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Sony Apparently Working On Fresh MediEvil Title

There are certain games that could never be considered blockbusters or run-away successes, but still managed to obtain a small yet 100% loyal set of fans.

MediEvil for the original PlayStation is one of these games. Debuting back in 1998 and developed by SCE Studio Cambridge, it received praise from critics and gamers who enjoyed something a little different (and a little loopy). This was followed up by a few more releases, including MediEvil II and a PSP installment in 2005, MediEvil: Resurrection . But where has it been since then? Well, maybe you won't have to wait much longer for news of a fresh iteration in the series: according to GamesThirst citing PSM3 magazine, Sony Cambridge is once again working on a brand new MediEvil title. We have no other information right now, so we'll just have to assume it's in the works for the PS3, although it could very well be a PSP or PSN effort. The developers probably realize there are a lot of old-school fans of the franchise so hopefully, they're putting some effort into this new experience. And let's not lose any of that freaky charm, shall we?

We'll definitely have to learn more about this one, if only because we know MediEvil followers will be craving more details.

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14 years ago

*MediEvil fan right here!*

Who doesn't love a zombies, ghosts, and skeletons in a medieval setting?

Ghosts N Ghouls anyone?

This is right out of the ps1's amazing laboratory. PS1 was such an experimental piece….this game truly represents that imo.

Loved the first 2 games, never got to play the psp one though. Will have to find it.

This is what I love 'bout Sony, they give games a chance regardless of it's a FPS or not.

I hope it's a full fledged ps3 game, but if it's PSN/psp I'll be ok with it. But a full ps3 game would be better. It would surely add more variety to ps3's lineup.

14 years ago

the psp version is the same as the first, if I recall correctly.

Awesome game 🙂

14 years ago

Awesome. i sold my PS1 copy years ago and regretted it until i picked it up on PSP.

Would be nice to get a new HD Daniel Fortesque. .

Would rather have a PSN version then another PSP title.

14 years ago

This is great news. I've missed Sir Fortesque.

Sir Dan
Sir Dan
14 years ago

Oh…my… God!


14 years ago

Sweet. Can't wait to throw my boomerang arm again and visit the hall of heroes…

Now that takes me back… 🙂

14 years ago

I really hope it turns out to be a new PS3 title and not just another PSP remake. Although I wouldn't mind a PS3 remake…

14 years ago

I'll find Ressurection for the PsP, when I first got my PsOne, it was the for year in the Ps2 gaming era. So the only version was the demo which came with the PsOne. I'll get into it again with this installment, I hope.

14 years ago

When I got this game the first time, I think I was too young to even understand how to really play, I think I played it again recently (last year at least) and it was relatively easy to understand and I missed the nostalgia, certainly wouldn't mind a ps3 version =)

14 years ago

Would be tragic if a fresh chapter of Medevil wasn't to be made. I wouldn't mind a remake of Medevil 2 because my disc isn't the best it once was.

This is what Sony must do along with Colony Wars and G-police maybe in a similar way to WipEout HD which was basically a remake or fusion of Pure and Pulse.

…and that is why I will always prefer Playstation.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Wow this game brings back the memories… and the Hall of Heroes (like shaydey said) woooooooo.

My neighbour -who is a fan, and his 360 will be missing out.

14 years ago

I've never played any of them, but from the comments sounds like it was pretty popular. If I had my choice for the new 1 it would definitely be a full HD ps3 release.

Isn't the first 1 on psn now? Is it worth the price of admission?

14 years ago

Yes and Yes!

Don't eat at McDonalds this week and get the game for $5.99

14 years ago

Eeeeeew McDonalds, I only put tasty things in my belly.

14 years ago

Gallowmere needs again you Sir Dan!!

Ya gotta admit…for being a one-eyed, dead, jaw-missing, mumbling-skeleton-knight guy, the man can still manage to kick some serious demon-booty!!

Maybe they can bring back Zarok,too? THAT is an evil wizard with STYLE!

14 years ago

huh, i was the one who told Ernice that.
anyway, im not putting much credibility into this because PSM3 have said many things that have not come true.
they said LA Noire was not going multiplatform, when it did.
in the latest issue, besides this they say DMC5 is in production and Final Fantasy versus XIII is going multiplatform.
i dunno, they also said naughty dog are working on a new crash bandicoot remake.
i cant help but think there just publishing it to stir the pot and get people to buy their mag.
i hope its true, i loved the medieval games, but i seriously doubt it.

14 years ago

I loved the one on PSP… I'll check it out.