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Sony: “Gaming Is The Heart And Soul Of The Company”

Video games began long before PlayStation arrived but perhaps it can be argued that, depending on how you view the advancement of the industry, Sony is responsible for "legitimizing" gaming as a form of entertainment.

What began with the original PlayStation over 15 years ago has blossomed into an interactive revolution, culminating in what we have now; the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, and PlayStation Network. And you know, Sony joined the gaming world at just about the time gaming was starting to make mainstream strides, and with the innovation and artistry often unique to the PlayStation brand, the industry has really benefited over the years. In some ways, we should be thankful to Sony, or so the senior director of the PSN at SCEA, Susan Panico, told Gamasutra :

"I think what’s important is that gaming is the heart and soul of the company, and it’s what we do really well. What we did as PlayStation, if you go back 15 years ago, we legitimized [gaming] as a form of entertainment. It’s not a hobby; it’s a broader form of entertainment. But what we’ve learned over the past 15 years is that we have to provide other forms of entertainment to the consumer: movies, comics, music, what have you."

By the way, you'll note she also mentions the arrival of PS1 classics on the PSN, and while Panico says it's "money on the table" for any publisher who wishes to participate, there are always "a lot of licensing issues" that prevent certain titles from becoming downlodable PS1 classics. Well, that's okay…we got all the Final Fantasy titles; who needs anything else?

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14 years ago

I'm kind of glad that someone inside Sony is aware of their role in the foundation of the modern games industry, and the role of PlayStation itself.

I'm also glad that the message from within Sony is that "gaming is the heart and soul of the company". If they recognize that inside the company, then they will continue to focus on the games, games and more games. Exactly what the industry needs. More games, less fluff.

14 years ago

That sounds like a recipe for success, hope they keep on following it.

14 years ago

Brazil > all

But yes, I agree with Highlander

14 years ago


Not after this mornings performance……

14 years ago

I'm Brazilian and just thought the picture was quite funny and the whole Pacman reference was hilarious… In times like this all you can do is laugh it off 🙂

14 years ago

Hup Holland, Hup! (wife's Dutch. I'm living in a happy household.)

But yeah… more games… less fluff. Like I said in a post a couple days ago… Xbox, and the Wii to a point (although not as much as Xbox), have changed the tune of their marketing to a mostly aesthetic direction. At this point, I think Microsoft is competing on pure name brand recognition, and not much else.

14 years ago

@ Karosso

Agreed , thats why Sony is still around. Whether Sony's competitors realize it or not they very much need Sony here.

14 years ago

I just like there's a guy on Brazil's team who's last name is Kaka. 😀

14 years ago

Kaka's one of the best players in the World.

Lol, I presume you are not interested in football / soccer?

Last edited by OPHIDIAN on 7/2/2010 7:31:54 PM

14 years ago

I like soccer, I used to play it in high school, it's just that I'm not very well informed about it, seeing as how I live in the US and it's only on TV once every four years. Silly US. The Kaka thing was a reference to Taokaka, meow. She'd probably be pretty good at soccer, if she didn't pop the ball. 😛

14 years ago

Hey Thats why PlayStation systems are always named Computer Entertainment Systems not just Game Consoles. They provide more than games, but they always remain the sole importance. I think SONY pulls off a great balancing act between extras and games.

Last edited by JMO_INDY on 7/2/2010 11:18:38 AM

14 years ago

I agree with this. It's very obvious when you look back at the console market 15 years ago to now, SONY did play a major part in shaping the industry. I read this article on another site, but the usual suspects who cannot accept anything pro-SONY went ballistic over a truth that ironically helped give them the current offerings in the industry today. If nothing else, thank you SONY for giving us awesome content.

14 years ago

Hmmm, my parents used to have the neighbors over in the early 80's, smoke a joint (of course, I didn't know that) and play Atari for hours. I don't know, that sounds like entertainment to me.

Of course, it might not have been considered "legitimate" entertainment at the time, what ever the hell that means.

