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Latest Tiger Woods Game Potentially Affected By Scandal

Tiger Woods will never again have that squeaky clean image but at this point, he probably only hopes to restore a bit of faith and awe in his fans.

So far, it's not working so well, at least not based on the sales numbers of his most recent video game title, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 . According to 1Up , via, EA has reported that this year's Tiger Woods effort has suffered a 68% drop in US sales in comparison to last year's game. The Wii version dropped 86%, which Cowen & Company's Doug Creutz has called a "particularly catastrophic" event in a recent note to investors. He does acknowledge that last year's game shipped bundled with Nintendo's new MotionPlus controller, but even so, he believes the recent Tiger scandal has had a large impact. EA seemed pretty confident going into the release of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 that it would be another sales hit but now, they may be reassessing the situation…which, if we've got our thinking caps on, could lead to them "reassessing" the idea of a Woods game for next year. Many sponsors dropped Tiger after the fallout but EA – and a few others – remained steadfastly by the embattled golfer's side; the question is, has that proven to be a bad idea?

Well, there were a lot of great games in the first half of 2010. Perhaps that conflicted with the title in question and affected sales. But let's not forget that in addition to the scandal, Tiger hasn't exactly been winning. Popularity takes a hit due to that, too.

Related Game(s): Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11

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14 years ago

*stares at which super star the media is going to take down next*

Farve? LeBron? Jeter?

14 years ago

I like Brett Favre.
Scare you spelled his name wrong.

14 years ago

Not a big deal considering that's how the name is pronounced anyway…It's spelled "Favre" and pronounced as "Favre" in French, but pronounced as "Farve" in America. Kinda silly when you think about.

14 years ago

The media makes a big deal out of everything!

BTW Favre is the s***! Great guy, Great player!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 7/19/2010 10:22:56 PM

14 years ago

Was that a joke? Cuz the media already took them down. I hope they just effing take his ankle up and he plays for my Vikes again this year.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 7/19/2010 10:41:34 PM

14 years ago

ahem "Tape" his ankle up.

14 years ago

He will play! Childress visited him today. He told the reporters to "fill in the blanks" when asked what Favre said. Im hoping the "blanks" was referring to him filling the roster lol! I can only hope!

Im a Green Bay fan through and through, but Favre has been my favorite sports player forever! It's tough rooting for a division rival but as long as both or even one team makes it to the playoffs im happy! I would like to see Brett win one more though, Rodgers is young he has time!

14 years ago

Rodgers is certainly a quality player, but us Minnesotans just want to win the Superbowl ONE lousy time. I think Brett is the man to help us.

14 years ago

With the young talented team yes you need some one like Favre rather than Jackson to lead the team! I believe the Vikings will be a lot better tyhis year if Favre comes back. Percy Harvin filled his role, and will have the rookie year out of the way. Sidney Rice is probably the most underrated reciever in the league hes pretty amazing, and Barrien has tons of speed. AP well what can I say hes an animal, and although they let chester taylor go, which was well sad considering favre loves the dump pass, Its gonna be tough for that rookie to fill that hole! Hes a ground and pound guy like AP!

Anyways The vikes have a good of chance of winning it as any other team, and if they played the Saints again it wouldn't be the same!

14 years ago

Yeah World – but you better hope Toby Gerhart can get in there and help out that running game.

14 years ago

All good points, I hate Jackson, he is so unreliable. I haven't even been able to gauge Rosenfels though.

14 years ago

The vikes running game doesnt need help at all. AP could pound it all day, yeah his career might end sooner, but hes a force. What they need and got rid of, expecially with Favre as QB is a good back to dump the ball off too. That was Chester Taylor! Gerhart is another pound the ball type of player!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 7/20/2010 7:19:08 PM

14 years ago

I thought they weren't going to make another game because of all what happened.
They shouldn't after all.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Why shouldn't they make a game? This is a sports game, not a reality game. Aside from the endorsement and Tiger's name on it, the series will continue. It's great.

14 years ago

I don't think the scandal is the main reason behind the bad sales. For one, the game really doesn't have anything new to offer than the previous few have. Also, once the MOVE comes out I think you will see more sales. But yeah, the scandal did knock it down some.

14 years ago

Golf is just not for me anyway.

14 years ago

Maybe it's a backlash to the EA Game Pass
I wonder if we'll observe something similar from Madden '11

14 years ago

Seeing as how the Wii has led the sales flop, I figure people are VERY tired of having to stand up to play their games.

