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Hardened, Prestige Editions Of Black Ops Spotted

Okay, fess up. You got that crazy Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 special edition that included the night-vision goggles. Admit it.

If you did, you might just be ready to drop another $150 towards the end of this year. IGN spotted a few interesting options over at and although they've since been yanked off the site, the listings showed "Hardened" and "Prestige" editions for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of Call of Duty: Black Ops . For the record, neither Activision or Treyarch has made any announcement concerning special editions for the game, but you can imagine the listings were accurate. The only question now is, "what are they gonna toss into each edition?" Not another set of night-vision goggles, certainly. The Hardened package costs $80 and the Prestige bundle is $150, so the latter had best boast something awfully cool…or maybe a lot of awfully cool "somethings." Those prices are the same as they were for the same MW2 editions last year and believe it or not, both sold very, very well. It makes sense, really; any game that sells that many copies must have legions of hardcore fans out there.

So, which one's on your wish list? …or is Black Ops not high on your priority list in the first place? < /p.

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Black Ops

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13 years ago

The jury's still out on whether this game is even on my list at all, but I can say without a shadow of a doubt that neither a Hardened or a Prestige set is on my list.

13 years ago

Agreed…not going to shell out money for another CoD. Im looking for that Medal of Honor

13 years ago

I'll make that call once I see some proof that this one will be halfway decent. If it is I might get the hardened edition but there's no way I'm droppin $150 on a CoD.. Unless it's literally one of the most amazingly awesome things I've ever seen for the PS3, which seems incredibly unlikely.

13 years ago

Maybe the prestige will include a real shotgun or some real frag grenades…that'd be awesome!

13 years ago

Sweet, another CoD to completely ignore.

13 years ago

I can see some type of era based extras packaged with this game. The timeframe is rich in art, music and culture.

Not obsessed with Call of Duty but having 2 teenage sons almost makes this a mandatory purchase. They even got my 13 year old daughter into it.

13 years ago

Two teenagers over 18 I imagine? but a 13yr old daughter playing a CoD game, oh I can see the naysayers having a field day with that post! lol I'm jokin dude!

Last edited by frostface on 7/30/2010 1:20:39 PM

13 years ago

Parental guidance is advised!

My kids are advanced. I dont just sit them in a room and let the TV raise them. They earn their right to play with excellent grades and mature attitudes. They are fully aware of the differences between a video games and reality. I am raising them fully awake to the ways of the world. Life is a struggle and if I can prepare them for anything I will. My daughter can disarm and cause severe pain to a perpetrator within seconds. Life is crazy isnt it?

13 years ago

It most certainly is my friend, and anyone who spends even $80/euro for the Hardened edition imo is crazy!

13 years ago

Meh… The most over rated games of all time in my opinion. Battlefield and Killzone all the way. Thats $150 plus $15 for each map pack you get. So you're looking at more like $200 in the end.

13 years ago

The new Ghost Recon looks pretty awesome too.

13 years ago

Yep, new Ghost Recon looks pretty damn good imo!

13 years ago

Let us not forget any possible subscription fees. Rumor has it.

13 years ago

It was ridiculous with MW2 and it's ridiculous with this as well. Unless it comes with a working time machine, forget it.

I'm sure there are plenty of xbots tho that will rush out and buy it and then immediately buy all their $15 dlc packs that are available at launch, then defend all its flaws to their death.

I'm passing on this, it has been made clear that CoD releases are about making money and who cares about the game.

13 years ago

I'm still bitter about CoD:MW2. For me it depends on whether or not I can convince my friends to play some other multiplayer game. Got my fingers crossed that I can sell them on KZ3 or something.

13 years ago

There's better games out there
Bring on Littlebigplanet!

13 years ago

Meh. Probably won't be getting those.

Last edited by Benzin on 7/30/2010 1:39:54 PM

13 years ago

A complete waste of my time and money… I'm keeping my dosh for the real exclusives, like GT5 and Killzone 3!



*Back in SinCity, Singapore

Last edited by Qubex on 7/30/2010 2:03:12 PM

13 years ago

ill pass on this just like i have with every other CoD

13 years ago

i'm sad to say i was at that mw2 midnight launch for a regular version of the game, great choice. but there was one great memory that night. this guy was first in line and came out of gamestop raising the prestige edition above his head and bragging. next thing that happened, the guy falls down the stairs (5 steps) with his beloved prestige edition. the icing on the cake, it was a 360 version.

13 years ago

That's one of the best stories of the week.

13 years ago

Starting on the last week of August, my wallet will turn into a dry desert with so many promising games (Fallout:Vegas, Medal Of Honor, Fear 3, Max Payne 3, Force Unleashed, Black Ops, LBP2, GT5, etc) in a 3 month period 🙁

13 years ago

i got you beat, i emptied my wallet in less than 2 months by buying a few games. around the end of february and beginning of march. white knight, mag, heavy rain, 3d dot, bad company 2, god of war collection, god of war 3, heavenly sword, final fantasy 13, modnation racers, and resonance of fate.