14 years ago

That is AWESOME!!!! hahahaha You just better hope they weren't "playing Atari" when she was pregnant with you. LMAO

14 years ago

Nah, fortunately for me pong wasn't even invented yet…..but I'm sure they had other "extra-curricular" activites to partake in the smoke to. God only knows, lol.

14 years ago

Woo, glad to be a 90's child.

14 years ago

They smoked and played D&D just like my parents did with me. And sometimes I wonder why I want to be a Psychiatrist…

14 years ago

I wish m parents were that cool…… I have to hide my smoking

14 years ago

I think my mom had all-knowing superpowers….

she always frigging knew when even 1 single cigarette went missing.

14 years ago

There is no denying, Susan Panico, statement.
It's clear Sony moved the gaming industry forward by realizing that the original gamers grew up and wanted their games to grow with them whilst not forgetting the fun factor of gaming.
As a matter of fact this statement is proven true simply by looking at the fact that Microsoft saw what Sony was doing and wanted a piece of the pie. It's because of the moves Sony made why gaming is now viewed as a Legit form of entertainment we can speak about in public without fear of scorn and judgement.

14 years ago

I like how you stated that. Very true. I hope Sony continues to do it right even long after my time on this earth is done.

14 years ago

Only time will tell right?
I don't think any company is impervious to mistakes but they sure can bounce back from them.
The last part of your comment made me LOL!
I save all my Playstation's (box's and all) just so I can show my kids how games have progressed and what gaming was like when I grew up lol!

14 years ago

before sony i had a sega genesis and before that a nes. im my opinion games were very childish and the level of depth was not always there. but i was a kid so childish games were great and just what i needed. i didnt find final fantasy til i was in my young teens and started with vii. i found metal gear solid also and was hooked. all of a sudden i was playing games with depth, adult stories and amazing graphics for the time. i cant even remember half of what i was playing back then but i always loved it.

before sony it always felt like a lot of the same kinds of things. i did some light PC gaming but being a young kid its hard to get top of the line computer equipment. shareware doom and games handed down to me.

before sony video games were looked at as disposable and not to be brought with to a new console. it was the standard to ditch your old games and not support them in a new console.

before sony controllers changed in size, shape and button count. sony has made a controller one time and only added 2 analog sticks. correct me if i am wrong but was sony not first on that also? what about the vibration?

sony was always looking for new ways to immerse you in your game and bring you in.

now to this day i can pick up a disc i bought 15 years ago, put it in my system and still play it.

Last edited by frylock25 on 7/2/2010 11:42:36 AM

14 years ago

I started gaming with my Sega Genesis because I'm interested, but it was PS that changed that interest into a hobby.

Thank you Sony.

By the way, tears are rolling down my face………………no it ain't because of this statement, it's because Brazil has been knocked out of the World Cup.

14 years ago

The World Cup has been absolutely absurd this year, they picked the World's Shittiest Youth League Officials.

14 years ago

We shed a tear together my friend.
I've got Germany left…I hope.

14 years ago

So am I my friend… Brazil had a easy path to the final and blew it. I will never forgive Dunga for not bringing Ronaldinho and Adriano, what a moron 🙁
@INDY: You said it all, this is the WC of the stupid Vuvuzelas and dumb referees…

Last edited by Karosso on 7/2/2010 11:57:13 AM

14 years ago

The US has had 2 blown calls, both of which would have brought victories, and the Ghana players professional actors, you want to talk about text book diving…There you go.

14 years ago

I agree 100%. I couldn't believe my eyes. With Ronaldinho there, the outcome would have been very different.

14 years ago

Going for Germany now, Loving the way they are playing. Go Germany!

Back on topic, gaming on a Sony console was the foundation for this monster of a industry we have right now, they built it strong and are redefining it with 3D and great exclusive games and the ever expanding PSN. Keep it up Sony! I like where you've been leading the industry this past 15 years.