Couple that with Tiger's recent indiscretions and people just won't look at your product the same as they used to.

14 years ago

I used to love the game. Gave up on it around 07 when they changed the controls up on me. Never got used to it.

14 years ago

Wow the media makes a big deal about everything. Everyone makes mistakes

14 years ago

To be fair, a mistake is locking your keys in your car.

14 years ago

Woooops ! I slept with a whore! AGAIN!

14 years ago

lol @ alienange

Well gee honey I don't know how she got into bed next to me, maybe I fell?

14 years ago


14 years ago

Those are some troubling figures, interesting that the console with the motion controls would take a bigger hit though. I always knew there was something funny about that guy. Oh well, bye bye Eldrick.

14 years ago

Actually… that picture you used makes him look like Tony The Tiger.

14 years ago

Did you hear one of his ahem, girlfriends, is going to be on Celebrity Apprentice?

Is that really what it takes to be a celebrity these days?

14 years ago

No sh*t…TV is nothing, but reality shows now so this makes so much sense. Remember when TV had sit-coms and dramas that hit home. Favorite show of all time was Gargoyles and that was a cartoon…more mature than anything I have seen on TV lately.

14 years ago

There hasn't been a decent sitcom since Seinfeld.

14 years ago

Seinfield…got the DVD's. Good Good nonsense comedy that's just the right amount of dumb.

14 years ago

I watch Food Network. Good stuff.

14 years ago

If you're married, you'd have a good appreciation for Everybody Loves Raymond. I watch that show with the wife all the time. Got a few DVD seasons, too!

14 years ago

I do/did like Raymond, good stuff. Sad that his Peter Boyle passed away in only his 60's.

14 years ago

You know…this game probably sold poorly because people don't find golf as interesting anymore. I saw my friend playing this game my 3rd year in college and I really didn't understand the fascination, but that's me. Golf has never been my thing. I like basketball and I don't even play basketball games. I probably just don't care for sport games…'wait where am I?' (Stewie)

14 years ago

I doubt that hardly anyone didn't buy the game because of his indiscretions, altho there were probably at least a few, it most likely comes down to one other simple fact.

The game is exactly like the last 5 that came out, which are all cheaper, play the same, have the same graphics, and are just as boring as this one, and ppl finally figured that out.

14 years ago

him, yeah obviously no one sparks back after something like that just look at Andrew Johns.
but i really cant see that effecting the games sales, i mean if you buy or dont buy a game because of someone on the box than you need a head examination!

14 years ago

David Letterman sparked back pretty quickly… So did Hugh Grant, Robert Downey Jr., Kate Moss, Brad Pitt, heck, even Brittany Spears is selling out concerts now. Not all these celebs have affair scandals, but they are scandals none-the-less.

The fact is, most people who care about scandals only care while it's happening. A few will eternally hold a grudge, but most people love a comeback story. It's empowering.

As long as Tiger can continue to golf well, he'll be making big bones. Maybe not as much in sponsorships for the next little while, but he will continue to make big sponsorship deals and make good cash golfing.

He hasn't been winning with the same consistency he used to, but he's fairly regularly making cuts. And in golf these days, you make a ton of cash by merely making the weekend cuts whether you win or not.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/20/2010 9:19:21 AM

14 years ago

hey guys whats up.

i am typeing this from florida. i am on my gf's psp i just thourght i pop in.

anyways i did not get PGA Tour 11 i always did through my last pga tour was 10. a quick heads up when i get home during the month of september any one want EA sports Pass for NCAA Football 11 i don't plan on useing it any time soon. as a big F U to ea.

14 years ago

I've been tempted to buy one of those games because I'm an avid golfer and I'd love to see and "play" those famous courses. Then when I watch a tournament on TV I'd have a much better idea of what's going on. But the fact that you have to pay extra for half the courses via DLC is a gigantic turnoff. Not to mention ripoff.

It's surprising that sales have fallen off by such a huge margin. I find it hard to believe that people care that much about the scandal, but who knows, maybe they do. He hasn't been playing much this year either, due to various injuries. But I guess he didn't play much last year either because of his knee surgery.

This is a good thing as far as I'm concerned – if the game isn't selling well, maybe EA will wise up and start including ALL the golf courses in the game, like they do with the Wii version.

14 years ago

Golf……the most boring sport in the world yet it's the sport where the players earns more than any other athlete from other sports.

14 years ago

I think you underestimate it's fan base. It's also one of the only sports that nearly anyone of any age can participate in and appreciate. Which means, there's more people to buy up equipment used by their favorite pro!