13 years ago

@johnld. You my friend are a game addict. You will surely overdose with all of those games. So why dont you let me take some of those monkeys off your back.

13 years ago

i'm not an addict, its called being an enthusiast. kinda different from what i'm buying in the fall. all i got my eyes on is medal of honor and littlebigplanet2.

13 years ago

In that case I recant my use of the word addict. Enthusiast is a much better choice of a word to use. Maybe I am the addict. 😉

13 years ago

I just hope they bring the zombies back, the 2nd and 3rd zombie maps on World at War were so progressively better than the first, I half expected them to announce a Nazi Zombie side game. Plus they added characters with short bios telling a little bit about each of their backgrounds. So maybe they had something up their sleeve that didn't come into fruition.

13 years ago

I agree Naztycuts. A new more expansive Nazi Zombie or just Zombie side game would be welcomed with luscious slices of Peach cobbler drenched in a single scoop of french vanilla, topped with a scarlet-hued cherry. Okay, maybe not the cherry but I'd do anything for another Zombie mode. It's in my opinion what heaved WaW over the MW wall.

13 years ago

Great game but if you think you're going to fleece me out of $150 because you've included a miniature FAL, you're out of your mind.

I'll get the regular edition from amazon with the $20 credit thank you very much.

13 years ago

theres a mini FAL with it? i wont buy it either way. hated that gun in MW2. i wouldve wanted the g3 and/or the m14 in game.

Last edited by johnld on 7/30/2010 6:49:20 PM

13 years ago

I dont know why people would pay $150 for a game when they could get two for that price. The only and last SE i bought was GTA4 only for the money bag and lock box (4 stash) After that I said that was a waste of money. CRAPTIVISION cant be that hungry for $$. Then again they are rubbing elbows & privates together with VERY-SOFT (M$)….

13 years ago

Yeah, pass. I now will just wait and hope KZ3 has some sweet collecters addition like LBP2. I would kill for a helghast plushy.

13 years ago

only collectors editions that I have bought so far are for MGS4, DA:O, and Starcraft 2. And the only reason is that MGS4 is metal gear and I am a fanatic, DA:O because it came with 20$ worth of DLC and I got it at a serious discount, and I bought the SC2 collectors edition because it came with the first two games on usb and I lost my old copies. Other than things like that I can't see why people would pay extra for an included figurine, art book, or half a strategy guide.

Last edited by BTNwarrior on 7/30/2010 6:14:44 PM

13 years ago

I got the God of War III Ultimate Edition. Just had to have Pandoras box. So dont any of you piss me off or so help me I WILL OPEN IT!

Last edited by FatherSun on 7/30/2010 7:16:52 PM

13 years ago

it will be a cold day in hell when i spend 150 bucks on a crappy COD game!
ive sworn off antivision games till they stop being selfish tight asses and start putting some quality and polish into there games!

13 years ago

It would have been but im gonna borrow it from a friend for the story. It doesn't do me any favours to own the game. or my wallet for that matter. activision you money grabbing c….

13 years ago

This game looks cool, but I am still on the Activision boycott. So Medal of Honor, KillZone and Socom are the shooters I'm looking forward to.

Brink looks pretty sweet too!

13 years ago

I'll pay $150 for the Prestige" edition, but only if it comes with a couple of mini-nukes.

I can think of 2 guys I'd like to see wearing a nuclear glow on dark moonless night.

BTW, I've been hearing for a while now that Fallout 3 is really good so I just picked up the PS3 GOTY version at Gamestop this week.
It only cost me $39.99 NEW, during their power sale

Last edited by BikerSaint on 7/31/2010 9:57:40 PM

13 years ago

FALLOUT 3 = game of EPIC proportions!!
One of my faves ever!!

13 years ago

I am so getting CoD:Black ops on release date.
There is a lot of hate on here for the Call of Duty series.
Just wondering why? Ben can you help?
They are really good games!! Online and story mode. If there is anyone on here who likes FPS games please add me up for a good crack online 🙂
P.s. Anyone thinking of gettin the medal of honor game. The beta was really really poor!! What game doesnt have a scoped sniper rifle???!!! Doh facepalm!!

13 years ago

The Call of Duty franchise has been dead to me, since they made CoD3 and completely abandoned support of CoD2 for PC.

They've since abandoned what I enjoyed most about their games, authentic battles, completely recreated down to the T, and before anyone says it, I could care less who's tired of WW2 era shooters. Noone has, or ever will decide what I qualify as entertainment, but me.

I however, am a vocal proponent of PC gaming here also, so other people may have different reasons for the hate. 😉

13 years ago

I personally think that the prestige edition would be worth it, if there is truth to a prestige and hardened edition release. Come on now, how many people talk so highly of trophies and unlocks that they managed to obtain while playing a game. at least this would be something that you could put on the shelf for people to see without turning on your console and saying "check this out". and besides the goggles are f***ing awesome and i constantly sneak up on my girlfriend and scare the hell out of her. . . . well, maybe not all the

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