14 years ago

It's also crap because South Africa acts as if it's part of the mainland, it is NOT!

Africa and South Africa DO NOT belong together

Just like North America and South America are separated.

They want to call their country South Africa and STILL want to act as if they're part of the mainland?

To hell with South Africa

Hope next time they host it in a real African country*

14 years ago

Someone needs to watch Invictus 😉 I also bet you believe East and West Germany should still be separated right Scarecrow?

Last edited by JMO_INDY on 7/2/2010 3:00:07 PM

14 years ago

Underdog15 <– former referee and former university soccer player.

With a couple exceptions, specifically to the US team, the refereeing has been stellar. And more critics will say the same thing (although you always get points of view from both sides). Most people do not even properly understand the rules of what constitutes a foul, and even moreso, what constitutes a red or yellow card.

Canadians think it should be reffed like hockey, americans think it should be reffed like basketball, and they're both wrong. (I'm Canadian, btw)

That Nederlands vs. Brazil game was excellently officiated. I once officiated a master's international tournament in Halifax, and I really wish we had those headsets the fifa refs get to communicate with… lol. The assistants were excellent today, and the middle ref did a supurb job of staying with the play. The only outright dive I saw was committed by a Brazilian player, and advantage was played on for a goal kick.

P.s. just because no one got a free kick, doesn't mean the ref didn't consider it a foul. You must consider advantage. Also, what a save on Kaka!

14 years ago

The disallowed goal in the England Germany match was a disgrace. In Soccer with the low scoring nature of the game, a disallowed goal can kill a team. It did – not that England looked good this year or anything, but…

Scarecrow, you might want to break out an atlas. South Africa covers the entire southern tip of the African continent, it's a *huge* country. Not to mention since the end of apartheid and the Mandela presidency, South Africa has become part of the family of African nations. That's not to say that everything in South Africa is all coming up roses, it's not, but tell me a country where it is.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 7/2/2010 3:55:15 PM

The Stig
The Stig
14 years ago

Like underdog said, the referees have been really good at this world cup. But when they have made mistakes they've been pretty bad, (the england no goal, hee hee) but they are only human afterall.

14 years ago

I believe Sony because over these years, regardless of the technological advances in other forms of media, Sony has managed to include those forms of media and also focus on gaming. Just look at the ps3. There are thousands of content ranging from movies to comics on the PS store; but yet there are a myriad of exclusive games on the console. The console was designed to support all of these mediums, just like the ps1 and ps2 were designed to support the mediums of their time.

14 years ago

Well, I've played video games at home since the days of consoles that only had variations of pong and only in black/white too.

I started with a Binatone Pong type game system, then I had an Atari 2600 VCS, then I took a left turn into Home computers with a Sinclair ZX 81 followed by an Acorn BBC Micro, then an Acorn Archimedes (Acorn was a British company that made home computers back in the golden age of 8-bit home computing. The Archimedes was a 32-bit RISC system that used a CPU design of their own, now known as the ARM – Acorn RISC Machine – and used in virtually limitless mobile devices, including the DS!). After the Archimedes, I moved up to PCs. When the original PlayStation arrived, I got one. My friends thought I was nuts and went with the ill-fated N64. Then it was PS2, PSP and PS3.

When Sony says that gaming changed with the PlayStation, they are not really overstating things that much. I mean it is true to say that games and game consoles existed before the PlayStation did. But on the other hand to get anything more than arcade style games you had to invest in a PC. At the time a decent PC was well in excess of $1500, and in today's money (after inflation) that would be nearer $3000. So the PlayStation was a game changer because the inclusion of the CD-ROM enabled a far deeper and richer game to be built on the video game console. Now games could include video cutscenes, lots of audio. Games could be bigger than before and use far more sophisticated graphics. Before the PlayStation the only place you could go for games with any real depth or production quality was the PC. The PlayStation opened the industry up to a new wave of developers who's imaginations were not limited to new variants of Mario or Donkey Kong.