Golfing is like a giant advertisement. A basketball player might wear a Nike armband, but the target market through basketball is only ages 12-high 20's. Sure people beyond those ages might buy stuff up, but the target audience is young people. Same with other sports like hockey.

But golf is a different story. That new putter Tiger started using? You can bet he got paid a pretty penny! You see, the target audience for golf equipment is about 16-80. Literally. Nearly every age group out there can get involved in golf these days, and most golfers want the best gear to score their best games.

Don't forget about those target age groups, too. Typically, a 60 year old has far more cash to blow on a driver than a 20 year old has to blow on the newest basketball shoes. It's probably only the avid college player that will buy up the best shoes, anyways!

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/20/2010 12:00:45 PM

14 years ago

I haven't bought a Tiger Woods game since about 2003 or 2004. But I'll be honest, I'm one of those people that even if I was thinking about getting TW PGA Tour 11, I wouldn't get it now.

I don't mind that the guy came back to golf…it's how he makes his living. I wouldn't tell anyone they couldn't go back to work after a scandal.

But I don't think he should make millions off of his image that kids are going to see and look up to. There are plenty of GREAT golfers out there that are role models on and off the course…and those are the ones we, and EA, should be looking up to.

14 years ago

Name recognition. The same reason the CoD franchise sells so well. Not everyone knows about Mike Weir or Vijay Singh (or however you spell it). And lets face it… Mickelson hardly looks any different from every other 40-something year old Caucasian male out there. PLUS, the name "Tiger Woods" is pretty unique. I mean, how awesome is it that his name is Tiger… and his last name is Woods (The same name as 4 of his clubs!!).

I know Tiger isn't the greatest role model, but more than half of marketing influence is name brand recognition. Tiger is more of a household name than any other golfer out there.

(For the record, I too wish society would allow a better role model. I'm just stating what I believe to be the facts of the situation.)

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/20/2010 11:48:47 AM

14 years ago

Agreed. His name BLEW UP….and everyone knows it. You could go back to Arnold Palmer or Jack Nicklaus and have a pretty kickin' game though.

13 years ago

Why doesn't anyone ever talk about Jordan cheating on his wife. plenty of people look up to him, and they can over look Micheal Jackson being a nut case. Its the media playing it over and over instead of working on real news.

If someone is buying a game just because tiger is or isn't on it is crazy. Its like madden or most sports games that have been the same with minor changes half the people dont use. tiger 9 is just as fun as 10 and the exact same besides some online things.

14 years ago

anybody that follows Tiger Woods already knew that his golfing career was on the decline long before the scandals……

14 years ago

His golfing career is only on decline because of how much of a high point it was at. It's FAR from over. He's still making final weekend cuts despite injuries. It might be a while before he wins with the same regularity he used to, but that hardly means he's a bad golfer now.

Whether you like it or not, he's still one of the best golfers.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/20/2010 11:52:35 AM

14 years ago

T23 with -3 ,the winner finish with -16 ,he's going to loose half of billion dollars.
He's thinking on blondes baby hahaha doent care anymore abouyt the sport or the money he just wanna get some white chicks tha's all he cares about lol.

14 years ago

That's still good enough to walk away with $64,512.

Not a bad 1 week salary… and that's relatively poor for Tiger!

And the winner got 1.3 million. Where are you getting the half a billion?

Best this year so far is a tie for 4th (which he did twice and is still REALLY good… both worth over 300k… and any idea how hard it is to win?) And his earnings for 2010 SO far $789,511.

And that's just on golf, nevermind the sponsorships!

P.s. I still don't get where that half a billion your getting comes from. His CAREER earnings is 106 million.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/20/2010 2:54:56 PM

14 years ago

@Scarecrow… LeBron!!! Already doing it. Anyways, Tiger Woods PGA Tour is awesome. I've always had a soft spot for it. It was all i played when i was laid up in the hospital doing my bone marrow transplant. Seeing as how i couldn't leave my room for 2 months it really helped pass the time. I was professional!!! LOL.

As far as Tiger Woods goes. He's one of the greatest golfers if not the greatest to ever hit the links. Scandal or no scandal. He's still a great golfer. And he'll have his time again. He's still relatively young. Just because he hasn't won the last 3 or 4 tournaments doesn't mean anything. If such a big thing happened to any one of us, it would take a long while to bounce back. I mean come on, he is still going through a divorce. And even worse his kids are involved. He's not perfect and I think people should leave him alone now.

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