13 years ago

EDIT: LOL wrong post.

Last edited by sunspider13 on 9/9/2010 9:44:16 PM

13 years ago

I just put a whole nice long post on what the Playstation family has done for me & my collections, then I submitted it.

But the site came up with a message that I was attempting to hack the thread & it wiped out my whole f*cking post.

Now, I'm so pissed & won't bother, cause I wasted enough time away from my GTA-IV for nothing.

That's one really f*cking stupid automated virus site guard bot!!!!!

I'm out!

13 years ago

Happy birthday PlayStation! We came a long way and I will keep on support you no matter what.

13 years ago

15 years wow it feels like yesterday i got my first gaming console and fell in love with the original spyro.
always preferred PC games though, i was playing on the PC years before the PS1 even was announced!
to this day, one of my favorite ps1 games is apocalypse the game that stared nick cage, another has to be digemon one of the best RPGs ever released!

13 years ago

15 years eh?
Well, I started PS gaming in 2000 so that means I only supported them for 10 years.

Ah well, happy birthday to playstation and it's truly a station to play in!!

13 years ago

Damn, 15 years already? I started playing around…. 1997 I think.
Legend of Dragoon is still my fav game from the entire console franchise, if not, game in general.

13 years ago

Happy Birthday Playstation.

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