Things have gone from strength to strength since then. I find it interesting that Sony's insistence on the inclusion of the CD-ROM drive on that original PlayStation was one of the key decisions in the development of the modern console. Of course their base hardware design was a good one as well with a MIPS processor and real 3D graphics.

The original PS brought technology only found in PCs to the game console world, and we haven't looked back since.

14 years ago

I can still remember the moment I turned on the PS1 in my living room. When I popped in Ace Combat and Battle Arena Toshiden 🙂
I new that was going to be a wild ride.
That was the console that started the true revolution in the industry, just too many good gaming memories to count…

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I started with the Atari 2600 VCS, too. Wood grain on it. Then, I got the first Macintosh but was still using the 2600 until it died. Next, was the NES. I wish I still had all of those games. I had over 400 for the Atari and over 200 for the NES.

14 years ago

well u know my gaming life i think i am 4 generations old.

earlydays Nintendo. Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64 then it was Ps2 frist. Then X-box after that it was the Xbox 360 (x3 systems. On my 3rd system now) and last but least Ps3 (x2, on my 2nd Ps3 since my 80gb YLOD on me)

14 years ago

I think you meant to say last but NOT least pal 😉

14 years ago

This all really applies to both Sony and Nintendo. Without Nintendo breathing down their neck they wouldn't have created so many great ps1 masterpieces.

But I agree Sony's consoles are the ones that have always allowed the gaming industry to grow and be as creative as they want.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 7/2/2010 1:22:54 PM

14 years ago

I want Army Man 3D0 as a ps one download.

14 years ago

God. 3D0 … that brings back memories.

14 years ago

I wish Sony would come with the PSPGO phone already. That is the only reason I haven't copped a PSP yet. The PS3 in my opinion, is in a true class by itself already. They just cant make any more mistakes like a phoneless handheld gaming device. The only reason MS has sold more consoles is because they came out a year earlier and built momentum. The only reason the Wii sells so much is because parents believe its kid friendly and a fighter against child obesity. The first playstation pretty much took the gaming world to a new level.

Last edited by amzngskillz on 7/2/2010 1:41:56 PM

14 years ago

I was thinking about that same thing. If Sony jumped into the mobile industy with their PSP i'd be like "sign me up".

14 years ago

Well if you want 3DO titles. I want some Sega CD ones. Snatchers is my all time fav. The battle when a Snatcher has the main characters secretary/friend was the best moment.

14 years ago

When I first heard Sony coming out with a game system when I was a kid, my parents made me choose between the nintendo 64 or PS. I chose the PS cause it had different game selection than the 64. It was cool that I knew someone that had the 64 so I can compare them, no doubt the 64 had better graphics but the PS sold more units back then. And I think Sega came out with there Saturn later on to compete with both.

14 years ago

Born in 79 and being an 80's child, I started with Collicovision (sp?), then the Atari 2600, Atari 7000 something, NES, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Sega 32X, Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, X-box, PS3, and lastly PSP 2000.
I too have too many gaming memories to discuss, but I know for a fact that I have played well over 400 games in my lifetime. Also, since my x-box is modded and has darn near all the original NES games, some SNES games, most all genesis games, plus MAMEOX for arcade games, I can relive some of those classic memories if I so choose. However since disc based games have been around and have been excellent (PS3 exclusives) lately I haven't had the desire or time for that matter.
Too bad I don't know anybody that shares the same gaming passion/addiction that I do. No one wants to just come over and have a marathon gaming session anymore. I need a gamer friend. :,(

Last edited by ColTater on 7/2/2010 2:21:32 PM

14 years ago

early 80's kid LOL I remember playing frogger on the atari but i loved ps1 the first time I played tony hawk I was right into it LOL, but I also love my dreamcast Crazy taxi and soul calibur 🙂 I also had a Nintendo love Super mario 3 fav out of all of them but I think what really got me into gaming was my PS2 kingdom hearts haven't stopped since.

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