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2K Announces New Bioshock 2 DLC: Minerva’s Den

So we ask for more single-player DLC and lo and behold, we get it.

Well 2K has been expanding on the single-player of Bioshock 2 for a while now, and they've announced yet another single-player-oriented piece of downloadable content: Minerva's Den. It will introduce new characters, new locations and an all-new angle on the atmospheric mystery of Rapture, and it'll be coming to all three platforms (PS3, Xbox 360 and PC). Perhaps most enticing is the fact that we'll be controlling a new character this time around; this character has teamed up with Brigid Tenenbaum to unravel a dictator's control over a major district in the underwater city. Said 2K president Christoph Hartmann:

"Minerva’s Den is a substantial addition that will give players more of what they’re looking for: more story, more narrative, more gameplay and more of Rapture. The core team has created an exciting product that further enhances the mystery and allure of the world of Rapture. Minerva’s Den will be a fitting conclusion to the BioShock 2 saga."

Yep, this is exactly the kind of DLC we want. It expands on what we already know, certainly doesn't feel as if it should've been part of the original narrative, and doesn't require an Internet connection and other random players to enjoy it. Besides, Bioshock 2 has a big focus on the story so it would make little sense to ignore it in regards to DLC. Minerva's Den will be ready to go this fall.

Related Game(s): Bioshock 2

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13 years ago

I've owned this game since April and have yet to try it. I was a big fan of part 1 but got caught up with other titles 🙁 Single play DLC is always a great incentive to replay or in my case begin playing Bioshock2. Rapture here I come!!

13 years ago

I played the 1st Bioshock, and I had part 2 in my hand a few times in store…..but I just couldn't get over how similar they look to each other, so I've yet to play it. One day…

Wouldn't an internet connection be needed to download this DLC to begin with?…or are they going to mail us a disc? LOL

13 years ago

I did like the first one a bit better, but there are some differences that definitely make 2 worth playing. It should be cheap enough now to be worth the time and money.

13 years ago

I think the first one was better as well, but I guess that only goes to prove that "you never get a second chance to do a first impression". And my first steps through Rapture remains one of my best gaming experiences ever.

13 years ago

I must admit I'm having trouble getting into the second one. Never played the first. Maybe it's because I'm in the middle of a bunch of games and haven't really had the time to really concentrate on it, and I hope the game gets better with time (as this type of game usually does) but for now I'm not all that impressed.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
13 years ago

Rock on. Can't wait to try it.

@Hezzron, I think the "don't need the internet" remark was to say it's single player so you don't have to rely on finding people online to enjoy it.

13 years ago

@ noshow and hezzron, I can't believe you haven't played this yet since its in your possession. The expanded plasmids are reason enough alone to play part 2. There is nothing like frying a depleted foe to a crisp with Electrobolt 3! It Emperor Sith Lord styled lightning!!! Better yet….combine Cyclone Trap 3 with Telekinesis then finish em off with incinerate 3 or electrobolt 3. What an F'n blast. I played the story twice to see both good and bad endings. After that I kept replaying levels over and over just so I could play with the plasmid combo's. By the way the story is good too. Not as twisting as part one, but a smooth slick tale in its own right.

Last edited by Amazingskillz on 8/5/2010 11:42:34 AM

13 years ago

I was going to leave a comment about Bioshock's DLC on that single player article. They are pretty good about it.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Sounds good, but I'm left to wonder how long 2K is going to be supporting this game through DLC. I haven't played it yet, but it's on my list and I imagine that I would eventually get the DLC. My problem though is that it's a game running on the Unreal Engine 2 (a modded version, but still), which is now close to nine years old. I want to see Rapture with a new engine to give it a new coat of paint.

13 years ago

There are still, today, games that look and sound a LOT worse. So lower your guard and enjoy Rapture. 🙂

13 years ago

hell yeah i was just looking for the old articles yesterday trying to figure out when this was comin. all i could find was in a few months and that was back in may. bioshock 2 is awesome i loved playing it and it added to bioshock 1 very well. my gf even liked watching me play bioshock 2 she would get all excited when i would find a little sister.

more games need to be on caliber with bioshock 1 & 2. i will gladly return to rapture.

13 years ago

haha, a girlfriend who likes watching you play video games is a wife in the making…

13 years ago

ah sweet its about time we got some good news!
new character too, sweet cant wait to download this!
i wonder what irrational games are working on now, there suppose to be announcing there new game at gamescom wonder what it will be.

13 years ago

Can't wait it'll be awhile for me to grab it still saving for a new PS3 but once I have one this will be for sure something I'll grab I love both Bioshock games.

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